Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s bellarific friday ON SUNDAY!

Sorry for the delay.. been a bit crazy around the bella household.. Yesterday we had a street party that went on to the wee hours of the night.. LOL.. we just moved to this neighborhood and I have to tell you, I FINALLY feel like this is HOME.. so many kids.. so many amazing people were finally officially met.. food galore, movies for kids.. planned games.. we were outside from 4pm until 11!  and I loved every little minute of it 🙂

So here I am.. a little groggy… but here nonetheless and ready for a Bellarific Friday (on sunday)…LOL.. I am thinking that we will not have that many participants over the summer but I am HOPING that that will not be the case!!!

Let’s discuss some winnahs from last week

Winnah for PARTICIPATING ($20 in bella bucks) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

7-Maria you win!! please let me know if you would like us to put the moolah in your store account!

Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:30:11 UTC


and now for the commentaytin winnah ($10 in Bella Bucks) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4- Heidi H you win!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:31:22 UTC


OK now down to BIDNISS

The challenge this week was to choose your favorite sketch from the past year and to use it again with a Bella image!

Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with shall we?

Cathabella used BABYCAKES
Danabella used MINTY COFFEE
here is KATHYBELLA's card.. sketchy wildflowers (has been discontinued but Love this color combo!)
Lindabella used RAMONA AND TEDDY in their balloon
Natashabella used KEEP CLIMBING
Paulabella used FIXER GIRL
Paulineabella used a flower image from FRAMED FLORALS set by Paulabella
Regabella used SIMPLE JOY by Rheea

and now for da SISTAHOOD!

Corey used SIMPLE JOY by Rheea


jane B used HULABELLA
Jessica used BIG GIRL PANTS
Violet used Funky hanging plants block

small and intimate but GORGEOUS!!!

now for next week’s challenge

ink up your FAVORITE girl image!! that should be easy peasy no??

Can’t wait to see the entries!

Mwah to da sistahs who love BELLARIFIC FRIDAYS (on sundays)



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  1. I certainly have more “girl” images then men so this should be easy – except for the favorite part!!! Great cards once again.

  2. Em, so happy you like your new home! I grew up in a neighborhood like that… I’m 50 now and even though my family moved when I was a teenager I am still friends with one of my friends…since we were 4!!!

  3. Fantastic cards. How is it that there if often an image used that I haven’t seen before? Then of course I have to have it! Fridays are sooo hard on my pocketbook…

  4. I look forward each week to see the great creations made and am never disappointed. They are all awesome! Beautiful job everyone!

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