Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya Sistahs  I am not gonna even start with “WHERE DOES THE TIME GO” even though I feel that way..LOL.  This week was a great week in bellaland.. we celebrated nickabella’s birFday, we made cards, we received new stuff which I will post and we are getting ready for our next release which will be PHENOM if I do say so myself.  You will be FLOORED… PLOMISE!!

I hope you all had a great week too!  You will have a chuckle when you see the stamps used this week.. lots of favorite images… I can tell!  *winks*.  So sit back, relax and enjoy!

Don’t forget that we give $20 in bella bucks to one lucky sistah who submitted a card, and we give a $20 gift card to a sistah who comments on this entry!

First here is the challenge for this week given by KARENabella.  FANTAB!

And now let’s see the different interpretations!

HERE GOOOOES!!  Let’s start with what da BABES have done:

Nickabella made a DEELISH card using LULU KETTO!  The coloring is fantab using our very own LYRA colored pencils and mineral spirits.  She also used our absolutely FAVORITE punch (we use this punch in almost every card) called the retro flower punch.  Nicky also used a gorgeous quickutz embossing folder on the top half to give texture and punch!  I am sold out of these but they will be up again soon!!  LOVE THEM!

Danabella made a stunning card using STELLA WITH AN OLIVE ON TOP, colored in with copics finished of with bella’s bonbons.. BEEYOTIFUL!

Jenabella made a stunning card using MONSTAH BASH.  She also used bella boulevard patterned paper and of course the luscious foil backed Bella Bonbons.  BEEYOOOTIFUL!

Joannabella made a gorgeous card using her favorite image TURTLE TOTS PICKING POSIES. Joanne also used AMERICAN CRAFTS SOPHIA TUCKETT paper.  LOVEY IT!

Karenabella made a stunning card using Stella’s Chariot (LOVE THAT STAMP) colored in with COPICS and using swiss dots embossing folder from Cuttlebug and bon bons.. YUMMALISH!

LINDABELLA made a gorgeous card using  Stella with an OLIVE on top using LYRAS of course and mineral spirits, BASIC GREY WISTERIA paper ( so gorgeous and soft).. maisy’s polkadots a gorgeous addition to the basic grey paper and EK SUCCESS scalloped scallop border punch (LOVE THOSE PUNCHES SO MUCH!!)  P.S. IF YOU LOOOVE LINDA THE WAY WE LOOOOVE LINDA, please pop over to her bloggypoo and wish her a BIG happy birFday in a comment..  it is a special one for her and we want her to know she is LOOOOOOVED!!!! MWAH Linda.. happy happy happy birFday!!!!

Paulabella made a stunning card using DAISY BITTYBLOOM and the LYRA pencils and American Crafts TWITTER paper.. LOVE IT!!!

SARAHBELLA made a gorgeous layout using Jenni Bowlin papers, Cosmo Cricket paper, Jenni Bowlin bingo cards.. YUMMMMMMM.. is there not tons to see?  I just keep on looking for more goodies in the layout!

Shannanabella made the cutest card using today’s favorite image…. STELLA WITH AN OLIVE ON TOP!! LOL (you all planned this right??? or all of you just want a dRiNkY).  Love love love the card, the dots, the coloring the paypah!  GORGEOUS!!!

So whaddyathinky of our babes this week?!  PHENOM NO?  Now wait til you see da sistahood contributions.. YUM YUM AND YUMMMMMM!  Now go get a refill on the java.. I NEED ONE SO BADLY NOW.  Know what my favorite Starbucks drink is??? (of course I am off topic AGAIN).. I love a venti soy AMERICANO Misto.. 3 sweet n lows (I KNOW ITS BAD..just be quiet) and low foam… SOOOO YUMMMMMMMMM.. .What’s your favorite starbucks drink?  hmmmm?? put it in the comment section..LOL

Ok now back to BIDNISS.  Let’s see what the SISTAHOOD has contributed..

Bethany Paull used FLOWAHBELLA
Bethany Paull used FLOWAHBELLA
Brandi Burns used CHARLOTTE KETTO
Brandi Burns used CHARLOTTE KETTO
Carolyn Orgar used MONSTAH BASH
Carolyn Orgar used MONSTAH BASH
Cat Spicer used GOSSIPY STELLA
Cat Spicer used GOSSIPY STELLA
Christine Dol used GRILLAFELLA
Christine Dol used GRILLAFELLA
Christine Michanos used PIERETTE POINTYTOES
Christine Michanos used PIERETTE POINTYTOES
Colleen Wold used BEACHABELLA
Colleen Wold used BEACHABELLA
Diana Stout used MAISY KETTO
Diana Stout used MAISY KETTO
Jacilynn Cox used MISSMATCH KETTO
Jacilynn Cox used MISSMATCH KETTO
Jane Bracht used MISSMATCH KETTO
Jane Bracht used MISSMATCH KETTO
Jeanette Smith used FUNKY CLOTHESLINE
Jeanette Smith used FUNKY CLOTHESLINE
Joan Ottevanger used DAYDREAMABELLA
Joan Ottevanger used DAYDREAMABELLA
Josee Boileau used ADDY TUDE
Josee Boileau used ADDY TUDE
Kimberly Lowrey used SPRINGTINI
Kimberly Lowrey used SPRINGTINI
Leslie Good used IMELDABELLA
Leslie Good used IMELDABELLA
Lindsy Harness used PUFF
Lindsy Harness used PUFF
Lisa Mckinney used BFFabuggs
Lisa Mckinney used BFFabuggs
Lisa Petrella used DAISYBELLA
Lisa Petrella used DAISYBELLA
Lizzie Oakley used COSMOBELLA
Lizzie Oakley used COSMOBELLA
Lora Sinkler Lake  used BFFABUGGS
Lora Sinkler Lake used BFFABUGGS
Lori Scott used HULABELLA
Lori Scott used HULABELLA
Louise Charlton used IVY KETTO
Louise Charlton used IVY KETTO
Michelle Leishman used RUMOR HAS IT
Michelle Leishman used RUMOR HAS IT
Nancy Ball used Contentobeabella
Nancy Ball used Contentobeabella
Pat Serrano used FLAMENCA KETTO
Pat Serrano used FLAMENCA KETTO
Peg Rounds used CRAFTYBELLA
Peg Rounds used CRAFTYBELLA
Salinda Cummings used BUBBLEBELLA
Salinda Cummings used BUBBLEBELLA
Sherry Bruce used MISSMATCH KETTO
Sherry Bruce used MISSMATCH KETTO
Tracy Cornhill used Daisy HIGHTOPS
Tracy Cornhill used Daisy HIGHTOPS
Brenda Martin used Stella with an Olive on top
Brenda Martin used Stella with an Olive on top

HAVE A PHENOM WEEKEND SISTAHS! Hope you enjoyed the eye CANDEE! dont forget to leave a comment for your chance to win!!

Mwah to da sistahs who are PHENOM


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  1. Too funny! I guess Cosmo Bella wins the prize today for being the most favorite bella evah ! Great job again to the Babes and the Sistaha-hood. Cheers ! Thanks again Em !

  2. I wasn’t able to participate in this weeks challenge:( but the ladies that entered did an awesome job… these cards are gorgeous !!

  3. Clearly, Stella with an olive on top, is a favourite and I can see why!! Lovely, lovely samples ladies. I think I may have a drink just like Stella tonight 🙂

  4. OMG!!! Who knew it would be SO MUCH FUN watching my sketch come to life in all the beautiful creations! I LOVE seeing how everyone interprets it!
    ok…my FAVE Starbucks drink is a Grande half sweet peppermint non-fat, light foam latte! Yummalicious!!!

  5. all of the eye candee sooooo ROCKS!!!! awesome job to the babes and all others who contributed.

    STARBUCKS . . . love it! my fav drink is a venti soy chai with 4 pumps and no water!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delish!

  6. Woohoo! I finally have a card up! LOL! I love what everyone has done to the sketch! So many fabulous creations!

    As for starbucks…I’m not a coffee person (GASP!) but I love me a vanilla steamer with whipped cream, cinnamon and nutmeg!

  7. It seems to me that the Design Team had “martinis” on their mind…LOL Quite a few Stella with the Olive!! but all so beautiful! Again so many gorgeous samples, lots of ideas and inspiration. Thanks Bella for putting it all together – love the Bellarific Fridays…

    My Starbucks order is very simple: Grande Decaf no fat, low foam Latte… but so yummmmy….!

  8. Another week of amazing cards! Great work sistahs! Lovin’ all the samples!

    I LOVEY me some Starbucks on occasion….Grande Non-Fat No Water 5 Pump Tazo Chai….I know…it’s long! But deeeelish! Have a great weekend!

  9. Gorgeous cards from the bella babes and the sisterhood! Loved it. As for Starbucks…not a huge fan of coffee and the like, so I usually just get a hot chocolate! 🙂

  10. Thanks for the birf-day wishes today and thank you for giving me Stella! i am having THE MOST WONDERFUL day and the love just keeps pouring in. I’ll be sipping on some of those cosmo martinis tonight but I certainly hope I don’t wind up with my butt in my glass! LOL! !

  11. Viewing these cards is definitely a highlight each week – everyone is so creative and inspirational! I loved them all!

  12. Great work Sistahs! I wasn’t able to play this week as I am on vacation and don’t have my stamping supplies with me. I can’t wait to get back to my stamping desk after seeing all these wonderful cards.

    My fav Starbucks at this time of year is a Mocha Frapachino. It brings me right to my happy place where I live in denial of the calorie/fat count that I am sippin.

    Have a great weekend everyone – see you here next week.

  13. Wow!! Great job girls!! You can see that Stella With An Olive On Top is a definately fav! I love seeing all the cards because they all showcase the stamps so well!!

    Hmm, any chance you may have a couple releases tmw, Emily? LOL! Nancy and I are on our way down to spend our Bella Bucks!! We’re also introducing our daughter’s to Bellaland…oh boy, oh boy! Cya tmw!

  14. Woot! They’re all gahgeous! Too funny with all the Stella love. I’m not a coffee drinker, so on my rare visits to Starbucks, I get a simple hot tea with honey. Orange-something-or-another on the last trip.

  15. wow… everyone did so great with this sketch. I wanted to do a card, but never got around to it this week. but I may go ahead and do one later this weekend anyway, it’s a good sketch

  16. It appears that a number of us were in the same same frame of mind………..LOL LOL After this week I think I am going home for a drinky poo myself. Actually, Linda H I will have a birthday drink for you ……………..CHEERS my friend!!!!

  17. All these cards are fabulous…and the new sketch is so pretty…I will try to join with this sketch too…thanks for the chance to win…hugs, Monika

  18. Every card is just fab!!! I wish I owned each and every one of them. Thanks go to everyone for sharing their creations.

    thanks much

  19. These are all so beautiful! I just ordered my first Bella stamps and am eagerly awaiting their arrival so I can play too… as for Starbucks, my fav is the Cafe Mocha, either hot or iced… yummy! 🙂

  20. I look forward to Fridays and seeing everyone’s samples. I have decided that I must be sending my cards to the wrong email address or I am just plain “challenged”…this is the second week in a row that my card has been lost in cyberspace! But I am nothing if not persistent…I’ll try again next week!

  21. Great cards ladies! And beautiful coloring! I am falling for those Kettos…. adorable!
    My fave Starbucks drink: iced mocha, nonfat, no whip. (Actually I’d love the whip, but I figure my figure can live without…).

  22. I LOVE BELLARIFIC FRIDAYS!!! This is my new favourite day of the week. It is so amazing to see all of the different cards.

    I can hardly wait to see new stuff and new sketch!

  23. FABULOUS cards!!! I finally submitted one here! I love doing sketches and will certainly send in more. FABOO work ladies!!!! *mwah* to you all!!

  24. Great cards ladies you all did wonderful work. Loved all the cards. Looks like alot of you were thinkin of drinkin.

  25. Can you say Starbucks addict? That would be me! My fave is a Venti Nonfat Caramel Macchiato, upside down, extra foam~but now that I am on WW they cost me too many points! So instead I have a Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte, extra foam. Yum…

  26. another week of fantabulous card samples!!

    My fav. drink at Starbucks is the grande non fat chai latte – it is so calming!!!

  27. Oh my word!! These cards are super fantastic!! Hats off to you all ladies, lovely lovely creations!! Got just my goodies recently (some Ketto’s, Bella’s, and others!!) and what great inspirations these cards are..thank you, thank you for sharing!! Luvvv ’em all!! :o)

  28. Okay, in my excitement I forgot to tell my fav Starbucks drink! Let’s see, considering I had 3, yes three! – visits to Starbucks today – I’d have to say grande, non fat, no water, extra hot, tazo chai….yummy.

  29. I just found this site a week or two ago and it amazes me how everytime there are cards posted, they are better than the last! I can’t wait to buy my first Bella on next pay day! Everyone one you ladies did absolutely wonderful work this week! Can’t wait to participate in a round soon.

  30. Love the look of the lyras & min. spirits! PRETTY!
    Starbucks- love nonfat white mocha, but my girlfriend just into-d me to americano, white mocha with cream- tastes the same, but CHEAPAHHHHH!
    Thanks for the eye-candy!

  31. I love the sketches on Mondays, and seeing all the samples on Fridays! They are all beautiful and such an inspiration.

    But I have a question–when will the new stamps be released?? Is there a date?? Very excited about that!

  32. Lovely cards everyone!! I had all my stuff out to make a card for the challenge, but got sidetracked & never managed to get it together.

  33. Great cards. So hard to choose with so many lovely bella stamps to choose butr next I want the refirgerator and the sneakers too cute and now am collecting the Kettos

  34. Luv Luv Luv the creations!!! Love the images….all of them!! I need a bigger house to store all the stamps I want! Oh – and by the way – my favorite Starbucks is Chai Tea Latte – hot or iced…either way is yummy!

  35. I just love the challenges and seeing how totally different people interpret the sketches, colors, etc. It’s so great to get such inspiration!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!

  36. Hi Em!!! I love all the cards…..too awesome…and I am going to particpate in my first Bellarific Friday! Whoo Hoo….Too much Bella inspiration…..

  37. Wowza… I do not have the time to CASE all of these, but boy do I want to. Such great work….. super super rad!

  38. I love all of the cards! ESP all the ones with Stella with an olive on top. I think that I need that stamp it is so darling!!

  39. All these cards are wonderful. Even though they are the same sketch, they all look different. I love them all!

  40. Wow great cards. I did mine but never got it in. This what happens at the end of a teacheears school year. I guess I will have to wait for the next one. Best of luck to all of the wonderful enteries!!!

  41. Who ever has to pick the winner is going to have a real tough time.. All of the cards are amazing and inspiring.. Great job ladies!!

  42. Love all the cards. I can’t wait till I get my scrapbooking room complete (I am moving my room from the basement to the extra bedroom) so I can play again.

    I miss it.

  43. wow what a great blog is this!!!

    I don’t have so many stampin’ bella’s yet. but not long ago I got a few KETTO’S. they look so adorable. thanks for the inspiration that I got from all of these beautiful cards madew with this sketch. I love sketches so I hope that I can find the time to make a card with it soon.

    greetings femke

  44. What a fun sketch!!! It’s so fun to see how differently everyone creates! Boggles the mind… in a fun way!!

  45. Ooooohhhh!!! I’m loving the eye candy this week!!!! They’re all gorgeous, but ‘specially Kimberley’s springtini. Makes me want to go get the shaker right this minute 🙂

  46. Wow loads of lovely cards!!! I was so busy I didn’t get chance to join in with last weeks challenge so am waiting for the next one to be announced, pencils at the ready!!! lol!! x

  47. Love the cards. Your stuff is so tempting I had to go back to work part time just to get what I “need’. God bless.

  48. Love the sketch for the challenge! Had to do a card up as soon as I saw it! Love all the cards everyone did.

  49. Wow, so many great cards! I love seeing the wide variety of Stamping Bella stamp lines – everything from Bellas to Kettos to monsters to turtles!

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