Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I am mortified

I just realized by reading a post on Splitcoast Stampers that people enjoy reading blogs based on techniques being taught and cards being shown.  It was also stated that these same people do not really enjoy reading about people’s personal lives, day to day activities etc… ****SHUDDERRRRRR******… I am the complete opposite of what people like to read??? I am in TRUBBLE (love that spelling)… I barely have cards, I barely have techniques and I am ALL ABOUT telling stories…. hmmmmmm.. Please tell me you like my blog?  HUMOR ME SISTAHS?

Sorry I haven’t been writing!  I have really been uninspired..oh, and of course BiZzY after I returned from Montreal.. So I am trying to think of goodies to talk about and slowly I am thinking of topics and as they come to me, I promise I will post.. Oh, and I guess I should throw in a card and teach a technique while I am at it *wink*.

So here I am introducing the fella.. trying to get him adjusted to the sistahs.. and what do my ladies ask me for?  MOREEEE!! How am I gonna handle you guys?  Oh I know.. by introducing more stuff? I just want DA sistahs to know that I honestly have no idea what I will post when I post it.. not only that, but it isn’t premeditated at all.. I just get this URGE.. this URGE to post something new.. and I promise that my well will never dry.. there is SO much to do!

So for now, MWAH MWAH MWAH

Love to all

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  1. You can’t imagine how many times a day I check to see what you have to say on your blog. I truly enjoy it. Love the new fella and am just waiting for another to place an order. Seems kinda silly to order just one 🙂

  2. There are all kinds of blogs out there that provide creative inspiration to their readers…. the stamping and technique ones are wonderful for picking up new ideas. Bloggabella is fun to read because it is a window into your creative process, and much of that centers around what is happening in your life as you go through your hectic day, and which you share in a very funny and heart-warming way. And, as your little family of Bellas grows, I like hearing the stories behind how those come about. So even without a lot of cards, and few techniques, you provide something very valuable–energy and enthusiasm for doing what you love! You are a great inspiration and I love watching your success and business grow by leaps and bounds. Just keep it up! (No pressure, of course. LOL)

  3. Em…don’t worry about what those SCS’s are posting. Your blog is out of this world COOL!!! I love checking Bloggabella each day to see if you have a new funny story to make me smile. I even get a frown when there is no post to read…so I go back a read the comments everyone left for you. You are awesome girl and don’t forget it!!!

  4. Please don’t be mortified. It is wonderful to see what Bella’sMommyEm does during the day. Post on your blog the way you always have. YOUR creation are all the Bellas.

  5. I think you’re fabulous! Your blog is so fun to read — you’re such a dork (as in I can relate to you!) you make me laugh!

    Keep doin’ your thang 🙂

  6. I do prefer blogs with cards on it, I’m not really interested in people’s family lives, but you are the exception, I have your blog bookmarked and read it daily because you are hilarious and you don’t really talk about your life, well you do but in such a funny way that I love hearing about it.

  7. I love your blog!! It is probably the most entertaining one of all that I read. Reading your blog is like chatting with an old friend. Please don’t change a thing. If people want to see cards and techniques there are plenty of blogs out there for that. If people want to laugh and cry and feel like they are sitting in your living room then this is the blog for that. Keep up the GREAT blog.

  8. Don’t change! Your blog is great! I also love seeing what people create, but it is like having a conversation with you. Love listening so keep it coming.

  9. I LOVE your blog! I check it every day (at least twice!). Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t worry about what SCSers have to say.

  10. Em we love you just the way you are!!! I guess to each his own, and they don’t know what they are missing!!! You just keep doing your thang and we’ll be here for you! 🙂

  11. Em,
    Your blog is fantastic and I think the proof is right in front of you! You have more comments per post than any other blog I’ve seen. Sure other bloggers get comments–usually when they are offering blog candy–don’t change one single bit!!! We love the Queen Bella Herself!!!!
    TTFN, J

  12. I think that your blog is great – I check it a million times a day and I like that it isn’t all cards and techniques. Even though those blogs are nice too – you give us things in a different way – like your reveals – I think it is awesome that you do those anytime you want vs. at set time or date – it keeps us on our toes and running back for more. (Nice run on sentence.) If you post more cards fine…..techniques? (I know about a million places I can get those!?!) I say keep giving us the funny stories and surprising us with new things and we will all be fine. You have a great fan base – I wouldn’t worry too much about the other stuff. I things blogs are a personal extension of you and people start them for different reasons-who cares what other’s say – listen to us your true fans!

  13. Oh I love your BLOG…do not change the way you preceive it…I check daily and more to see if you have posted any ramblings, as for SCS…well…it is true that they are the “SUPREMO” of the stamping world, their word is not the gospel according to Stampers….lol….I love love your site and love your little gems even more….keep true to your dreams and it will all fall into place… not worry what they say…..oh yeah when I want a technique I can go to SCS…teehee

  14. I have just recently found your blog and love it! Don’t change a thing, well except we need more fellas!!

  15. Just as long as you’re not sick. You know how we worry!!! Can harkly wait for the storage though. Is it coming soooooooooon?

  16. To the poster above me (Alanna H): I just about freaked when I was reading the comments…because my name is Alanna and my last name starts with H too…first thing that popped into my head was “did I sleepwalk to the ‘puter last night and post??”!

    To Em: I love your humor and your constant teasing about when long awaited stuff might be available to us addicts! Keep at it!

  17. I LOVE your blog exactly how it is. Let’s face it, there’s TONS of blogs out there, from very talented stampers, with lots of cards samples and techniques – which I also love to visit. But I enjoy your blog for exactly what it is . . . the wacky world of Em, who by the way, also happens to like stamping like me. Don’t change a thing. In fact, I’ve often wished you would tell us more about your day to day happenings!

  18. The sistahs *LOVE* your blog! Don’t change a thing – ignore those nasty notes being passed around in class! We all flock to your site to read about your exploits (giggles at shopping/falling on the ice/travels and tribulations). Your writing is so fun and easy to read. Many of us look at your blog daily for an uplift in our day. We want to hear all the goofy things you do – and of course, we alway hold our breath in anticipation of a new Bella!!!!

  19. Em~
    You continually amaze me with your blog. I find it completely fascinating that anyone can talk as you do and with such ease! I feel like you are sitting at my kitchen table (ahem….javabellas) having a quick cuppa with me each time I read it. You have truly got the “gift of gab”, and I mean that in a most sincere way. Pleazzzz don’t stop the blog :), sistah! Your fabulous personality shine through your writing, and not only have you been gifted with gab, you have the gifts of encouragement and humor. It takes a special person to allow strangas (even though we’re stamping sistah at heart) into one’s personal life. Thanks for being that special person. Keep on writing whatevah your little heart inspires for the day 🙂

  20. I love your blog! I actually have your site on my keyboard favorites… just push a button on my keyboard and I’m here! I love to read your crazy stories you silly girl! Your blog, I believe, is a true blog!
    S: (n) web log, blog (a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies)

  21. Hi Em. Don’t change a thing, STAY TRUE TO SELF!!!

    There are millions of blogs and millions of websites out there, all for different reasons. Like a tv or radio station, we tune in because we chose to, nobody is forcing us.

    We read your blog because we are interested in what you are offering – AS IS! You are fun, quirky, tell it like it is, talented Sistah friend who is just so darn loveable.

    Proof is in the puddin Sistah… and feel the love we have all left here in our posts.

    If there are some who don’t want to read what you have to say, then they have the freedom to change the channel. I for one am staying tuned in!!!!

  22. I love you just the way you are…I just like getting to “know” you, lol. I don’t have time for cards and techniques, and I rarely read any other blogs, no others regularly! I love the Bellas and I like hearing your thoughts about them and knowing a little of what it takes to have your own stamps–cool!

  23. I LOVE your blog! I love that it’s just funny and all about YOU and da bellas!!!
    I don’t stamp for a living, I’m not a demonstrator, so you never know what I’ll be talking about on my blog…my most recent post was the 1st turkey our 7 yr. old shot. LOL
    And when I DO post, I typically don’t include a lot of details as I’m usually selling my stuff; not trying to teach other people. Guess you and I are rockin’ the boat and gonna tip it over. ROFL!

  24. I love your blog. Keep the stories comin’ Sistah! I also love the Bella’s. Can’t wait to check out the fella. Look for my order soon. =) Huggers!

  25. You know? I think the SCSers are right – people love card samples and techniques and hate stuff about your personal life. Which is why your blog has virtually no readers. Hello! Back to reality!!!! Have you checked how many comments you get these days!!!!?????? Most stamping/technique/card sample blogs that I’ve looked at receive only one or two comments per day. You get STACKS – which surely says something! So keep up the bad work please!!!! I love your stories – they make you sound normal (despite your efforts to the contrary).

  26. Em, please don’t change! I personally don’t check other blogs that have card pics. They make my cards look so simple and shabby and I end up not giving them away! I LOVE YOUR BLOG EXACTLY THE WAY IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Em, I check your blog everyday; you never know when you’ll surprise us with new bellas or fellas or stories of life. Don’t ever change, I like you the way you are!

  28. I think we are studying you and living through your blogs…scared yet? No really, we readers already have skills we just need the Bellas to go with them. LOL. I’m on fire tonight. Love your blog!
    -Mary Lou

  29. Em!

    I may have not bought my FellandBella for my wedding Thank You’s yet. I am poor, literally, but I WILL get there! I might be HORRIBLE at reading blogs, and even worse at leaving comments.

    BUT, your blog is one I never, ever miss.

    I love hearing about your day, your ideas, your creative process, you are SUCH a hoot! I believe a lot of your success has to do with how you have won your audience over, heart, mind, AND talent. You have a very loyal following of stampers who just love you, AND your non-samplein’-blog! You have a wonderful thing going on here. I wouldn’t change a thing!

  30. I for one love reading your stories!! I love a little of both. I think he helps us understand and get to know the stampers! Keep the stories coming SISTAH!

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