Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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happy release day to me.. happy release day tooo me

happy RELEASE DAY TOOOO MEEEEEE.. happy release day TOOO ME…  actually to US!

I am starting to post MAJOR goodies right about now.. I will continuously add stuff to this post.. so grab a coffee and enjoy!

What we have decided to do for our anniversary is that for orders beginning today until Monday Dec 8th We will be giving away some special anniversary BELLA DOTS collections and MINI BELLA stamps.  These collections will only be available for this weekend and then that’s it 🙂

For all orders over $30(subtotal before shipping) you will receive 2 mini bella stamps and 2 sampler jars of dots chosen for our anniversary 🙂

For all orders over $50– you will benefit from our any time any where $4.99 shipping deal AND you will receive 4 mini bella stamps and 4 sampler jars of Bella’s Dots chosen for our anniversary

For all orders over $100– you will benefit from our any time any where $4.99 shipping deal AND you will receive 6 mini bella rubber stamps AND 6 sampler bottles of Bella’s dots.. the COMPLETE limited edition set.


I have posted one of my many hanging BLOCKS (you will remember the limelight one here)..

well I have added my funky plants hanging BLOCK online which is SUPERB for a gardening page or for any card.. I have started trying my BESTEST to put in samples with the stamps.. so if you click on CLICK FOR MORE IDEAS.. you should start seeing samples with the images!

Here’s nicky’s little 3 by 3 cutie patootie card using these funky plants 🙂  LOOOOOVE IT!

cute no?
cute no?

adding more as we speak.. STAY TOOONED get the POPCORN and enjoy!


i-deserve-a-tip-abella– she is AMAZING! You can put any sentiment on her tray to display your message to the recipient!

bingodabbabella– Amazing as a GOOD LUCK CARD!  Love this sentiment to go with her.. sooo bella-esque!

you likey da bellas? MORE TO COME!

have you met peony BITTYBLOOM?

and the lovely and cutesy hollyhock BITTYBLOOM?

I LOOOVE THESE TREES!! I can’t stop staring at them!!

skinny SCRIBBLE tree with a mini!

fat SCRIBBLE tree with a mini!

OK SO THIS IS TOTALLY MY JAYDEN (3.5 yrs old) and her MAMA (36.5 yrs old)  I LOOOOVE this stamp (am I not SO ANNOYING? but really it’s true.. they are all my faves). This stamp can be used in any situation.. the sentiments are included.. and it’s just about the unjust things that “can happen”.. the “I can’t believe” can go right under her and the corresponding “situations” can be stamped inside the card!

NO FAIR girl

Remember when we were little kids and we had tin cans with wires and pretended they were telephones? LOL.. well CHRISTY DAHHHLINK from tiddly inks brilliantly thought this up

meet RUMOR HAS IT! (with sentiment)… This would go with anything.. that it was your birthday.. that you are prego etc.. LOVE IT!

Stella bella bo bella banana fanna fo fella FEE FIII FOOO FELLA… STELLA!

stella thinks she can cook

birthday cake with a stella in it

New ORGANIC embellishments (lol) .. yes they are made of wood and I LOOOVEY THEM!  you can find the large and the small here

MORE FABULOSO FLOWERS by the amazing and talented Tanya from HIGH ON CRAFT! I LOOOVE THEM!

funky irises

flourishy irises

windblown quartet

Here’s a couple of samples that nicky made (phenom!) and a mini tutorial on random stamping with Windblown Quartet!

does this stamp not make the most beeeyootiful generic card? LOVE IT
does this stamp not make the most beeeyootiful generic card? LOVE IT

mini random stamping tutorial using our windblown quartet

stamp the windblown quartet the first time on a corner of your cardstock
stamp the windblown quartet the first time on a corner of your cardstock
where there is a little gap or "v" in the original impression, stamp the windblown quartet a second time
where there is a little gap or "v" in the original impression, stamp the windblown quartet a second time
stamp a third time in the "V" to create a beeeyooootiful pattern
stamp a third time in the "V" to create a beeeyooootiful pattern
voila! beautifully and perfectly randomLY stamped
voila! beautifully and perfectly randomLY stamped
final result! and if you ever want to hide a spot? just punch a circle, stamp a sentiment and voila!
final result! and if you ever want to hide a spot? just punch a circle, stamp a sentiment and voila!

Ok I couldn’t resist.. LOL.. I bought one of these and brought them home.. if anyone knows me.. they know how much I LOVE hello kitty.. so here she is in big shot form .. we only have a couple in stock.. trying my hardest to get more!

could you FAINT? honestly! there's some bling in there too!
could you FAINT? honestly! there's some bling in there too!

For the SCRAPPY stampers out there.. these would be so cute on cards and for journalling… I LOOOOVE these stamps made by the Wonderful and TALENTED Jan Dolby! (stella’s creator!)

check out whowhatwherewhenwhy 5 individual stamps.. YUMMMM!

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  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so luvin all the surprises! Off to spread the word & shout it to all the Bellaholics over on the Yahoo group!

  2. I love it allllll!! I am hoping that my DD is better by morning so we can come celebrate with you tomorrow-and I will *have* to find $100 of something to order online for the extra goodies too…lol…that will be easy!

  3. Happy 2 year Anniversary! I’m loving the new releases! They are awesome! I already put in my requests with Santa but maybe I’ll have to make an extra order for moi so I can score some extra goodies too! Congrats! =)

  4. I can’t believe I ahve benn in love so long, and with these new releases, it justkeeps getting better and better! Thank you so much for all of the eye candy and congrats a day early! Against my hubbys wishes I willl be back tomorrow with the paycheck to get the most of my $4.99 shipping, thanks for spoiling us so much!

  5. Hi everyone in Bellaland…I haven’t read the blog in a few days and on a whim I went directly to what’s new and there she was…i-deserve-a-tip-abella…not three days after I made my men the MOST AMAZING DINNER EVAH!!!!…the hubs says …OMG this is ‘almost’ as good as a fancy restaurant…so i promtly said…almost?….maybe if i give you all a bill it WILL FEEL LIKE A RESTAURANT!!!!!! MEN! gotta love em’ hmph! so i WILL be getting i-deserve-a-tip-abella and i may even make little cheque holders out of them and pass them out after my next amazing meal! This is why i LOVE you…you read my mind and come to my rescue just when I need it!

  6. Is it possible to fall more and more in love with the Stamping Bellas? I confess….yes it is! I love all the new releases. This is like Christmas just three weeks early! And I LOVE the No Fair Girl stamp. I too am a fellow Momma of a 3 1/2 year old. And I have seen this expression more than once! Congratulations and continued success to the amazing and addicting Stamping Bellas! 🙂

  7. I have to ask, are the mini bellas like the inside out minis???? I got content to be a bella with the inside out mini and think every bella should come in mini size too. SOOOOO, do tell please!!! If they are it will be difficult for me to resist getting them all. And really, why bother resisiting? Are there pix or is it all surprise?? DO tell!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! I am so bummed I put my order in too soon, lol!! I love all the new stamps…what a great day indeed! Have a GREAT day over there!

  9. Hella DARLINKKK! Wow! Spectacular goodies this morning! I do love the adorable BittyBlooms and Stella is one of my favorites. That is how I look when I cook! I could use a wand….

    Nicki’s samples are lovely as usual…the windblown one is great! 🙂

    Sooooo, wishing you both a BIG bellahappy anniversay!!! I wish I had known you the whole two years! LOL

  10. Happy Bellaversary!
    You spoil us too much with all these new goodies, the new stuff is amazing and I can’t wait to get my order in.

  11. Congrats Em & Ryan. Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! I was in the boootique just after 9am today & it was busy. I accompanied the hubby who was picking up my Christmas prezzie (Big Shot) because he kept forgetting. I picked up a couple of the new things on Wed. during the Cruise Extravaganza class but I haven’t had a chance to play with them yet. Boo hoo to me. My Windblown Quartet is still in the package. How sad is that? Looking forward to more fun times, new stuff & classes in the new year. Have a great anniversary day!

  12. Yup, I only got in my last order last week, and here I am placing another order. It had to be $100 of course, cuz then I get 6 mini Bellas and 6 jars of assorted dots. Does celebrating get any better than this?

    Congratulations on a wonderful business with excellent customer service and a gigantic group of followers!


  13. Oh Happy Happy Day and HUGE congrats to you Emily. You deserve every ounce of success you have reached, and I know you will continue to climb higher and higher. I love my new Hello Kitty Big Shot sooooooo much I want to take it to bed with me (I know, sounds bad, but my four year old son takes all his new toys to bed with him – so why can’t I!). Seriously, I can’t believe I waited this long to get one. It really is an incredible too (and it’s HELLO KITTY!!!!!!).

  14. Ahhhhhh I couldn’t hold out any longer!!! I just finished putting in my order – can’t wait till it gets here!!! And I am SO jealous over the Hello Kitty BS – I wish mine was like that! I only have the plain (ie BORING) black BS!!! If I had known there was a Hello Kitty version I would have totally gone for that!

  15. Happy 2nd anniversary, Em to you and everyone there!~~ keep them good things coming..wishing you continued success!!!!
    Hi Nicky!!!

  16. Hi and Happy Anniversary! I purchased my first Bellas on the 3rd (you have no idea of how excited I am!). I’m curious if I will be included in the wonderful over $30 and receive 2 mini Bella stamps and 2 sampler jars of dots. It’s a fabulous promo and I wanted to know if I’m fortunate enough to get=0) I can’t wait to get them by the way! Hugs to you!

  17. Okay, so this was all me while reading this post:

    Oh cool!
    New stamps!
    Love that!

    OMG. OMG IS THAT A HELLO KITTY BIG SHOT?! OMG! DOOOOOOUG! (that is my husband) COOOOOME HEEEEEEEEEERE AND LOOOOOOOOOK AT THIIIIIIIISSSSSS! OMG OMG!!!!! So he came here to look and he was unimpressed and that was when I accidentally ate his head off. 😀

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! I’m a little late but you know what they say!!! 😉
    Love all your stamps and the new additions are FABULOUS! Congrats and here’s to many more years with ya!!!!


  19. Wow! 2 years already! It seems like just yesterday that I fell in love with your stamps! Congrats and Cheers to many, many, many more years of success!

  20. I just got my first order yesterday, and I just had to leave a comment to thank you for all the free goodies! How very generous of you! I’m completely in love with the huggabugs and hope there are more coming! Congrats on your second anniversary!

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