Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I’m so excited!

We have created a brand new “BLINKIE”..  It’s stunning if I do say so myself.. makes me all warm and fuzzy

take a looky at it on the bottom left of the screen.

no not there.

a little lower…


YA RIGHT THERE!  With da butterfly flying! LOL.  If you read my blog and have a blog, would LOVE for you to share the love 🙂

It doesnt take much to make me excited obviously.  hmph.

Now just to let you know that AJ TOOSDAY will be back in full swing next week!  The theme is anything goes so splash, mark, paint, drip, tear, stick to your hearts content.  Let it out sistahs!

If you have sent me an entry already, please email me the entry again if you don’t mind !

Here is one wood panel I have been working on.. just to inspire you a little 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who love inspiration.. oh and blinkies 🙂

And I will leave you with one of my most FAVORITEST songs of all time…  I heard it in the car while I was doing one of my daily drives for one of my children and was singing it at the top of my lungs!

What’s your favorite song??  I need some new ones on my playlist!

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  1. Love the new Blinkie. Gives me the warm and fuzzies just like I feel hanging with all the Sistahs! Couldn’t wait to upload it to my blog!

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