Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I am in LOVE.

with a vase… This is crazyness I know but like I always said, I like to be surrounded by pretty things.. inspiring things.. things that make me smile… On my venture at IKEA with da hubs, I came across these vases..I bought them in white, green and pink.. and have now lined a shelf near my desk with them… OMG…  the embossed whimsy daisies are TDF.. Hubs doesn’t even ask questions anymore.. just buys.. how good is DAT?

do you lovey my new $2.99 vases?

[photopress image=”ikeavases.jpg”]

Mwah to da SISTAHS who, like me, NEED to be surrounded by pretty pretty things


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  1. They are soooooooooooooooo prettyful!!! But sadly I don’t have an Ikea near me either. 🙁 Enjoy your new vases Em!!!

    I think maybe a new Bella would make us non Ikea shoppers happy! What do you think????? 😉

  2. Em, They are beautiful, I love them. A perfect vase for Bella’s paper flowers. I need some. No Ikea near,so off to check online.

  3. I love those!!! I wish I lived near an Ikea…as of now I have to drive 2 hours to get to one…perhaps a short road trip is called for soon!

  4. I was at IKEA yesterday, and I didnt see no amazing vases like yours! $1.99 pillows, no vases! So jealous. Might need another trip 🙂

  5. What is IKEA? I love the blue and pink ones!!! I would put flowers in them to look at those too!!

  6. Ohhh!!! Bella-rific! So cute Em. I love the new section and goodies! Thanks for continuing to bring us good stuff!

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