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It’s SNEAKY PEEKY day 3 and a chance to WIN!


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Lucy Woods says:

I love polaroid photos! These stamps are wicked!

Timestamp: 2017-12-03 21:46:00 UTC

**PLEASE EMAIL  with the subject line: I AM THE DAY 3 WINNER**





Hiya sistahs, welcome to day 3 of our sneak peeks!  I do hope you’re enjoying our time togethah!  I know I am!

Today we have another unique concept to introduce to you!  I have always been a fan of photobooth pictures.. whether they are vintage ones (which I collect for my mixed media ventures).. or current ones.. we have quite a few our family has done over the years at parties.  Our friends had a whole photobooth set up with props etc and we had SUCH a blast!  I also have VIVID memories of going to the mall with my grandmother and taking photobooth pictures together… this is going back to the 70’s.  I remember sitting there.. anxious for the flash to go off.. not knowing when to pose properly.. always having at least one picture of the strip go badly LOL.

In this release,   I wanted to represent, capture and encapsulate this feeling in our stamps.. cuz you know.. all our stamps are a little piece of me and my life!

First, I HAVE to share a couple of my favorite vintage photobooth photos I have found on my journeys LOL.. Every time I see it, I laugh.. LOL.  Seriously.. her parents couldn’t see she wasn’t in the frame? .. I LOVE THIS PICTURE!! LOL.. it probably doesn’t even make sense why but I really do.

I also love this FACE.. full of WONDER and SURPRISE and HAPPINESS… I have put him in my journals before 🙂

Now you see why I love photobooth pictures so much 🙂

So without further ADO.. Please meet our new collection: SNAPSHOTS!


How true is the sentiment?  VERY.

Here’s Shelabella’s GORGEOUS card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS I HAVE A SECRET, card made by Michele Boyer


and the sentiment?  SO true and SO perfect

Here’s Shelabella’s card using our new Snapshots I HEART YOU.. do you see a new element on this card? You will ‘meet’  it soon enough! RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS I HEART YOU, card made by Michele Boyer

Here’s Christineabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS I HEART YOU, card made by Christine Levison

and Sandiebella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS I HEART YOU, card made by Sandie Dunne



Here’s Ingebella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS LEAN ON ME, card made by Inge Groot

and the inside RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS LEAN ON ME, card made by Inge Groot

and Jennybella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS LEAN ON ME, card made by Jenny Bordeaux

and Sandiebella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: SNAPSHOTS LEAN ON ME, card made by Sandie Dunne


Here’s Paulabella’s card.. this is my FAVORITE SENTIMENT EVER LOL.

Next we have the Snapshots POLAROID!   so you can make your own SNAPSHOTS!  I know I know.. I SO SMART. RUBBER STAMP: POLAROID

and here is the CUT IT OUT die CUT IT OUT DIE: POLAROID

perfect for creating your own “vignettes”!

Next we are introducing our brand new characters… many more of them to come 🙂

Meet our new GNOMES!!  Our family was in Maine last summer and we came across a little shop and in the little shop there were these TEENY TINY gnomes.. and Jayden and I almost FAINTED because of the cuteness.. so we bought one mini tiny one for each of us..

this little gnomy is sitting on Jayden’s miniatures shelf 🙂

Seriously, have you ever?

So of course I sent him to Chrystal to see what would inspire her with him and BOY OH BOY she did NOT disappoint 🙂  I’m seriously IN LOVE.


And the Gnomette?  SIGH..  They were TOO CUTE not to make in 2 sizes.. for your planners, envelope decorating etc..  I LOVE THEM!  and we have a whole collection coming.

They have their own coordinating “CUT IT OUT” die "CUT IT OUT" DIES : LOVEY GNOMES

Copic Colouring Video:

Watch Elaineabella colour this adorable duo in the video below or in HD over on YouTube!

here’s AliceWERTZabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Alice Wertz

and Jennybella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Jenny Bordeaux

and JennyDIXabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Jenny Dix

and the inside 🙂  another place you can put the little version 🙂 RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Jenny Dix

and Paulabella’s card 🙂 RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Paula Williamson

Here’s Sandiebella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED: LOVEY GNOMES, card made by Sandie Dunne


Now meed SMOOCHIE gnomes.. perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, valentines day… sigh.

again could not resist the mini version.. look at the lips and the bum bums LOL RUBBER STAMP: SMOOCHIE GNOMES

they also have their own coordinating “CUT IT OUT” dies "CUT IT OUT" DIE: SMOOCHIE GNOMES

here’s Shelabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED:SMOOCHIE GNOMES, card made by Michele Boyer

and Christineabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED:SMOOCHIE GNOMES, card made by Christine Levison

and Paulabella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED:SMOOCHIE GNOMES, card made by Paula Williamson

and Sandiebella’s card RUBBER STAMP USED:SMOOCHIE GNOMES, card made by SANDIE DUNNE

Have you ever?  I mean SERIOUSLY.  TO DIE FOR!

That’s it for our sneak peek today!  I hope you fell in love with these new images and you enjoy my little stories.  Stamping Bella is a company that focuses on friendships.. on family.. and on love :)… That’s what we are alllll about.

Love to my sistahs


Leave a comment at the TOP of this post for a chance to win a 25$ gift certificate to our store

all winners will be announced on Sunday December 3rd 2017 at approx 9pm EST.  Release is scheduled for MONDAY December 4th!


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  1. WOW! Today’s sneak peek is fantastic! The photobooths are great, so
    are the sentiments. And the gnomes are just so cute and adorable!

  2. OMGosh! I NEED the Snapshots…….all.of.them! Love them! They would be perfect to make cards for a couple girlfriends I have going through some very tough things right now!
    And the Gnomes <3…. uh boy!
    Better try to get on Santa's nice list!!

  3. Ohhh my days ! i definitely want the snap chat ones love the Gnomebody loves you heheeh so cute
    Stamping Bella is Awesome bella ! ^_^ can’t wait for these to arrive here

  4. Oh my gosh!!!!!! I love them ALL!!! But those gnomes stole my heart!!!!!! I am praying that there are more being released!!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh for pity’s sake… how’s a girl supposed to save any money around here! I love, love, love these photo booth stamps and the die… brilliant! And the gnomes… they got me too!

  6. Love them all! I have a love/hate relationship
    With reveal week. I love all your stamps…but I hate the emptiness my wallet feels! 🙂

  7. Oh. my. goodness! And there’s lots of goodness in this sneaky peek! I see a birthday card for my sister with these gnomes.

  8. Oh my gosh the gnomes are a must have. I was just looking at pictures of garden gnomes and thinking I wish I could find a stamp. I can’t believe it. And the bellas are always a favorite!

  9. Oh. My. Heavens. You have done it again! I LOVE the Photo Booth stamps… seriously. Such perfect “friend” stamps. But then the Gnomes… oh my. They are ridiculous. I must have them. It looks like I need to put in a December Stamping Bella order!!! Saving my pennies now!

  10. Best release in ages!!! Loved day 1 and day 2, but day 3 is tops!!! I LOVE the photo booth images and the CUT IT OUT die is fabulous!!!

  11. These are to die for! LOVE the gnomes! I saw “Gnomeo and Juliet” with my youngest kiddo and fell in love with little gnomies! Def buying these babies!

  12. Omgosh. I though you peaked with the zodiac girls but as usual you don’t disappoint! I love these…… love them!!

  13. Absolutely Adorable!
    Seeing them makes me corny, ? “You’re gnome body ‘TIL somebody loves you…”??

  14. OH MY GOD !!!! THIS IS NUTS! They’re all adorable and I want them all! The gnomes, the snapshots….hmmmm Christmas gifts for everyone or a gift for ME ???? lol

  15. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!! I am going to be broke!!!!! These are just too cute for words!!! Especially love the photobooth girls…. AND the gnomes!!! SIGH!

  16. Both gnome sets are super cute! You tiny little gnome was a cute find for sure!! I also love the Acting goofy snapshot, that sentiment I tell my friend all the time lol

  17. Hi, This IS my FAVORITE release EVER !!! I am into cameras big time, collect them, love my old fashioned polaroid’s I have, so you can see why I am in love with this collection ( and the zodiac) you knocked it out of the park on this one, so adorable. I also love that paper Jennybella used on her background card with the cameras on it. The girls did some amazing cards as always, such talent!! Can I guess what the new element is? Is it some really cool Washi tape? I also have another question for ya sistah, have you ever considered doing planners or have you done planners ? You guys would make some kick a– planners with your girls on the monthly pages then on the weekly the other little critters like squidgy( love her) or all the many adorable people, bunnies, chicks, etc. lol you have in your adorable Stampingbella land or talented minds. Planners are so hot right now, and I don’t know about you but I can’t sneeze without checking my planner to make sure it’s o.k. I couldn’t live without my planner and all the accessories I have to buy every end of year to get ready for the new year ahead. Anyways, looking forward to the 4th.

  18. Love the gnomes! Already planning cards in my head. The photo booth stamps are awesome?. I plan on sending a card to my bestie and sisters. Thanks for the sneak peeks.

  19. THAT is it!! I have to ban Stampinbella from my phone!! I LOVE these Polaroid and gnomes. I already had a wishlist … a long wish list. and you have made me consider stalking Paulabella!!! Seriously the glitter.. on the petals… oh my gosh!!! If you don’t do a video and tag me very soon- we’ll I will be DISSAPPOINTED!!
    I have to get to work so I can make some money to feed my NEED for your stamps and dies… AND THAT GLITTER that Paulabella is teasing me with!!!
    LOVE your stamps and these new ones do not disappoint! Awesome!!

  20. I have had my best friend since we were three, and we are now way much older. We have been through so much. I would love to get some of these to make cards and scrapbook with. Some of them totally made me tear up, especially when the girls were blond and brunette. I really do love them.

  21. So stinking cute!!! I’m already getting my shopping list started.. can’t wait to get those adorable little gnomes

  22. Seriously? The BEST sentiments EVER with those adorable Polaroids, and the gnomes with their hats making a heart are too, too sweet!!! Totally loving this release…!

  23. Omg I love the gnomes they are gnomtastic..also the uptown girls are awesome as well making my list..and I am not letting Hubby check it twice!!!

  24. Very cute! Although I have a minor suggestion. Sometimes a gals best friend is a guy! That’s my case. My best friend is male & weve beeb the best of buds going on 20 years. Just a thought for future ideas.

  25. I saved the date in my calendar on my phone……this just got real……I’m definitely buying these stamps. I wish yall had a monthly box seriously. I definitely would be the 1st one to sign up.

  26. O.M.G. loving the snapshots. Perfect for those friends of mine that live on the other side of the country. I already can think of two people that need a card with these ladies on them

  27. Ohhhh these are just gorgeous! I love them all. The design team have done an amazing job on their projects ?

  28. Ohhh i LOVE these! The gnomes are fantastic, but the lean on me is def my fave , it will be perfect for my Sister’s Birthday card ?

  29. The snapshot girls are going to be my new favourite. So far they have the top spot on my wish list. But that may change once I see the rest of the release.

  30. Seriously…this whole sneak peek is too much! The gnomes are adorable and I love the way Paulabella did hers in lighter muted colors! But…the snapshots are my favorites…the sayings couldn’t be any more perfect and I can see the polaroid frame used with ALL my Bella stamps! A little masking and anyone can have their picture taken…esp. those pesky chicks!!!!!

  31. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Gnomes. I am going to be a grandmother for the first time and have the cutest idea for a framed picture for the babies room. LOVE IT!

  32. Cute and fun! When my husband I were dating we took our photos in a photo booth at an amusement park–I will have to look for it.

  33. Fabulous cards and phenomenal release! I totally need that Lean on Me stamp for my friend. The gnomes are gnomadorable!

  34. I love photo booths but I haven’t been in one in ages. I probably have some photos from one somewhere. I loved your photos! Thanks for sharing them.
    Those friendship stamps are really great and I wish I had a friend to use them with. My last friend and I aren’t friends anymore. It was her choice. I saw her recently and told her about my dad passing away this past March. She was so sad because she said she didn’t know, she didn’t read it in the paper or anything. I have on-line friends but none I could send a card like the friendship stamps you created and it makes me sad. I might buy one in case I start selling cards again. People like to buy cards like that.
    Your gnomes are so adorable! I love them! Now that I have seen them I have the Gnome Mobile song from the movie in my head! Thanks a lot! LOL I could so use them at some time or another.
    Thanks for showing us all the great new stamps. I love the coloring you did and I love everything! I can’t wait to win something!

    1. I forgot to mention that I had a Polaroid camera. A Spectra which was the top of the line one. I even bought 5 filters for it for 50 cents! They were so totally marked wrong but this was before UPCs so it said 50 cents, they charged me 50 cents. I miss my camera. I would love this Polaroid frame but I don’t have a die cutter so it’s out. It is very cool though! All the cards that were created are amazing! Love them all!

  35. Love the gnomes so cute, look forward to the next release roll on 4 th December so we can order prior to Christmas.

  36. Those gnomes are too cute. However I just love those snapshots. The sentiments are so beautiful and appropriate for so many occasions.

  37. I’m in love. The snapshots are perfect! My money saving plan could only fail. But i’m not ashamed…..with these little cards you will put a smile at many faces. Who cares about money (printed paper). I only love stamped paper 😉

  38. My love of gnomes started in high school (many many moons ago) and these are just awesome. So fun to see your release.

  39. This is one of my favorite releases! I love the snapshots and have tried making them with other SB stamps before. The gnomes are so adorable and a new favorite!

  40. I love the snapshot series. The Lean On Me is perfect for a friend who has been going through trial lately!

  41. Here I thought I was done shopping for stamps for this year. Between the Zodiac and snapshot uptown girls I can’t stand it, I love them all!!!

  42. A huge percentage of my cards are friendship cards and these snapshots and their fab sentiments are on my MUST HAVEs list!

  43. Funny… I have been looking for a stamp of these cute gnomes for a
    couple of years. I am so glad you came up with these cuties!

  44. Hilarious! Do you know my family? Coz all these sentiments and characters fit us to a T! Love y’all’s coloring and card designs as well! Thank you for sharing!!!

  45. Oh I am in LOVE with the awesome polaroids but those gnomes just make me SMILE!! Adorable!! And the samples are STUNNING!!

  46. Oh boy ! Such an amazing bunch of products ! This snapshot collection is so clever and the gnomes are definitely the cutest !!

  47. Oh the snapshots are very beautiful. I love the little knomes. My BFF and I love using them in scenery cards with trees and mushrooms.

  48. These sneak peeks were so much fun to watch. The sentiments are just perfect for friendship and the gnomes are too cute.

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