Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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i know I know

I haven’t been around.. but HERE I AM NOW!!  It’s been a rough last little while..So BIZZY and had a few hurdles to overcome.. but GUESS WHAT?  Everything has been resolved!  Today was the first day I can tell you that has been amazing..  Things are coming together so nicely!  So I wanted to keep you posted

(1) I rented a new place.. an office/warehouse/studio where if any of my sistahs are in town, we can go and play there!  SO EXCITED!!!!!!

(2) I was told that storage will be done this week or latest monday of next week!  (HOW GOOD IS THAT?).. plus I am designing a few other things too!

(3) THE FELLAS.. OMG.. his face and body have been finalized.. he will be in rubber as early as next week!!  (SO HAPPY and I think my Ryafella will be jealous of him)

(4) processing times for orders are still 5-7 business days

 Ok, now that bidniss is out of the way, I have to tell you the CUTEST story about my Tyler.  We had a school play in December for him and Ryan and I went  VERY proudly to see the play.  Well, when he laid eyes on us (his father more specifically) he was CRYING his head off from nerves, would not leave our side and actually sat on the principal’s lap for the whole show and did not participate one bit.  We were so silly back then… we forgot to use the power of bribery.  Needless to say, we were quite embarassed with his behavior but still did the usual kissin and huggin afterwards saying how wonderful he was (not) during the play.

I am trying to build up to this story.. ok?

So today, we had another play to attend.. for the past two weeks the whole junior kindergarten class has been practicing.. he was coming home and singing all the songs.  I learned 2 days ago that he had “the second biggest part in the WHOLE play, mummy”… Well, when I heard this, I had a huge pit in my stomach.. I mean, the teacher remembered the last disaster in December.. how could she subject MY SON to failure???  So Ryan took Tyler to school yesterday and the teacher took Ryan aside and said to him “YOU BETTER PSYCHE TYLER OUT CUZ HE HAS THE 2nd BIGGEST PART AND WE ARE PETRIFIED”… so all day long all you heard in our house was “Tyler, can you sing for me?  Tyler are you gonna cry?  Tyler you are AMAZING”.. you get the pic.  Poor little one PROMISED not to cry.. that he was gonna be THE BEST…

So today came.. Ryan and I were waiting to get into the classroom with a line of the other parents.. one of the other mothers says.. OMG I am so nervous for you….which increased pit size in the tummy.

We get in the class and Tyler smiles at us (did not run to us.. first good sign)… the children gather around and the play starts.. Actually before it starts, my brilliant son mouths to his father if he can get a new action figure and of course we both nodded yes FRANTICALLY…. I mean, anything for him not to cry, right?  He coulda asked for a car at that moment and gotten it..LOL.  So all throughout the play.. no CRYING!  Then it was his Part… omg.. the dreaded part… My son got up (you could see the eyes welling).. and sang his part… tall and proud… Well, I GOT UP, with no bella shame and looked around me and said “did you just see my kid?  THAT’s MY kid”…LOL all the parent’s looked at me like I was on CRACk but I was SOOOO excited!  I then went to the mother who was sooooo nervous for me and asked her if she would like my son’s autograph…

I was SOOOO happy.. he was SO CUTE… I realized many times what being a mother really is.. but today gave me such happiness and pride.

So sistahs,

forgive my long winded story

But I soooo happy today and had to share!


 Oh ya, and I think I am gonna reveal another bella one of these days…..hmmmmmmm


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  1. That’s right~ we want Bellas! So happy for you that your son did so great. I so remember the days 🙂

  2. I loved the story about your son. The way that you write makes it is so easy to enjoy your stories. I’m so glad that your son was able to sing his song in the play this time. I had to laugh about the Crack comment. Did he get his action figure? 😉

    Congratulations on your new space Emily. It sounds as though your business has taken off in leaps and bounds. You have an awesome stamp and now with the fella stamp coming…………WOW! You desreve every bit of success you are getting. I am very happy for you. Thank you for making such a wonderful product and for making so many of us very happy.


  3. Yay for your little guy!! Aren’t they precious! Can’t wait to see the new bella and fella! Hoping it’s plural….. we are such an impatient bunch, aren’t we?

  4. Congratulations to your little guy! These are truly the fun times! There is nothing in the world that will make your heart feel like it’s going to burst than your child singing!

    Congratulations on the new space, too!

    Can’t wait to see the new Bella! Fella, too.

  5. I got proud Mommy tears reading your story. The first time my oldest got up and played her flute infront of a crowd of people, I was so proud and teary that I could not even take pictures.

    Thank you for reminding me of those special moments we forget (especially when they are 13 and hormonal like mine~LOL) Walk tall proud Mommy!!!!!

    I wish I lived closer so I could come play at your new space. 🙁 Good luck with it. So many things going on at once. You must be either sleeping very well or not at all.


  6. WoWzers! What a great post!
    1) Huge congratulations on your new office space. Makes me want to drive up the coast and to Canada just to hang out and play with the Bellas!!!!!!

    2) Can’t wait to see the Fella for the Bella (say that 10 times really fast!)

    3) Loved your story about Tyler. How precious those moments are. You also brought me back to the day . . . My daughter was in kindergarten and in the Christmas pageant at church. The little ones were angels around the manger. Here they come down the aisle in white robes and headbands with halos bobbing about their heads (can you picture!?!?). Well, Alexa is in the front row next to the manger looking just as sweet as can be. The first song goes well, but here comes the second song. I am sitting, with husband and grandparents in tow, in the third pew on the aisle seat (to video the whole performance). Slowly my daughter starts looking around and as she begins the second song. She starts to inch her way down the aisle as if no one will notice! Believing she is invisible to the whole congregation, she makes her way to my lap before the second song is even half way over!?!?!?! She stays planted in my lap as the whole performance finishes. Her teacher comes up to me after the performance and smiles to tell me that every year someone ends up in the lap of their parent. She also tells me that Alexa looked so sweet as she inched her way up the aisle.

    Thank you for brining that memory back! And also the anticipation of the Fella for Bella!@!!

  7. Your Tyler sounds like such a delight it isn’t any wonder you are so proud. I loved those days. Even though I worked full-time, my boss let me re-arrange my lunch hours so I could attend. My boss was so thoughtful, I ended up married to him, but that’s another story!

    Great news about your new space. You bet I’ll be there when I’m up visiting my kids and grandkids. How will I ever get my little scissors on the plane now!

  8. Awwww – the story about Tyler made me tear up a little bit – he sounds so adorable. Can’t wait for the new Fella and congratulations on your new space!!

  9. The story of Tyler was adorable. I remember one year when my daughter was in kindergarten she did a Christmas play, had a small bit, everything was wonderful. 3 months later….she had stage fright…go figure. She had been in dance for 3 years at this point, and then decided she could no longer ‘dance’ because that meant a recital. Thankfully she outgrew this!

    Can’t wait for the fella and another bella…my cart is getting bigger.

    congrats on your new space!

  10. 1. Congrats to Tyler in his first singing performance!!!! American Idol look out. You tell a great story Emily. Reminded me of my kiddos proud moments. Its hard to type when your all teary.

    2. Congrats to you on your new space!!! Sounds like tons of fun will be had in there. I wish Florida wasn’t sooooooooooooooooo far away! Boo hoo

    3. I can’t take this Bella and Fella teasing anymore!!!! I mean come on I place an order and then new Bellas arrive and I go shopping again. But I guess that is your evil plan. My DH is going to kill me. LOL

  11. what a great story! how cute tyler must be!!

    new bellas??? have you sent my order yet? perhaps you should wait if it’s going to be soon!!!

    sheesh…i’m going to have to get a second job to support this belladdiction.

  12. Bless his little heart! My Tyler wouldn’t have even begun to sing, let alone sang all by his lonesome!
    Bring on da fella bellas!! Woohoo! Can’t wait!

  13. Stalking the site for the new bella….

    …not there yet 🙁

    Kids are so unpredictable sometimes aren’t they!??

  14. Emily, I can’t wait to see the new bella and her fella! I hope there will be more than one fella. I could use some stamps for making guy cards!

    I’m also really excited to see your storage system. My bellas are stacking up at an alarming rate!

    Congrats to your son for his awesome performance. I bet your the proudest mommybella around!

  15. OK, so here I am in awe of the Bellas…My name is Allison and I am a Bella virgin! BUT NOT FOR LONG!!!! These stamps are darling…I “stumbled” across your site through another gals blog and she was speaking of being addicted to Bellas. Bellas??? What are Bellas? With a couple of clicks of the mouse…I am hooked! I purchased my first 2 Bellas yesterday and have a wish list made. As I anxiously await the arrival of my first order (I know, I know…it’s only been 24 hours!!!), I just found myself placing a second order for 2 more Bellas. Is this what it’s like to be addicted to Bellas??? Now, I am being intrigued with the upcoming arrival of more Bellas AND a fella? You will be seeing my credit card number come across a lot…can’t wait for my first Bellas and many, many more to come!

  16. Very cute story Em! Children are just so rewarding aren’t they? 🙂 Cannot wait for the storage, and a new bella and a fella or 2!! I haven’t ordered in a couple weeks and am going through withdrawal!! 🙂

  17. I loved your story about your son! Wish we could get past the rabbit-in-the-headlights phase but, after 10 years, I don’t think that’s going to happen unfortunately. Wish I’d been there when you stood up and shouted!!!! I’d have been wearing my “I don’t know her” t-shirt for sure!!!!!

  18. Em:I just read your blog and am on the floor laughing….you are able to express your self in writing exactly how I feel. I am sooooo happy you have this blog and keep writing, girl!! You rock!

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