Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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And I hope you are keeping safe and warm 🙂  Tyler was in complete angst last night thinking that our house would be swept away a la wizard of oz… I really tried to rationalize at 2AM.. I really did.  LOL… He watched the news in the middle of the night and decided that I should get the play by play.. so here I am half asleep writing a post.. and the funny thing is.. this post may make more sense than all my others..LOL

So this week’s theme was to use TYPE font on your pages.  I made a couple of pages just to show you different ways to use your letter stamps/rubons/stickers

On this page, I used TYPE stamps as my message.. you know, when I talk to myself in my art journal?  LOL..  I used lots of scraps, washi tape.. and that little house in the middle was on my desk when i decorated some deli paper.. so on it went on the page.. the furry lady is from a 70’s fashion book (which I LOVE).. and of course the PUFFY sticker which I am quite enamored with again (35 years later..LOL)

Now for this page, I used some of my favorite Teresa Mcfayden art journaling stamps..  I used elements from YOU’RE ALWAYS A STARBURST TO ME.  I overstamped the circles and made a funky background.. I think I may use it on a card!.. I stamped random letters in the circles just to add a little interest.. I LOVE letters and numbers.. not just for words but for interest.   I could have colored them in but I didn’t think I needed it with the stickers I used also for interest.  I also love cutting out BIG and INTERESTING fonts out of magazines..they dont need to “say anything”.. they just also add an element of design…

Now for da SISTAHOOD

Here's Jennifer's page using Anabela LULU and simply playing!
Here's Violet's page using Type

A small sistahood today.. hoping there will be more for next week’s theme which is…

STICKERS.. LOL.. I want you to feel like a kid again.. use old stickers from your stash.. go to the dollar store and get some PUFFY STICKERS (have I mentioned I love puffy stickers?  Note the DOGGIES on my pages.. and the word LIFE  on the first page)… Use them.. stick them.. paint and stick.. stick and stick.. just stick.. LOL..  use letter stickers… whatever you wish.. just have fun with it.

Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE to STICK.



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  1. Love your pages Em! I can understand Tyler’s concerns. That wind was, no is, strong.

    Stickers! I have 3 daughters and they were just at the right age when the trading stickers phenomenon was hot. They each had binders full of stickers and every Saturday we all met at the A&P parking lot so the kids could trade stickers. Wish we had kept them now!

    1. Violet, I TOO had albums and albums of them.. googly eyes, scratch and sniff, puffy.. OMG it was endless and I loved and treasured each and every one. I did trade but I had a hard time. I am trying to get Jayden into it but she just sticks them everywhere (which I guess is a good thing).. but I want her to stick them in an album!!!.

  2. Been tooooo busy with Halloween! Will return next week, I’ll send some picks of my daughters Medusa costume. I hand made and sculpted her “Head of snakes” been working on it since August!! ( but of course time got away from me and I was still finishing it this week!!!) LOL! As well as making a shield for myself because I had to be the warrior who got turned to stone while trying to cut off Medusa’s head!

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