Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I can’t believe

the response towards the bellaholicsanonymous yahoo group?!  I am so proud!  Sistahs.. and I really mean SISTAHS.. you have done more than enough for me (keep it coming) and you have been so kind to me (don’t ever stop) and just have become really great friends (you break up with me-you’re dead). 

 I read some of the entries on the yahoo group and I LOVE it.. Honestly, my dream is coming to fruition.. my VISION shall we say.. (I am not becoming all loopy).. I wanted “bella sistah’s all over the world” uniting.. finding a ‘place’ to fit in, filling a void where like me, when I speak to my non crafty best friends about the shape of a button and how perfect it is, or the twinkle of this glitter vs. another glitter,they look at me like I am off my rocker.. well, my vision of B.A. (bellaholics anonymous) is that it is a place where we can be candid about our thoughts, our dreams, our art, our goodies that we bought.. OF COURSE enabling etc.. that’s my vision.. where we can also talk about hair products or makeup if we feel like it! Of course we are all uniting because of the bellas but we also have something ELSE in common.. we have a shared sense of humor, a common passion etc.

So come on SISTAH’s.. let’s make this the best group EVAH.. I am so proud of all of us.. actually standing by each other for this long without a catfight!  REOOOOWWWWW!!! (just kiddinK)

Love and mwah’s to all!


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  1. My name is Rachel and I have a big bella problem… 😉
    I just love the bellas so much! They really fit my personality and I look forward to each and every one you design. 🙂

  2. Em …. You deserve this recognition, so stand tall, head up high, shoulders back, boobs perked out , tummy sucked-in, butt sucked-in …. well ok listen, if you can do any two of the above, at the same time, you deserve more then a medal 🙂 HA
    I have always lived by the motto: “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND” You have always been generous, kind, patient, hard-working and forever wanting to please everyone surrounding you. Now YOUR TIME has “Come Around” and proves to me that good things happen to good people.
    You had this * dream * and now it is blosoming and multiplying. My wish for you Em, is that your BELLAS become as familar and recognized as all the other hundreds of scrapbooking/stamping products sold throughout the world. But your BELLAS will always be one step ahead, as they have attitude and class ~ just like their creator 🙂 Enjoy your success!

  3. Ditto Robyn 🙂 Emily ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here in the Netherlands we too talk about Bella stamps and I’ve also seen some really nice Bella cards on Dutch forums/blogs ……

  4. Robyn said it all!!! 🙂 Em you have an awesome (Totally cute) product that is hitting the market in a BIG way. Bellas are going to rule the world!!!

  5. Some day we can all look back and say “I knew Em way back when…”
    Ahh *sigh*. You deserve all the recognition you’ve gotten and so much more!

  6. Em,
    Same goes for you – you better not break up with us either! I have so enjoyed these past couple of months since I got addicted and your bellas and blog make me a very happy person! MWAH right back atcha sistah!

  7. I joined…wouldn’t miss it. I haven’t even figured out how to post pictures yet. I am not computer challenged (well, at least I don’t think so). I just don’t have properly running equipment. Anyway, how cool to have an addiction to be proud of. 🙂 Best Wishes to Emily and all!

  8. Oh Em…you make me laugh!!! The whole “You break up with me you’re dead” thing gave a chuckle.

    I’ve often thought….”I wonder if she thinks I’m a stalker” as I am always posting here as well as topics & poems on SCS about the Bellas.

    Well I’m gonna continue to “stalk” until I get a restraining order!! Cauz I just love the Bellas (an you…Mama Bella) of course.

    Owning my own business, I too know what hard work it REALLY is. I am so proud of you that your dreams are taking flight.
    Rock on Sistah!

  9. eM i AM so excited about the group. so glad we joined to work on your inspirations. My bellas arrived on Friday and I made my first 2. They are in my blog. Thanks! Chris

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