Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s AJ WENNNNSDAY and a winnah!

Hiya sistahs!

As promised, here is DA SPLITCOAST CHALLENGE WINNAH!  please email me so I can send your vouchah!  And just to let you know, Elaineabella will be announcing another challenge next TOOSDAY due in January so you can play through the holidays 🙂

Ok so da winnah is…..

The winner has been drawn at random and is:

Sinclair – Just Your Style

So SINCLAIR, LOL, please email me 🙂

Now for ART JOURNALING WENSDAY….  I am gonna keep this weekly AJ day up  and I am hoping to get more participants..LOL..if not, it’s a’ight.. we have our little group and will continue to persevere 🙂

If anyone has any questions on art journaling, please email me.. I would love to answer you!

Ok this week’s theme was COLLAGE.. that’s my favorite and I think every week should be collage week..LOL

this is my page. When I saw someone post this vintage image on Facebook.. I knew I had to have it. Thew two women in the front row of the roller coaster ar having such a good time with their skirts blowing in the air.. the ladies behind them? not so much..LOL. My motto? ALWAYS BE IN THE FIRST ROW..LOL
and here's my second page. I had some "alone time" and I took advantage :).. lots of molding paste for texture and the collage piece here is the dress I cut out of a magazine and worked around it.. I made her fit in it ... LOL
here is Pinky's page all the way from MAUI! See? you don't need your tools with you all the time. just pick up some ephemera from wherever you are!
And here is Violet's page

arent they stunning?!  *sigh*  you have no idea how “this sport” (LOL) makes me happy

And next week’s theme?  well I was cutting up some magazines over the weekend for collage and I clipped some great themes for our AJ WENNSDAYS…  here’s the one for next week

are you a chocolate type of sistah?  vanilla?  chunky monkey? (LOL).. heavenly hash?

Make a page inspired by your favorite flavour… it doesn’t have to be literal.. it can be style flavour, home decor flavour.. whatevah your heart tells you it is 🙂

ok and a couple of OTHAH things.. tell me what you think

I just got back from Staples.. I was at the cash (the only one open) and I wasn’t even there 3 milliseconds where this older woman whips around and says to me:

“I smelled you when you came in and it is either perfume or laundry detergent and it bothers me” (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?)

me: “I’m really sorry but I am not sure what you would like me to do.. there is one cash open and I need to pay”

her: “oh ok”

another cashier “WE ARE OPEN IN CASH 2”

me:  I will go pay at the other cash

Her:  Ok.

Listen, it’s not that I am insensitive.. and if i KNEW I would be with someone who was sensitive to smells, I would not wear anything.. but I’m SORRY… if you are out in public and have no control over what other people wear.. what gives HER the right to make ME feel uncomfortable.  ESPECIALLY when she KNEW I had no where to go???  I was so irritated and in disbelief.  What would YOU have done?  was I wrong to be aggravated at this smiling woman?  LOL

Ok I feel better now.

Next.  My FAVORITE song for the moment.  You KNOW that since it is my NEW FAVE SONG, it is now my ringtone.. so you can call me ANY TIME YOU WANT..LOL

Ho Hey by the LUMINEERS.  Maybe I shoulda told the “smelly” woman to HO HEY.  LOL  (K I really am done now)



mwah to da sistahs who JUST WANNA SAY HO HEY.


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    1. Leslie you have NO EXCUSE not to play. I expect YOU and your TWINNIE to send along every week. YOU HEAR ME? don’t make me come and spray you with perfume.. bwahahaha

  1. Love your page…………..but you sure are more tolerant and more polite then I am. If that woman had said that to me, I would have nicely suggested that she step back a few steps then! Change lanes??? I don’t think so! Cannot believe the nerve of that woman! Really I’m shocked at her gall. Nope, I would not have caused a scene but I would have put her in her place pretty quickly – with a smile on my face!

  2. Great journals! So much to look at here. I also have to say that the featured goodies on the shopping page are incredible! The images themselves are outstanding, but once they’re coloured – wow. I could look at those all day!

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