Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I hope I feelabella

Hellloooooo sistahs!

I know you have been anxiously awaiting the new bella.  Well here she is!  I decided to feature her as I have been sick for the last 2 days.  Not that I want to give you the gory details..LOL…but I have had this pain since I was 17 years old.. I have finally been diagnosed with Diverticulosis… it is so debilitating and so painful I can’t even begin to tell you.. Having said that, yesterday I was in bed all day but ended up working half the night doubled over in pain (poor poor me).. ANYHOO.. enough about me.  Please meet FEELABELLA.. I wish I looked like her yesterday.. even SHE looks good sick!! hmph.  She comes with 2 sentiments and she is awesome.. notice the comforter and the kleenex box!

 Hope you likey and I hope I didn’t burden you all with my illness!!



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  1. Em I was just stalking and saw, hey all the bellas have moved, that must mean the new one is here!!!! And she was – she’s fabulous!!!! I too was sick – Tuesday and can totally relate to her, although I wasn’t so stylish either. Love the sentiments with her!!! Love everything, she’s in my cart . .. just wondering . . . is that all the new releases today????? New sentiments coming soon?????? Hope you are feeling better soon Em, wish we were all near enough to come help you!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I love her! So glad that I was stalking your blog waiting for the new bella! Well worth it! If only I could look that good when I’m sick. he he. Love the sayings too!

    We’re having a blizzard here and I’m sitting at my desk at work wondering why I’m here surfing instead of warm and cozy at home. Guess it’s time to go back out into the blowing snow and head for home.

  3. Wow, I love her Em! I was logging on and reading your past blogs…since I am new to the wonderful world of bellas. I hope you feel better. I enjoyed talking with you the other night! LOVE fellabella!! I will place her on my new wish list. Can’t wait to get my cut bellas. SO kind of you to save us from the world of cutting …LOL

    I too was out sick Tuesday. Cheers and Hugs to everyone feeling better!

    chris in Texas

  4. I was so excited about the new release today, I DREAMED about Bellas!! How funny is that?!? Feelabella is so cute!

    I’m sorry you’ve been sick — take care of YOU! We all want you to feelabella. 🙂

  5. Oh Em! Hope you are feeling better today! {{{{HUGS}}}}

    I love feelabella….the poor gal! I placed her in among my large order today.

    Check out my “Bella born today” poem in SCS Bella club thread. Hope it brings you a smile.

    Feelabella soon!

  6. Oh wow em
    first I hope you get to feeling better and soon!!!!!
    Now…. oh my gosh I love our new feelabella she is adorable.
    get better and fast.
    hugs veronica

  7. Oh Em…she’s fabulous! She’s a must have on my next order! May I ask what Crystalbella’s “winning sentiment” was? Her list of ideas was endless…I’m anxiously awaiting the news!!! I looked up your illness online…so sorry you have to go through all that! My thoughts are with you and hope you get over the flare up soon!
    Tanya (orangegymnut) in Idaho
    PS… Beth (ematson)…please send your Blizzard my way! It’s snowing right now, but I want TONS of snow:) Thank-you!

  8. Oh Em I hope that you feel better…diverticitulitis is HORRIBLE, and I seriously feel for you, be a good patient and eat the foods they are going to tell you to eat and no cheating…you’ll soon start doing better.
    As for the Bella….she is divine dahling! Simply divine! HEY that is what we should call you, the DIVINE Ms EM! OOHHH
    Okay off to buy her now.

  9. Sorry to hear you’re feeling so badly. I hope you gettabettabella soon!! Was the last time you were sick with nearly pneumonia your inspiration for Feelabella? She’s awesome and love the sentiments!!

  10. Em, I hope you feel better — my grandmother had your disease, I know it can be very unpleasant, best of luck to you! Eat carefully! Rest! Be good to yourself! Love the new bella, just placed my order today — will wait, no emergency — take care of yourself!! And I love Lisa’s Divine Ms Em!

  11. Emma ~ you’re talents astound me. You capture such expression and detail without over-powering the simplisity of your designs, that we are all addicted to and adore.
    Give yourself another pat on the shoulder, for creating a new BELLA to drool over, until we can get her home :0)~~

    Take care & Feel Better ~

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