Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s RELEASE day.. WOOOHOOOOO! Gift with Purchase..WOOOHOOOOO!

Sistah’s.. can you FEEEEEEL my excitement??? If you saw me, I am behind my desk which is a DISASTER filled with paperwork (i like it that way OK???).. and I am just SHAKING in my booties.. or am I shaking my booty?  hmm either way somethin’s a shakin’.. I am SOOO EXCITED!! I LOVE this release.  I mean if I look back, every %*$()%* release, I say the SAME THING but I MEAN it this time..LOL (you know I mean it every time.. UCHHH you KNOW what I mean right???).. We have a new concept we are releasing which I LOVE…. I have been discussing it and have been inspired by Christy Croll and Ellia from Green Bean baby executed it.. this will be a BIG hit me thinks! and lots more images will be coming out in this collection.  The collection is called LITTLE PEEPS and you will understand why.

You KNOW that my company is all about the characters… I can’t help’s who I am.. I love to empathize and see things in humans and AMIMALS (per Jayden) that just make me happy.. whether it be their smile, their body, what they are doing etc.. and that is really the essence of Stamping Bella.  The little PEEPS collection focuses more on the OCCASION rather than the PERSON but of course we have to have a little “peep” in the picture.. otherwise it wouldn’t be our stamp, right?  for instance, here’s

LITTLE PEEP’s FLOWER VASE— you see that the FLOWERS (generic) are what you are looking at but then when you examine further you see the little peep..LOL

How about LITTLE PEEP’S HEART (i wanna PINCH little peep)

LITTLE PEEP’s BIRTHDAY CAKE?- can be given to ANYONE! the focus again is on the CAKE rather than the peep (but who cannot LOVE da PEEP?)

Ok so that is a PEEP “taster” LOL.. more to come next month!

Now yes, there is a BELLA.. I couldn’t resist making her up this month.. her name is ilovetoshopabella.  She’s so “FALL-ISH” and since I was FORCED-ED to make Christmas Stamps in JULY (you know who you are DEMANDING some WINTER images..LOL).. I decided to Sneak a FALL image in..LOL Hope you love her

and since I STILL FEEL like we are in SUMMER mode, I felt like releasing some SUMMAH images as well.  COULD NOT RESIST THESE LULUS WHEN CRYSTAL SENT THEM TO ME.. so retro, so vintage SO CUTE!!

meet IDA lulu

and CLARA lulu

and some TIDDLY christy INKS.. SO CUTE.. and YES, you MUST meet THEO


and THEO GIVES A PREZZIE– thooo thooo cute (said with a liTHp).. I just wanna THNuggle him.. (I have this new Lima Lima Kitty cat voice.. like the voice I use when I sing happy birthday and snuggle them.. it’s SO annoying.. just ask Ryan.. LOL.. even da KIDLETS are rolling their eyes at me although Jayden has adopted a MIGHTY ANNOOOYING sing song voice to the cats as well..LOLOL)

and here’s MAVIS wearing HOLLY


Valentina Ramos also has an amazing “I AM” stamp called the BELIEVE TREE.. OMG I LOOOVE IT!

Did anyone mention MO??? Mo Manning?  Ok.. you asked for it.. you GOT it sistahs

Young Love.. AHHHH  to grow older with someone is my DREAM.. can’t wait to share a park bench with Ryan….IN PARIS!! LOL

I think this is my FAVORITEST stamp EVAH.. I mean MO really captured ME *ahem* I mean Jayden LOL when she wants something done ASAP.. when I saw BOSSY, I KNEW I was in love…I mean look at that PUDGY pointy finger!!

then you have WHO ME? by Mo.. he looks TERRIBLY guilty.. I think he walked through the house without taking off his shoesies.. 🙁

It’s so FUNNY and SO TRUE.. you spoil your children like crazy toys and toys and toys and all they love really is the BOX! LOL.  Now meet “I EVEN LOVE THE BOX” by Mo.. so cute 🙂

and take a look at this ICE CREAM CONE.. when kids eat an ice cream cone, there ARE no calories, right? LOL.  Here’s LACIE

and finally.. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.. she looks so wistful and I need to know what is in that bag! LOL


Now wanna know what the gift with Purchase is???


It’s REHEALLY good..

here goes…

orders valued at

$1.00-$49.99- you receive 2 FREE bags of bella’s embellishments (surprise bags) valued at $10

$50.00-$99.99- you receive 2 FREE bags of Bella’s Embellishments (surprise bags) AND a FREE mixed grab bag of RUBBAH valued at $50++ (bags are assorted images that have not been released, retired images and sentiments.. Great way to add to your collection!!)

$100+- you receive 2 FREE bags of Bella’s EMBELLISHMENTS (surprise bags- see above) and a FREE mixed grab bag of RUBBAH (see above) AND a $10 bella gift vouchah back in your account as a prezzie from me 🙂

I hope you enjoy this release as much as I do

don’t forget bellarific Friday _CHRISTMAS IN JULY this week.. how a propos!

Don’t forget TANTALIZING TOOSDAY specials and place a comment on that post for a chance to win $20 in bella buckeroonis!

Sale ends Monday AUG 2nd (OMG AUGUST..hmph)


Mwah to da SISTAHS who are annoyed at my RAINBOW COLOURS (LOL)


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  1. LOVE the new releases, so many wonderful images to choose from. The little peeps are my favs, but I’m wondering how I will ever keep them from Ellery (my six year old daughter)??? I guess we will be crafting together!

  2. Wow Em! That’s about all I can say! I am sitting at my keyboard here dumbfounded. You hit it outta the park again. You know i love my lulu’s and greenbeans….the peeps i’m in love!

  3. This is a fantastic release – the little peeps are so cute, so is Mavis, lulu, and Mo’s designs – oh yes & I need the new bella 🙂 I think I need them all

  4. OMG …. all your releases are good, but I think this one is grrrrreat …..

    online gift hummmmm, guess I’m going on line to shop-
    hot day + hot stuff = great idea!!

  5. My mom and I agree…Prince Edward Island is our most FAVORITEST of the stamps released! We are diehard Anne of Green Gables fans and we ADORE the stamp!!! Yay, Mo!

  6. I am a new reader and I can already tell I will be a daily participant.
    Thanks for such great images.

  7. love all the new stamps…..i want them all all all
    now i got to go beg for money so i can buy some stamps 🙂

  8. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME !! Can’t wait to buy some of these and the little peeps are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E….. waiting on the edge of my seat to see
    the rest of the little peeps!!!

    Can’t wait to start on the holiday stamps too!! Great stuff Em!

  9. The little peeps are soooo cute. I wonder how I can sneak an order in without my husband catching on – lol!

  10. Emily,
    Good thing tomorrow is pay day…..going to come on Thursday to see the rubbah in person also giving my girlfrien’ a well deserved break from the kiddies

  11. Emily… Peeps are so cute (who needs marshmallows anyway?!? ;o)
    Great release. Emily-bella has new stamps… E-I-E-I-O; and in those stamps she has some Peeps… E-I-E-I-O; here a Peep, there a Peep, everywhere a Peep-Peep, E-I-E-I-O! Very cute! I’m just sayin…

  12. Emily you have out done yourself! Don’t know how you will ever be able to top this one.
    Love Valentina Ramos artwork… I had gone on her website and was eying the Believe Tree and now you have it in rubba!!!! I guess I will have to trek back to BELLA LAND 🙂
    You really do have the best job!!!

  13. D’oh!! If only I’d waited 4 more days to place my order! I just couldn’t wait any longer to use my gift voucher my friend gave me for my 40th (you know that burning a hole in my pocket thing, only virtual since it was an online voucher,lol). Oh well, maybe next time… I love all the new stamps!! What a great gift with purchase!

  14. “I really mean it this time…” SOOO funny!! Love love LOVE “Young Love” (maybe ‘cus WE’RE OLD!), “Who ME” (‘cuz we have four little grand-boys), “Even love the box” (same reason, lol), and “Prince Edward Island” (‘cuz I live “down east” and who DOESN’T love ANNE!?” Winners Em!!!

  15. OMG!! so many cute releases! So in LUV with the new Mo Manning’s 🙂 Have sent in my order and can’t wait to ink ’em up! Exciting about the grab bag – I hope there’s some ketto or bellas – I only have a couple 🙂

  16. Holy Moley, I just received my Stamping Bella order yesterday and my jaw about fell on the floor. I love the new releases and all the fun goodies that you added to my package. It was like Christmas:) Thank you so much!

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