Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Ok so I hope you had a week to “marinate”.. thinking about all the art journaling possibilities… Maybe you have done some research?  bought some product?  or just stared at the journal you bought. LOL.

We need to discuss BACKGROUNDS for a second shall we?  Some people enjoy the white space in their journals and so they should!  Some people are intimidated by the white space… there are “remedies for this ailment ya know” 🙂

Here are some things that can get you going

wet a tooFbrush, dip it in water (or “WADOH” as my friend’s 3 year old says..LOL).. dip it in some watered down  paint, or liquid ink (LIQUITEX brand) and FLICK your brains out on the page.. Hey, you can even dip the TOOFBRUSH in the paint and paint with it.. you would get some neat textures

simply grab a paintbrush and use any medium you like… watercolor, acrylics, crayons, pastels and paint the background

spray and spread the spray like waterpaint (adirondack)

Spray through a stencil and see the amazing shapes that come from there!



take a pencil and journal all over the page

COLLAGE (stick down tissue paper/scrapbook paper scraps/ magazine clippings) and glue down randomly.. ahhh feels SO good to cut and glue (don’t laugh at me..i’m SERIOUS :))

Ok.. that should get you going.. now you have NO EXCUSE!

Ok, let’s discuss this week’s theme.  Now this is not a contest.  No one is gonna win.. I want this to be as free spirited as it can be.  You don’t have to send me your page, although I would be THRILLED to post it.. even if it is not on the correct day.. and you do it late, just email me and I will post on the correctly dated post 🙂

Ok enough babbling..

Here is my entry.. i used JULIE’S WORDS TO LIVE BY, used my FAVORITE CRAYOLA COLOUR SINCE BIRTH – CARNATION PINK (which Is now finished 🙁 )… I melted it on a little iron and drew with the hot wax to give texture.. framed the whole page with vintage children’s book text and stained it… also watercolored the whole background which is fun because it resists the crayon so you just wipe it off whatever got on the crayon portion

Rhian made a gorgeous grid and used our FLOWER GARDEN stamp

ISABELABELLA used a clear crayon resistl

take a looky at her blog for a tutorial!

Lindabella just colored and melted…. FANTASTIQUE!

Paulabella melted some crayons


here is Jennifer B’s gorgeous page.. I love seeing so many layers!  I think I see my flower garden in there again!

Here is Corey’s DREAMY page.. I LOVE IT!

Here is Sheryl’s page.. I LOVE the script stems and the crayon petals!!

Here is our resident minibella’s  art journaling page!  Melissa is Isabellabella’s daughter! mwah!

Ok there are more coming!  just wanted to get this up since I was on a roll…LOL

Please don’t hesitate to send your entries in.. and if there is something you have a question about, just let us know!  you can write it in the comments and we can all respond to eachother!

mwah to da sistahs who lovey their CRAYOLAS!

NEXT MONDAY’S THEME IS USING TISSUE PAPER ON YOUR PAGE!  scrunch it.. flatten it.. glue it.. paint it.. it’s your choice!

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  1. These came out fabulous! Love that Linda and I took photos while on the road….that is dedication. And note that mine is just a background, something will go over it. Work in progress!

  2. Thanks Isabelabella! This was fun. Did you noticew the Eclectic Crackle in there too? I made the background by colouring and cutting up strips of paper in a rainbow and then sticking them down. The stamped images are on an acetate layer over the crayon layer so it’s actually 2 pages.

    Everyone did a fantastic job, it is all so beautiful and inspirational. Now I can use all that 7 Gypsies tissue I bought!

  3. Yes Rhian, I did see the crackle. Perfect use there.
    Sheryl, love the bright colours on your page.
    Melissa will be so pleased to see her page on here, and wait until I tell her you call her minibella LOL. She will love that!!

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