Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s release day sistahs! WOOHOO IT’S RELEASE DAY!

Hiya sistahs!

Finally everything is ready to purchase!  WOOHOOOOO!

I can’t believe we are finally here!  I didn’t even announce it yet and my emails were going cuckoo at midnight LOL.. that means you LOVE this release ALMMMOOOST as much as I do! 😉

We have received many requests to have an option to “BUY IT ALL” for the Danielle collection.. We have done this PLUS gave a 15% discount if you buy all 10 images.

You can find the I WANT IT ALL Danielle collection HERE





we have also received requests to “bundle” up our tiny townie GARDEN GIRL images.. so we listened 🙂

you can find them including a 15% discount for the bundle of stamps HERE

If you scroll through the previous 7 BLOG POSTS, you will see the amazing samples used with our amazing new stamps.. They are honestly SO inspiring… I encourage you to do the recap 🙂

If you’re ready to shop shop shop.. take a look at our WHAT’S NEW SECTION… all of our new stamps, dies and bundles are listed there…

if you click on “CLICK FOR MORE IDEAS” when you get to the image, you will see the samples made for those images.

Remember that if you would like the corresponding DIE to go with your stamp, now is the time to buy a BUNDLE, as it will save you 15% when you buy them together as a set!

so much blabla.. so little time

grab your favorite beverage, and I encourage you to scroll through our posts just to get some inspiration, to put a smile on your face and to make you feel inspired.

There is SO MUCH MORE to come sistahs

and I want to leave you with a BIG SMOOCHIE (smoochie squidgy.. I can’t resist her)  for hanging out with me this week.  I had a BLAST.  I look forward to this so much!




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  1. I woke up in the middle of the night and the first thing I thought about was placing my “first” order of this month (buying as my budget allows). Good thing my husband was on night shift. He would have thought I was nuts! Can’t wait to receive my order!

  2. I’m guessing I didn’t win anything (Boo Hoo! LOL) so now I have to pick out my absolute faves since I can’t afford to have everything like I would like. Should we have gotten an e-mail if we won? Congrats to all the winners and to all the stamp designers. You guys are the best!

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