Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I was told

that I am not allowed to go M.I.A. on my blog EVAH again.. ok so it was said by one of my best friends who I speak to 4.6 billion times a day.  I ask her WHY do you need to read my blog?  I mean, you KNOW everything going on and some extra bonus footage AND I TELL you what I think I am gonna blog so tell me WHY?  She answers saying she can’t explain it but she just needs to read my blog every morning.. what’s up wit dat? LOL.  (p.s. I am so thrilled that she reads it, I was just playing dumbabella).

Ok, I was also reminded by Anjabella, fella sista that I had 2 tales to tell.  One was the shoe story and one was the ‘nut man’.  I decided to go with the shoe story OF COURSE..

So this is the scoopage.. please don’t laugh at me.. (as I laugh at myself-) but I am one helluva sick sick puppy and I don’t understand why I don’t have ANY SHAME at all on this blog.. I mean, I let it all hang for everyone to see??? Sheesh.  Ok, so enough about my shameless guilt.

Before Tyler’s birthday, I was perusing our newspaper and my eyes LOCK with a pair of shoes.  Not your typical Emily shoes but actually yes, they were.. they were CLUNKY… but here is the CLINCHER.  Apparently, these are orthopedic shoes (yes you heard me correctly) that forces your body to stand in such a way and walk in such a way (properly) where you are working out your leg muscles and strengthining your back, tummy etc.. kinda like Pilates.  So I rip out this add and SHOVE it in my purse.. I don’t want to show it to anyone.  This is my little secret.. shhh.. and PLUS, I absolutely needed a pair of shoes for CHA.. yes I am GOINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG .  HOW ^*()$*% exciting is DAT?  Nicky told me I will be walking for HOURS on end.. so you see where I am going.  I start with the justification of the purchase.

SO I am at Tyler’s BDAY and my friend comes over and I am holding my purse with my little secret inside it.. so guess what i did?  “OMG JULIE, you HAVE TO SEE THESE SHOES!” and I whip out the ripped little write up and show it to her.  I swear, at times, there really is no filter.  She looks at me and shakes her head (why do people always do that when I am presenting an idea? LOL).. She says to me ONLY YOU , emily would look divine in a pair of those shoes.. you see sistahs, that is my philosophy.. to always try to go for the ‘undiscovered’, test it out, make it AMAZING and share… and usually, I happen to be ‘bang on’.. perhaps a little early for a new ‘rage’ but certainly onto something.  So within 48 hours I am in the store.  Honestly, I am STARING and the MOST HORRENDOUSLY HORRIFIC shoes I have ever seen.. LOL! BUT DO THEY LOOK COMFY WOMFY? OMG.  So I swallow hard and I ask to try on a pair of these shoes.  The sales guy says, have you ever tried these before? I say “no”.. so he brings out these sandals (actually the best looking of the bunch) and I put them on.. I IMMEDIATELY start to fall and the sales guy grabs my arm.. I ask him if I am doing something wrong and he says no just try to walk!  So I try to walk and I stumble and almost land on my @$$ on the floor once again.. i yank the shoe off and stare at it and this is the clincher of the tale of the shoe… they have a type of ‘rocker’ bottom where the middle of the sole of the shoe is grounded BUT the top (where toes are) and the back (where heel is) are elevated.. so you basically have to walk heel to toe and you feel it really working your muscles.  NEED YOU ASK what the next step was?  Yes, I bought them for 8 kabillion dollars but you know what?  THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COMFY and I am gonna lose weight from them, no? **LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF NOW).  I am obssessed with losing weight and eating 2 poptarts before bed.. how’s THAT for a diet.. hmph.

anyway, I brought the shoes home.. have been wearing them to get them broken in for the CHA.. I betcha I bring other shoes.. hmph.  So that’s my MBT shoe story.. well worth the cost and it BETTER make me lose weight! LOLOL (i know that is not the truth but it is nice to believe, no?).. I walked home in them and really haven’t taken them off since.  My friend Julie came over this morning with a cutout from a magazine with a pair of flipflops called “FITflops” and pamela anderson is wearing them and they do the same thing the MBT’s do for you.. SEEE?? the moral of the story sistahs IS…you must TRUST da BELLA cuz she knows what she is talking about and always tests things out before bla bla bla- ING.

So that is my funny story of the day.. OHHHH also wanted to let you know that I have a LOT more up my sleeve.. am testing out another product that you will LOVE and few other goodies.. mmmmmm

night night everyone

MWAH to da SISTAZ..!!!

Love Em

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  1. It is SO ABOUT TIME you’re back!! I am on vacation….far far away from all my stamping goodies…and the only thing to bring me joy? Bloggabella…and where is she?!?! M.I.A. That’s right. (Now that I have that out of my system.) You are HEEE-LARIOUS! I would love to see a pic of the shoes Em. MWAH!

  2. Too funny about your shoe story. I actually went into our local store for those same shoes and tried them on. They felt great and I really liked them but the price was a little steep for me. But the main thing was that the guy wouldn’t guarantee that I wouldn’t get pain from shin splints anymore with the shoes so I didn’t want to spend the money for the shoes and still end up having the shin splints. I know if I just cut back on spending on my stamping habit, I would be able to afford them. hmmmm stamping supplies or really good walking shoes…tough choice. Good for you for getting them. Keep me posted as to how you like them.

  3. I just got up and checked your blog! So glad you are back! I was laughing as I was reading your shoe story, cuz i know what it’s like to be in love with a shoe! I once got over 20 college students that i was on a summer trip with to purchase them…why? because I LOVE THEM! (and there was a small bet for dinner out with my involved, too, but mostly because I LOVE THEM!)I only brought 3 pair of shoes to Spain with me, and 2 pair are crocs! And, my closest friend sent me a new pair of the pink and brown crocs sandals for summer, so I am one happy sistah! Love, love, love my crocs…they are so great for my bad back! And nearly weightless!
    Me too…wanna see those shoes of yours! If you love em, we all must love them too! MWAH!

  4. Man those things are ugly. Went to their website to check them out. It doesn’t look like they sell them in the US but I could be wrong. Let us know how they are at CHA. Weird is good.

  5. Yeah, we missed you what can we say….funny tale. Shoes are sooooooo worth it. I don’t care if they work because now that is my justification for MORE SHOES! So when hubby asks ‘More shoes?’ (which would be a great stamp by the way), I can say they are for my health. I’m losing weight in them (and money but OH WHAT the HECK). I love your stories.
    NOW FOR THE VIDEO-UTUBE us EM! We want to see the shoes and how you use them…
    Take care,

  6. I agree with Adictabella Angela, IT’S ABOUT TIME!!! I kept coming back to your blog once or twice a day just to make sure I didn’t miss your entry! LOL
    Love the shoe story, but… do you realize we’ve gone a whole week without a reveal???? :S
    And I know there were 2 last week, yeah yeah yeah… But it still doesn’t stop the craving!!! 🙂

  7. hey em!!!

    i thought you fell off the face of the earth. i didn’t want to complain- i know you’re busy. what with new shoes and all.

    i am a shoe HO! i have heard tell of these shoes, glad to hear you are liking them. i’d like to get some but don’t know that i can shell out that kind of money for UGLY shoes. just had a thought tho… if you are wearing such ugly shoes… they won’t be looking at your @$$.

    looking forward to your surprises!

    have a great weekend, chella

  8. Em, I work with several teachers who wear these shoes to help with a condition called Planters Fasciitis. They say these shoes work wonders! One teacher just bought them to wear on a trip to Europe over Spring break and she loved them. I hope they work well for you at CHA! You are so lucky!!!

    As always thanks so much for the wonderful story this morning, you have such a way with words. I could totaly see you in the store trying these shoes on and falling as you took your first steps. 😀

    But on to a very serious matter ~ you are a very BAD Bella for going missing for almost 7 days!!! What is up with that??? Are you trying to kill us or something??? NO more young lady or we will have to ground you! I am sorry for being so hard but tough love is the only way sometimes. 😉 You don’t have to post a book but just drop us a “hi” so we know your alright! We love kid!


  9. I agree with your friend…You have to blog daily…hmmmm this is where I get a cute story and some laughs to start my day! You have a gift for gab!! Maybe you should write a book. Congrats on you find…I will go see what fitflops look like…I could have used them in new orleans, but my crocs were uber comfy and i love crocs for long distance walking…

  10. Hmmm… I’m concerned about a shoe with a “wobbleboard” in it… I already wobble enough on my own!
    Em, glad you are back! I missed you this week~ but thought that revealaplooza was super fun!

  11. Em…those shoes aren’t really that ugly at all! And IF they do what they are saying they will, it’s a REALLY great pair of shoes! How did you find the sizing to be? Do you wear a 1/2 size and need to go up to the next whole size as recommended?

    I just have to ask….what is CHA?

  12. glad you are back! I thought some aliens had abducted you and I was feelin sad that I couldn’t read your blog and laugh right out loud! Love the shoe story….

  13. Where can I see these fabulous shoes & just how much are we talkin???
    I also would love to know what CHA is???? TIA!!! Muah!

  14. CHA = Craft and Hobby Association ~ Its where ALL the scrapbook companys meet to reveal their new products for the season. Like a huge vendor show of new product!!!

    Cheak out the shoes (MBT) Em is talking about here:

    And just another FYI the Fitflops are also going to be sold at Bath & Body Works store they are taking pre-orders online now, which are going so well the pre-orders had sold out for a time! they only have them in the red and black.

  15. OOOH! In that case….Em, can I go to CHA with you? It sounds like LOTS of fun. AND the Fitflops would be the perfect shoe to be wearing.

  16. OH Em, I am beyond jealous that you’re going to CHA ~~ do you have room for me in your luggage? That would be my ultimate crafting dream to go to that function and have all the time in the world (and days) to walk and wonder and see all the new loot that I MUST have for the upcoming season. I hope you’re taking your camera with extra SIM cards, to ensure your loyal Bella Lurker Sistahs get to see how the rest of the real world lives.

    OK but my real request Em, and NO I’m not joking, can you PLEASE post a pic of these amazing, comfortable shoes you bought? OR, if possible, do you have a link that you can post/send that shows them? I have a horrid time finding shoes that suit my lifestyle and my *issues* (I think you know what some of my issues are 😉 ) but you’d be doing me a HUGE favor by letting me in on this incredible comfy shoe you’ve discovered… c’mon Em, play nice and share your toys, and all that other crap we use to say as kids … cough up some info on them, so I too, can be stylish and comfy 🙂 Have a GREAT Weekend ~ Stay cool everyone.

  17. I think I saw some fitfops or whatever in the last Avon book! I don’t remember the price, but they had a rocker bottom!

    Funny stories – Love them …..and the Nutman! My sister has a beauty shop and they have a nut man too….all the way in Oregon! They call him the Mountain Man though! I think that might be his brand!


  18. SO I called my hubby and told him about the fit flops and that they would tone my legs and I could walk all over Disneyland and lose weight AND that it has been reported Pamela Anderson wears them………………. what does he say? You are not Pamela Anderson………. missing the point that I could be Pamela Anderson if I had the FIT-flops.

  19. first of all I am having my hair done TODAY to cover the gray – I’m thinking of going mahogany, not sure though. My hairdresser does NOT have a nutman and I love chocolate covered nuts and I’m glad Nicky did not leave them in the car to melt!

  20. I am so going along with the flow on these, but we need footage!!! lol get it foot!!! oh well perhaps its just me then!! lol We need a picture, yes you get it, we cannot image what on earth you are talking about until we see an actual picture of these extremely weird sounding shoes, lol

    Plus living in the UK we prob won’t either ever see them or maybe in about two years time by then you will be onto something far better for losing weight or they will be such a phenominen (!!! spelt wrong) that we will never in a million years be able to afford them, he he

    As for the grey part, I did mine today, yipeeee I love having short hair it is so much easier to dye and it only cost me £2.49 for the hairdye, yipity spit xx

  21. Are these the shoes? Doh! The link only takes you to the main page. Are they the cream ones with wooden soles that look like Scholl sandals? Could this be the next big craze? Sheesh – I remember them the LAST time around! I had some when I was about 11 – they were a nightmare to walk in!!!!!

  22. Your best friend is now our best friend by ordering you to get back to your Blog!!!

    Those shoes, my legs are cramping up especially after reading the links about them and seeing the pictures.

  23. Whoa!!!! They’re ugly! And I love the way the picture moves to show you the shoe from all angles… in its full gory, as it were. Sorry, Em but they really look like something your mother would make you wear when you’re 14 because they are “sensible”. If you manage to start a trend with these … I’ll eat my hat! And if I ever do one of my famous u-turns over these shoes, I’ll eat my shoes.

    (Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Do you still have the receipt? 😉 )

  24. Em,

    I have had my MBT tennis shoes for over a year now and I just love them!! I go to the park a couple time a week to walk and I always take them on vacation with me whenever I know I will be doing a lot walking – they are great for traveling! I am so addicted that I am thinking of getting a pair of MBT hiking shoes. I agree with you – they aren’t the most stylish but man do they feel great!

    Sue M.

  25. So, you’re not going to believe this… I go to physical therapy and my therapist is leaning over showing me a yoga pose trying to stretch out my lower back and I look at her shoes and said…OMG!!! She’s all what??? I said are those MBT shoes? He mouth drops open and says how did you know that? Know one has ever heard of these and I’ve never seen anyone else have a pair of these…so…I told her all about you and your story, lol… Her’s were actually kinda cute:)

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