Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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is that one IDI? Which one is HE?

That’s all I hear in my house… WHICH ONE IS HE?  EDWARD?  NOONOO? LOOOLOOO?  COOCOOOO? JASPERRRR??? lemme see his NOSE.. STOP PICKING HIM UP!!! you’re gonna CHOKE HIM!! COME GIMME A KISS.. LOOK AT HIM!! OMG HE IS SOOO CUTE.. LOLOL.. this is ALL NIGHT LONG in da BELLA household.. then we get some LICKS.. and some PURRRRS…

Here’s a pic of WHAT’S HIS NAME AGAIN? LOL.. please note I have NO pictures of my children anymore lol

just love the feeeet
just love the feeeet and they are ALWAYS touching eachother..LOL
look at the one in the back. the position (please note I have no ideaR which one that is..LOL)
look at the one in the back. the position (please note I have no ideaR which one that is..LOL)
look at the wooshie gooshie mooshie loooshie (whatever his name is..LOL)
look at the wooshie gooshie mooshie loooshie (whatever his name is..LOL)

Ok Paulabella.. see how your babies have GROWN???

We have just received the new ECHO PARK LIFE IS GOOD COLLECTION.. omg I am in LOOOOVE. I think this is my new FAVE line..!

we have also added some manila and white shipping tags to distress, add to your journals, make as thank you notes (will have to show you).. LOVE THEM and some vintage shaped labels for your journaling projects!

ps. my sewing machine is STILL in da BOX

don’t forget bellarific friday and your chance to be a bellarific babe by submitting every friday in August!

p.p.s don’t forget to place a comment on TANTALIZING TOOSDAY post for your chance to win $20 in Bella Bucks

p.p.p.s don’t forget to place a comment on BELLARIFIC FRIDAY post for your chance to win $10 in Bella Bucks!

p.p.p.p.s mwah!


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  1. booootiful kitties Emily!! you can’t sew with the machine in da box!!! open it up and let us see your sewing creativity being unleashed!!!

  2. ohhhhhhh, I can’t hardly wait to see them again!!! and Ryan and his pastries…YUMMY! LOL This is the best thing I have seen all DAY! Jordan just said to me that she has been coming to your blog to see if you had posted any new pics! haha {she will nevah comment tho!} They are sweet looking as ever and i can hear the purring from here…. Thanks!! Now, get the sewing machine out and thread it!

  3. OMG…I am so jealous!! They are adorable. I love cats so much.

    Get that sewing machine out of the box and whip up a quilt for them to shed all over. LOL

  4. Too cute…they remind me of my big boy Gizmo…he’s “gone to heaven” now, but your two remind me so much of him. Thanks for the photos.

  5. I love reading your posts – they always bring me a smile! You’re too funny with all your gooshing and mooshing and PPPPPSSSing. Glad to hear that the kittens are fitting into your daily routine. They’re adorable!

  6. They’re adorable. Those pictures make you just want to kiss them ’cause they’re so cute. I miss my little orange cat. 🙁 But he’s in heaven now, so he’s happy. I have my Mimi & Kinko now to keep me company. Cat’s are such great companions.

  7. awww, they are so cute! i hope i submitted my card right for bellarific friday – i had so much fun with the challenge this week and can’t wait to see all the cards.

  8. Hi Em!! Thanks for the pics. It makes me soooo happy to see how the boys are doing. I have the biggest tip for you. Go out and buy two different color collars for the boys and you will always be able to tell who is who. Hugs, Mary

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