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it’s BELLARIFIC FRIDAY featuring our Stamp of the Month — EDNA LOVES the OCEAN

HELLO HELLO!  Sistahs!  we finally have a release date!  MARK YOUR PLANNERS sistahs!   June 15th is our release date and sneak peeks start on June 12th (Tyler’s 18th birthday—UM 18?? don’t get me started).. I am so excited about this release!  It is SO PERFECT for the times we are in.. UCCCCHHH I am NOT going to spoil the surprise.. so just stay TOONED n’k?  If you follow us on all Social @stampingbella and sign up for our newsletter and our blog, you should be reminded 🙂

now without further ADO… let’s reacquaint ourselves with EDNA LOVES the OCEAN.  Isn’t she ADORABLE?  that POSE?  the PUCKER?  I LOVE EDNA!

Don’t forget she is 50% off ALL MONTH LONG!!

Here’s AliceHUANGabella’s card rubber stamp used: EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Alice Huang

Christineabella’s card rubber stamp used : EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Christine Levison

Debrabella’s card rubber stamp used : EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Debra James

Fayeabella’s card rubber stamp used: EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Faye Wynn Jones

JennyDIXaBELLA’s card rubber stamp used : EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Jenny DiX

Shelabella’s card rubber stamp used: EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by Michele Boyer

Paulabella’s card rubber stamp used: EDNA LOVES THE OCEAN. card by  Paula Williamson

and Sandiebella’s card where she also used our BEACH BACKDROP

How’s DAT for inspiration??? LOVE EDNA do you?

Hope you have an amazing, safe stamp infested YOU time weekend





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