Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s sneak peek day 6! WOO HOOO almost there sistahs- AND OF COURSE a chance to WIN!


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Timestamp: 2017-01-16 04:22:26 UTC





Today we have a treat.  This is not a usual Bella style but it is a very special style designed by an extremely special artist.  I have been an admirer of Danielle Donaldson’s work for about 3-4 years now.. Have been stalking her LOL (I know that shocks you) for us to work together.  She was tied up in certain commitments and once those were over .. I WAS ALL OVER HER and wouldn’t take no for an answer!  Danielle is one of the most brilliant water colorists around.  Her style is ethereal.. dreamy.. I just can’t explain it.  And her sense of humor?  OVER THE TOP.  You will love her.   I have taken every one of Danielle’s classes at Jeanne Oliver’s site .  Danielle is a wonderful teacher.. and her collage style and just her whole vibe is so awesome and cool. Trust da BELLA.

Here is a little bio on Danielle.. isn’t she adorable?

Danielle Donaldson Watercolor artist-NEW RUBBER STAMP LINE with STAMPING BELLA

Artist Danielle Donaldson has walked a creative path for as long as she can remember. Her love of art began, as most young souls do, with a big box of crayons and a stack of coloring books. Over time, she focused her artistic efforts in watercolor and graphite drawing techniques and eventually received her degree in Graphic Design. Her love of fine art paired with her skills as a graphic designer have provided her with a an uncommon pairing of intuition and practicality. Her use of big color palettes and delicately drawn details allow her to spin the ordinary into imaginative and balanced compositions. She continues to grow as an artist by fully embracing the creative process in all she does and with each story she tells. She thoroughly enjoys sharing her process and imagination through online classes, in-person workshops, social media and in her book, creativeGIRL: Mixed Media Techniques for an artful life.

I am so so proud to have her with us!

I am stamping all of her stamps all over my planner.. depending on my moods..  on cards.. frames for gifts.. her words and her images are so dreamy.  We have 10 in total.. and I can tell you we will be working a lot with them.    Danielle even promised an online class on how she plays with them!  WOOHOO.

Danielle’s first line with stamping bella are her SUPERHERO girls.. While they may not look like superheroes, you would be surprised at the powers they wield.  Like REALLY surprised.

In every package of Danielle’s stamps there is a little story describing the exact powers that each of these girls have.  Each of these have their own story.. LIKE WE DO.  Funny how our lives can parallel a line of stamps 🙂  I told you .. I feel like my stamps are HUMAN.. and clearly so does Danielle :)..

I will show you one example of the little “note” that is included in the package.. the rest will be a cute little surprise that you can take and put in your planners to remind yourselves that you too can have these special powers.  Ready?  Here we go!

You will notice that ALL these images have been colored in by Danielle Donaldson herself 🙂

Danielle’s vision was to have a larger image.. a smaller one facing her and 2 sentiments.. both depicting a superpower and mood.   Just like the stamps do. LOVE!



meet almostella

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA

and here’s the little treat you will find in your package describing her powers :)… I like to call them “POWERCARDS”

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella- POWERCARD

Isn’t Danielle brilliant and hilarious like we all are?  me thinks yes!

Now let’s see Sandiebella’s sample using  almostella.. A frame!  Honestly if I had this on my desk, I would stare at it all day and it would inspire me and just make me happy.. HINT HINT SANDIE!  Copics, watercolors, paint.. whatever your preference, I think these stamps are awesome to try different techniques!

these girls are odd.. are whimsical.. I think they are at the same level of how I feel about unicorns LOL..  Magical!

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA frame by SANDIE DUNNE

Elaineabella has been busy coloring!  Here’s Elaineabella’s AlmostELLA

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA colored by ELAINE Hughes

we have justmaisie

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- justmaisie


and Elaineabella’s justmaisie

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-justmaisie colored by ELAINE Hughes


and everanne

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA-everanne

and Elaineabella’s everanne

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-everanne colored by ELAINE Hughes


Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- mostlynaomi

Here’s Paulabella’s card using Mostlynaomi

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- mostlynaomi card by Paula Williamson

and Elaineabella’s copic mostlynaomi

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-mostlynaomi colored by ELAINE Hughes


and onlygretchen

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA-onlygretchen

and here’s Elaineabella’s amazing coloring of onlygretchen

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-onlygretchen colored by ELAINE Hughes




OK that’s the end of today’s sneaky peeky!  We will see you tomorrow with more from Danielle!!

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  1. Wow, really different and quirky! I think that’s me with the very long hair LOL. LOVE the colouring today too!

  2. I’m drawn to these images. Cant wait until tomorrow to see more of Danielle’s creations. Elaine, AWESOME work with the copic markers. Very impressed with your talent for creative ways to really set off images with colour. Thanks for your wonderful inspiration.

  3. Wow!!! I’m loving Danielle’s fabulous artwork.. so quirky! And those power cards.. what a wondeful idea! I agree about all the characters on our stamps being human… and know they have a party in my craft room at night.. as I have the clearing up to do in the morning!! Lol! (Of course it’s not MY mess!)

    Christine x

  4. OMG! this is so awesome! i can’t wait until the 17th. I’ve been looking for some different style of stamp and unusual style stamps. this just make my month~ and i love watercolor, too. Thank you for Stalking her for 3-4 years. it worth it! <3 <3

  5. Wow! Amazing! I think these stamps are perfect for the young girls today to see that you don’t need powers or a cape to be a superhero. All girls can be superheroes for many reason. And the coloring on these projects are incredible!! Some of the best I’ve ever seen.

  6. These are very unique stamps. My daughter’s best friend has a little girl and every Friday, since her birth, she has posted “Super Power Alex” pictures on FB. They were living in a different state and this was a way for everyone to see her grow. It was always adorable and exciting to see what Super Power Girl she would be each week. These stamps remind me of her. She is starting to look like “mostlynaomi” with her long hair.great job coloring.

  7. I just have no words. I love Danielle and to have my own little set of “Danielles” would be too much to take! Great great job at the stalking and getting her!

  8. Definitely different. Would take time to color and think about them like the cards and story with them think that would make us all think

  9. Congrats on successful stalking and the uumm kidnapping er I mean acquisition of Danielle to the Bella Sistah-hood! Love this fresh new take and direction, cannot wait to see more..

  10. Beautiful coloring as always Elaine – especially on mostly Naomi – I love the shading on her hair. Great job!!

  11. Oh, my, I am in L-O-V-E, Elaine! THANK you for bringing Danielle into my life in this way. My mind is spinning, with all the possibilities……..

  12. Amazing and so different from anything else on the market these days. Good job snagging such a talented artist.

  13. Very different. I’m anxious to see what amazing things the DT are able to make with these newbies. Love the sentiments, too.?

  14. These stamps are so different and I am drawn to them because they are so quirky, whimsical. I love the soft colors also. Count me in on these.. I now have to take out a second mortgage to cover all of these.. sob, sob.

  15. These girls are such a great collections. Is it possible to be whimsical & stylish at the same time? Absolutely with this collection. Love the POWER CARDS!

  16. Love the new stamps and the new designer. Now if only she made a dancing girl, ballerina girl, I’d buy her for my niece who dances with the Orlando Ballet. Anyway, my fave is justmaisie because of her hat. I think I have one kind of like it and it’s from the 60’s. I’ve got to give her the wow those are different ‘stamp’ (see my pun there? LOL) of approval. I love all the really great coloring and I see yellow used. I really like how each girl has a super power too. Even if there is no girl who dances, I can see me getting one for my niece if she had the right super power.
    One question. Since we all seem to stamp and color, have you ever or would you ever, design a stamp with the Tiny’s or chicks or some other animal that stamps and colors? Just a thought because I’d certainly buy that one. Like for instance since the chicks are always in trouble of some sort, one could be tie dyed because they got played with the paint or one chick could paint the other with polka dots and be trying to stamp that polka dotted chick on card stock. I’m getting inspiration here. Or, one chick could be trying to stamp the other chick with a Tiny stamp. Do you see where I’m going here? I’m having one of those moments. I can’t draw very well or I would show you what I mean.
    Love the coloring and love the new stamps. Can’t wait to see more!

  17. I have been waiting to see these and I am absolutely in love with these all of them are on my list..Cannot wait to watercolour these beauties up!!! Love them!!! Great release

  18. These certainly are unique, and quite different from anything already out there in stamping-land! The DT’s soft coloring works perfectly with them!

  19. Oh how evil of you!!! I absolutely adore Danielle’s art. I’ve taken every one of her online classes. These are soooooooo adorable. I’m going to have to get every single one!!! Congrats to Danielle.

  20. Well these certainly got my attention! I have collected stamps for years so it takes something unique to do that. I don’t usually do whimsy but I love this style. I will switch from collecting gorgess girls to these! When can we start putting in an order and is there a bulk deal for all of them?

  21. Wow!!! What a cute line!!! Love the paper colors and those girls are really dear!! I’d love to be a winner!

  22. How exciting! I love Danielle’s watercolor classes, and will definitely need to have some of her new rubberstamps! Yippee!

  23. Love mostly Naomi.
    I’m letting my hair grow so I
    guess I identify with the hair.
    Wonderful designs. The
    coloring was fantastic.
    thanks for sharing.

  24. I’m in aww, this is such a new and artistic way to capture the everyday woman/girl. I love the abstract lines and angles in her designs and the coloring examples you’ve shown. I love it when people push the limits and think outside the box but create something so relatable in the process.

  25. Heavens to Betsy!!! (ever wonder where these phrases came from?). Em, how on earth am I going to afford all of this goodness? I am in total love with the chicks, and the tiny townies, etc., but this new quirkiness is irresistible. I’m gonna go broke (it’s a diabolical plot)…. I can’t wait to get all of your new releases and PLAY!!!!! Loves…

  26. Congrats and welcome to Danielle! Looking forward to seeing more of her work and checking out the links you provided to her classes!

  27. At first glance I thought, no not for me but as I looked at all of them, I fell for them. Wonderful creations and addictive. Just perfect!

  28. I am new to Stampingbella and really like your designs. Danielle Donaldson’s designd are a great addition. onlygretchen is my favorite girl.

  29. Danielle’s girls are full of surprises like these new stamps are! Love this artist and will be starting a new collection! Love taking her classes and will love using these…

  30. Wow! I am beyond excited! I have been in love with Danielle’s work for a couple of years now, ….have taken all of her courses at Jeanne Oliver, as well,…. have a couple of original prints in my craft room …. i am giddy!

    And …. im pretty sure that I’ll have a hard time controlling myself when it comes to purchasing her stamps! Sooo many ideas running in my head!

  31. Wow – how different they look from watercolor to copic…soft and dreamy to shout out vibrant! These will be so fun to play with. Thanks for showing us both mediums… I love to see Elaine’s color choices…so inspiring.

  32. Oh…. and… i will definitely be “geeking out” over Elaineabellas coloring videos on this one… excitedly looking forward to Danielle’s coloring video… and ever wishing for a coloring video from Paulabella!

    Oh my heck, I am sooo excited to create!

  33. Oh my goodness!! I love Danielle’s style and am super-excited she’s part of the Bella Collection. I explored her online classes and know how I am going to spend my Spring Break!! My craft room and playing with Danielle!! Thanks Emily for a new awareness of this delightful artist. I’m so glad you “didn’t take no for an answer!” Love how the DT showed in addition to watercolors, Copics + Danielle’s drawing = FABULOUS!!

  34. Great designs! So fun to have a new artist to expand our creative minds even further! Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

  35. Fabulous! Love these images and how exciting to follow (stalk) a new to me designer, these images are captivating and I cannot wait to see more (and I love the superhero cards -what a fun touch)

  36. Welcome to Danielle! WOW! These are so whimsical and fun!
    Love seeing something totally new to us! Can’t wait to play with these little treasures!
    Judy K

  37. So unique!!! Just getting into watercolor so anxious to try some of these stamps out. Thank you for your persistence in making sure these ‘sisters’ are available to all of us!

  38. These are just what I need in my life right now…something to push me out of my rut! I have been crafting all my life and after over 25 years doing scrapbooking, cardmaking and mixed media, I feel I’m just doing the same things over and over. These gals are out of my comfort zone but I want the challenge to push me into a new direction! I’m excited!

  39. I got teary when I saw the darling women (Girls) Because aren’t we all girls at heart? You are so insightful and your art speaks for a myriad of the unexplainable things we all feel but often don’t know how to explain. THANK YOU!! I can’t wait to see each one!! Bonnie

  40. I absolutely love her whimsy and quirky ladies. I cannot wait to buy her new stamps. I better start saving my money now because I can see I will be wanting all her available items!

    Good going Stampingbella in snagging this unique artist!!!!!!

  41. Oh my! These images are awesome! So whimsical, so quirky, so perfect! I’m so glad you “captured” Danielle! They show each of us, no matter our looks or style are in fact “super”! Love them all! 🙂

  42. When looking at the images just with the changing of the hair or adding hat made each one look different but in actuality they’re not. l just love thes stamps.

  43. Man I hope you have a pizzillian of these in stock – can hardly wait to place my order. These are fantastic

  44. I LOVE Danielle and her work! I’ve been lucky enough to have taken two of Danielle’s “in-person” classes, and she is a talented and generous teacher.
    I’d love to win!
    Sheila in Denver.

  45. A Big well done Stampingbella for finding an artist to design such unique and ohhh so whimsical girls that show strength, character and come with inspirational wording.

  46. I have not seen images I love more than these super hero girls! So unique… there’s nothing like these beauties available in the crafty market. I cannot wait to Order. Every. One!!!! 🙂

  47. OMGoodness… I’m glad Stamping Bella “stalked” you… I love your images – so detailed and I love the texture of your designs. The coloring is beaUtiful. Thank you so much and welcome, welcome, welcome.

  48. Have taken Danielle’s watercolor class and I’m Soninke even with her beautiful colors and designs. Hope she thinks about doing stamps if her animals too!?So excited about these stamps!

  49. These images should have come with a warning!!!! My DH just rushed in the door thinking I had severed my arm I was ohhhhhing and ahhhhhhhhing so loud!!! Oh my gosh these are fabulous, you girls sure make a dream team.

  50. I love Danielle Donaldson and her girls! Would so enjoy the chance to win a gift certificate so I can buy some of her new stamps! Isn’t her watercolor just divine!? Thanks!

  51. A whole different style! I saw in one of the posts someone asked if u would think about making some stamping chicks….sounds great but I really need some scrap chicks! Thinking a chubby little chick with a scrap chick tee shirt on….mayb carrying her bag of tools….I could go on… ?

  52. I absolutely LOVE Danielle Donaldson’s designs. I’ve been a fan for a very long time. Great to see her work in another medium.

  53. Oh swoon, swoon and swoon again! What is there not to love about Danielle Donaldson and her gorgeous girls! Be still my beating and excited heart – so happy for Danielle and so very happy that we all get to treasure a piece of her art and make it our own. Oh I will be enjoying sweet creative dreams tonight.

  54. Wow!!!! Danielle is the perfect addition to the stamping bella line of artists!!! I’m in love with her debut collection and can’t wait to get them. Love love love!!!!

  55. I am thrilled that Danielle Donaldson has designed a set of 10 bellas for Stampingbella. When are they actually going to be available for me to buy? I love how your Stampingbellas have presented the samples. Wonderful job, ladies.

  56. OMG, so awesome!!! I absolutely love all of these 🙂 My sister would definitely love getting a card with one of these lovely ladies on it 🙂 The cards are wonderful.

  57. Being a huge fan of Danielle I was thrilled when I could take on line classes w her. Now I can get stamps designed by her….. Omg…. I’m beyond overjoyed. Can’t wait to use her images on my cards…

  58. Wow! Danielle’s style is so creative and interesting! I’ve never seen any stamps like these anywhere before! I love finding unique stamps that don’t look like everything else out there. I look forward to seeing more of Danielle’s artistic work!!

  59. Everanne is my fave, because she is “small but mighty!” I was a police officer “in the day” and people always say that it’s hard to believe I did that job because I’m so small! I always reply “Small but Mighty!” Congratulations, Danielle! ?

  60. love that they come with a little whimsey- and the notes I can see girlfriends giving these to other girlfriends for all kinds of reasons – or even to leave unsigned to someone who needs that extra note

  61. I’m in love with “only Gretchen”. so beautiful…. these images are so different from anyone else in my collection! I can imagine using these images on fabric art… pillows, quilts, wall hangings.

  62. Danielle’s designs are beyond amazing. Thanks for sharing her with us. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on her designs.

  63. I love Mostly Wonderful, but…..just for the name of it alone, I have to go with Almost Perfect. It’s that little bit of art – and me – that is almost, but not quite .

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