Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I just designed this invite!

Phew.. took no time and now I have to produce 30 of them.. this is for my little daughter Jayden’s birthday party in May.. I may delegate one of my friends to do this as I don’t have time!  I have been working day in and day out.. there is still a bit of a delay (7 business days) but I will survive and get your orders out!  I am moving into a studio this week as well and have hired some elves to help me out.. so if you bear  (not the animal) with me, I promise I will come through!!  I am also sourcing out a new way to ship your goods as it seems to be taking a while.. the only downfall is… (drumroll) the price.. will be higher.. I will not force you to use this service however but I will offer it as an option. What else?  Went to an all you can eat sushi place for supper.. OMG.. it was so YUM! 

As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be going to the Creativ Festival on Saturday.. I believe I will be there probably around 11:00 until 3 ish.. I will be hanging around the Cherished Scrapbooks booth and wandering around buying stuff I don’t need (for a change) So… if anyone wants to come and visit (PLEASE???).. I think maybe something bellaish should distinguish you from the rest.. maybe a bella badge? (loserish?) or a flowah or something… or you can just spot me and give me a GINORMOUS hug and say you are a SISTAH..  so who’s coming?? WHO??? TELL ME???


Oh, of course got caught on a tangent.. here’s the invite

[photopress image=”jaydeninvite.gif”]

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  1. AWwwww Em, the b’day invite is very pretty and I’m sure your daughter and her friends will be jumping up & down when they receive them. Very appropriate for a little girl’s party 🙂
    Here is one that will make us ALL giggle…. you recall Emily, how you just LOVE to tease us; morning, noon and night on a daily basis? HeheHAHA And you want to know who is going to be at the *Creative Festival*, this upcoming Saturday right? I think we need to get some teasing in of our own, and not let you know who is going to be there and who isn’t. Afterall, we have been learning via the best Instructor on teasing, over the past few months, so don’t you think it’s about time Em, that you got a bit of your own teasing? hehehehehee I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, as to whom will be there 🙂 Kinda **Cruel** isn’t it?? Afterall, I did have the BEST teacher :))) Night-Night to all, Robyn xxoo

  2. What a super sweet invite! Everyone that gets one will just LOVE it! I adore it! Good luck making the other 29, they really will go faster than you think once you start assembly-lining the process!

  3. This invite is just ADORABLE!!! Princess perfect I would call it. 🙂 I so wish I lived closer to Canada so I could go to the Creative Festival. That is a loooooooonnngg drive from Florida.

    Now about these new releases you keep hinting too…it’s been a few days, time for another…No…YES!!! 🙂 I have another cart full just waiting for a new release to comeplete it. LOL

  4. Hi! I just found Bella! and you, of course. I love what I see and already placed an order! hehehe I’ve also bookmarked the blog and shall return! Your cards are great and the invitation is just adorable. Thanks!

  5. oh, and if i could, i’d come see you at the festival. but, sadly, i don’t live anywhere even remotely close to toronto..
    maybe some of the canadian bella sistahs will come visit you?

  6. Your invite is so sweet! I love pink…love the dress and the little shoes! love the sentiment and oh, everything!

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