Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I feel like having a contest-abella (I CAN”T STOP)

[photopress image=”businesscard_001.jpg”]


to my dearest addicta-fan-abellas

I know that I have promised to update the blog throughout the weekend but I didn’t have a chance.. YES I have lots to upload (not all bellas-yes other stamps in Stamping Bella *DO* exist *giggles*).. Tomorrow is my day to do LOTS of things and accomplish lots of things as well.. I will keep you all posted through the blog.. so now.. instead of blablabla’ing because those of you who know me by now can see that I can go off on a million tangents…LOL

 Here’s the contest.. ends Next Tuesday Jan 23nd.  I want YOU, my fellow addictabellas to figure out.. or *TRY* to figure out what the letters (‘credentials’) after my name on my business card stand for… fun no?  Most people tell you to choose the nicest card.. some blogs ask for the best technique.. we, at stamping bella, ask more important questions- like what letters stand for at the end of my name! (*LOL*)  I am not sure you will figure it out BUT the one that either gets it or has the most creative answer wins… the prize (I went to get it today– I LOVE it).. has a baby theme.. so it will include that and a stamp in that theme (of your choice) and maybe some other goodies.. again, my HUBBORAMA will judge it.  SO start getting creative and start guessing!  LOL

we could TOTALLY have fun with this one

emma-addictabella extraordinaire!

 have lots of fun



having a contest today.. it is now 11:12 pm and I had a loooong day at the ‘office’!  I have

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  1. I think it means, “Chronically Cash Broke”. That’s because of your crazy addictive personality to buying rubber stamping products.

  2. I think it stands for “Completely Crazy Bella” or “Credit Card Bella”. If it is neither of these, I still think you should make “Credit Card Bella” lol!

  3. I would LOOOOOVE to enter, but seeing as though I was there when you put those letters on, I will politely decline!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I was thinking Chief Creata Bella, Chief Canadian Bella, Creamy Caramel Bella…I’ll keep my thinking hat on.

    Thanks for the fun!!!

    ~Addictabella Angela

  5. Cute and creative Bella

    Canadian cutie Bella

    Catty cute bella

    chic creations bella

    creative chic bella

    cute, creative, beautiful??
    This is getting bad.. .i better stop. LOL

    Oh wait one more, (the) “cute creating Block.” ? Oh yeah, its bad…

  6. Dang what I wanted to say was taken. So I will guess Creative control of Bella and to be out there – Crafty Care of Business!

  7. I’m gonna say Creative Chief Bella or it could even be Creative Craze Bella, Creator Craze Bella or Craze Creator Bella (since you are the creator who created the bella craze LOL). Might have to come back later with more since this is the best I can do at this hour of the morning. LOL

  8. Ok, so I haven’t even received my first order of Bellas yet…because I just discovered the cute little darlings this weekend…so I have nothing to go on here but I’m thinking even if its NOT it should be:

    Compulsively Creative Bella

  9. I think it’s CEO Creata Bella or Chief Create-a bella! WHATEVAH, I’M JUST SO FRICKEN HAPPY I’VE GOT BELLAHS IN DA HOUSE!!!!

  10. Dang! Slow on the uptake here…my first ideas have already been mentioned….that new little babe of mine thinks 3:30am-5:30am are the best hours to be awake–NOT!!!

    My guess originally was Chief Creata Bella and then I read everyone else’s responses and saw, I’m not so Creativea afterall! LOL!

    How about: Contessa Creata Bella?

    Sorry, that is as good as it gets (pretty pathetic, I know) My goal for the day is to start my bella swap so I have to get off the computer!

  11. Constantly Creating Bellas?
    Consistantly Cute Bellas?
    Craving Cute Bellas?
    Creator of Cute Bellas?
    Constantly Cutting Bellas? (I would assume trimming would take up a lot of your time)….
    Okay, that’s it, I’m outta ideas!

  12. Love the contest and some really great names so far for CCB. My contribution would be:

    Creative Consultant-a Bella
    Constantly Creating Blogabella
    Crafty Creator of Bellas

  13. okay Em….here’s some new one’s I thought up
    craze creator bella
    creating crazy bella(s)
    creating craze bella(s)
    craze creating bella(s)
    constantly creating bella(s)
    continually creating bella(s)
    cutting cute bellas
    constantly cutting bellas
    continually cutting bellas
    creating cute bellas

    okay…that’s my contribution for today. LOL

  14. How about Crazy Canadian Bella??
    or Crafty Canadian Bella?
    or Creative Canadian Bella?
    Can’t wait to find out what it is!!

  15. what is this about??? You make up your own credentials! lol Only a Bella could get away with that! So how about Clever Cunning Bella!

  16. Love those little Bellas! Wish there was a store here in Toronto I could shop at to oogle them all in person! Get on that – would ya! LOL

    My entries are:

    – Constant Chaufeur Bella
    – Chief Carda Bella

    Keep up the great work!

  17. Hiyas!

    My pick is for what Janeabella posted – Contessa CreataBella. My friend likes to call me contessa and I *heart* that name. =) I also like Chef CreataBella.

    Silly girl…don’t you know we’re impatient and are *dying* to know?!?!


  18. Canadian Cutie Bella (s)
    Constantly Creating Bella (s)
    Canadian Create a Bella

    not particularly feeling all that creative right now

  19. I’m gonna say……..Creative and Crafty Bella or
    Chatty Cathy Bella or
    Chief Crafting Bella or
    CEO of Creating Bellas or
    Chocolate Chip Bella….
    Coffee Crisp Bella…
    Coffee Cake Bella…
    can ya tell I’m hungry????

  20. Well, I have not read through all the posts, but I would think it would either be something obvious like “Chief Creative Bella”, or something totally off the wall like “Crazy Canadian Babe”. But, I also like the sound of “Continually Cash Broke” as most of us hoarding stampers are! I can’t wait to see what it really means. Take care Emily!

  21. Hi, wow…. look at the different answers! here’s my 2cents!

    Crafty canadian bella
    CURVACIOUS CANADIAN BELLA!! (that’s how I see you in my mind…like your stamps!!!) hehehe
    Crazy Curvacious Bella or just
    Chatty Curvy Bella

    Hope you likey-likey!

    bobbie =)

  22. oh, well what about

    Coffee Consuming Bella? (aka Beanabella)
    Crafty Chatty Bloggerbella? (aka Multitaskabella)
    Clearly Cute Bella? (aka Cutiebella)
    Coca cola Consuming Blogger? (aka Caffeineabella)

    Contra Corporate Bella? (maybe that doesn’t make sense lol)

    okay, I think my brain cells are all used up… brainless bella! hehe

  23. I’m pretty much stumped, so I will have to throw out some wild guesses. How about Creator and Constructor of Bellas or Commander, Camaraderie of Bellas?

  24. I was going to say Crazy Canadian Bella, but someone beat me to it! How about Chronically Caffinated Bella. 🙂

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