Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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have I brought Ryan shopping with me??? WAYYYYY too many I tell ya… He ends up tuning out, holding my parcels and purse and OF COURSE he is thinking about hockey or running a marathon or channel surfing or or or…. SO that is how Retailfellabella was created (located in the fella and his bella section)… This stamp depicts so many of our lives.. unless you are SMART and LEAVE HIM AT HOME.. you can either address this stamp to a fella in your life or a bella… I shoulda made a stamp that says I’m SORRY.. LOL!Β  So I have “patience is a virtue” and “I’d rather be”… and you fill in the blanks.. this is OF COURSE my goofy sense of humor!

I just think they look so cute together and her outfit is TDF…..

Ok enough rambling!Β  Enjoy!


(maybe there is more to come)…


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  1. Em, they are TO DIE FOR cute!!! How do you keep outdoing yourself when you started out so stinkin’ good to begin with?! I am amazed!

    I do think that it should be Bella and her Fella rather than Fella and his Bella….I think Bella is a pretty strong-minded chickadee, know what I mean?

    Love it, love it, love it, am waiting for a paycheck so I can BUY it all!!!

  2. Em…That is SO me and my hubby you even got the hair right. πŸ˜€ LOL Another MUST have!!!!

    Leon was not as impressed as I. He did not think that looked like him at all when we go shopping. He said he only carries out the power tools. πŸ˜‰ I’ll have to get one of the girls to snap a photo so he can see the the truth. πŸ™‚

    Retailfellabella is too stinkin’ cute and right in my cart. I think I may have to hit submit tonight. I don’t think I can wait for this one or Huggybellas. If there are anymore reveals they may have to start up a new cart. πŸ™‚

  3. OH, OH, OH…love love lovey it!! I have to admit that so far I just haven’t connected with the fellas although I think they are adorable, and the fellabellas have been the same for me. BUT that has now all changed! πŸ™‚ I am so in love with Retailfellabella. I love bella’s smart hair style and her spirit. Fella’s such a good man to his bella; reminds me soooo much of my wonderful husband. I’m not sure that he has evah told me “no” and really supports my “habit”. I don’t think I am spoiled; since he really never says no, it makes me not want to disappoint him so I don’t go overboard. Gotta have Retailfellabella! Thanks, Em, for another great one πŸ™‚

  4. THEY ARE SO FAB! I love them, I want them, no, I NEED them! I will have them! Keep up the great work!

  5. Oh my gosh…I LOVE IT!!! I think he’ll be the first Fella I purchase! You’re awesome Em! Keep ’em comin’!!!!!!!!

  6. Super cute Em! I keep adding to my basket thinking there will be no more reveals and I am surprised again!!!! I’m waiting a few more days to complete my order!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!

  7. I just LOVE this stamp, love everything about it including Bella’s new haircut and her funky trousers :D! Way to go Em πŸ˜‰

  8. This is waaaaay too cute!!!!! A MUST have! Eventhough I know “my fella” will never have that face when I’m shopping…. LOL

  9. Em,
    Love the stamp, but have to admit I latched on to the fact that your fella also runs marathons. Am dying to see a runnabella out there, any chance she may show up soon?????

  10. Love them!!! Love her hair. Too Cute. I don’t even have my last order yet, and I have a new list started. Any chance you would like to move to Wisconsin, USA? It is a nice place to live!! Then I could drive to your shoppe as many times a week that I wanted!! πŸ™‚

  11. Happy Birthday to you…
    Happy Birthday to you…
    Happy Birthday dear Emmabellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Hope you have a ‘Bellariffic’ birthday and all your wishes come true. Hope some of those wishes include cake and pressies!

  12. That is UBER cute! Thank you so much for telling us where to look because I have a hard time finding things sometimes.

  13. πŸ™‚ This is perfect Em! I always tease my hubby when he carries my purse in store. Makes me wonder how many more shopping days I have left… πŸ˜‰

  14. WOWZERS!!!! I have been away for a few days….and look at all that has happened!!!! Great reveals Em! Huggybellas are SO cute (a must have) and now Retailfellabella….they are perfect, she even has MY hair! LOVE IT. Feeling the need to shop…….

  15. Both Bella designs are great~~I already own WalkaBella and I’m sure on my next order I’ll get the new PuppyBella, as I enjoy them both.
    If you need to make room on the website or at the rubbah manufacturers, just track the sales of both stamps for a month and go from there. Of course everyone would freak to have a Bella walking a dog that resembles their own dog, but sadly that isn’t a reality. So just close your eyes Really Really tight and pretend that your dog’s image is right there before you.
    Another super-dooper-pooper design Em — BRAVO !! xx

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