Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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happy new year to my dear wonderful amazing sistahs

to my dearest 8 (plus a few quiet ones out there),

I wanted to wish you all a happy happy healthy and prosperous new year! 2007 has meant the world to me.  You sistahs have always been there for me, encouraged me, kept me going and for that, I must thank you. The most meaningful part of 2007 has been meeting all of you.. and I thank you so much for  all of your support.

Well if you think that 2007 was ROCKIN’ you just wait until 2008 and what we will be introducing!  You will go crazzzzy!  We are busy designing, and creating and will knock your socks off!

Hope you had a PHENOM new years eve.. we had a WII night.  A LAZY WII night.. we had our friends Melissa, Ian , Caryn and their kids over.. we shipped them to the basement and the 5 of us sat like vegetables, exhausted playing the Wii.. you have never seen anything like it! No movement, NADA.. LOL..  but my new years resolution is to play an ACTIVE wii game..

So let’s hear what some of your resolutions are.. I need some inspiration!

Mwah to the resolutione’d sistahs


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  1. Happy New Year Ms. Bella,

    I hope you have a wonderful year in 2008. I must say that my ideas of this year are a bit simple, loose weight, go green & create Oh, and the all important get organized spend more time with family…on & on & on…

    lol, Happy New Year, God Speed, Dawn

  2. Happy New Year Em and to all my SISTAHS!

    Our New years eve was a quiet one – thank goodness after an extremely busy holiday week. Hubs and I made a nice lobster dinner last night – the last of the indulgence I swear!!!

    Ohhh….who am I kidding….got to throw in some chocolate to keep me sane….anyway….

    We popped in a dvd – Officer and a Gentleman, (one of my all time fav’s) as “Mayo” carried “Paula” out of the building it was 12:04 am….we totally missed the stroke of midnight. It was a nice night just to kick back and veg.

    I generally don’t make resolutions, cause I ALWAYS seem to break them and then am mad at myself for doing so. I then make a resolution not to always be so mad at myself….the cycle continues…SO….

    I will just be thankful that I am here on this earth, that I have wonderful family and friends and that I am generally in good health; thankful that I live in a loving home and that I still enjoy my job. My goal this year is to remind myself to be thankful.

    My first grace of thankfulness in 2008 is that I have Bella’s to play with!

    Thanks Emily – all the best to you and your family in this very exciting year to come.

    MWAH with some glitter on top!,

  3. I hope you have a wonderful year in 2008!

    Save money for Christmas next year…lol!
    Scrapbook monthly!
    Send all my cards with Bellas!…woo hoo!
    Loose some weight
    Keep fresh, smile more, and be happy!!

  4. Happy New Year Miss Em!

    My New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more after we get moved….and to really immerse myself in the culture and learn some Japanese! DH and I are moving to Okinawa this week so it’s a different way to start off the new year!

  5. Happy New Years Em! My resolutions are simple get more organized, eat less, and stamp more! Have a great day! AND wonderful 2008!!

  6. Enjoy my grandchildren more – eat less – excercise more – love life to the fullest and thank God for another year! Stay healthy Em – we REALLY need you – don’t let Wii defeat you. Have a great year.

  7. Happy New Year Em and all da’ Sistahs

    Our New Years Eve was a quiet one. Thankfully after a very busy week. Hubs and I enjoyed a lobster dinner at home and watch a DVD – Officer and a Gentleman – one of my favs. As “Mayo” carried “Paula” out of the building it was 12:04 a.m. – so we missed the stroke of midnight being totally immersed in this movie.

    I have decided not to make new years resolutions this year as in the past I have NEVER kept them. I would then be mad at myselft for not keeping them – only to make a resolution to not be so mad/hard on myself…..ahhh… the cycle continued…

    I will continue though to be thankful. Thankful that I am here on this earth, that I have wonderful family and friends, that I am generally in good health and really do have all that I “need”
    (“Wants” are entirely on another list! 🙂

    My first grace of 2008 is thankfullness that I have Bella’s to play with.

    Thank you Em. I wish you and your family the very best in 2008 – an exciting year ahead I’m sure.

    MWAH with sparkles on top!,

  8. I’d like to lose a few pounds. Nothing major, just enough to get rid of the jiggle and wiggle. 😉

    I also want to make more time for myself to stamp and scrapbook.

  9. Happy New Year, Em!!!
    My resolutions are to do Yoga 3x a week, start running again, to go green, spend more time with my kids, catch up on my scrapbooking, take several family camping trips, plant flowers in my lower yard, and to finish all unfinished home improvement projects.
    How about a fixabella? Theres a lot of gals out there who like to wield a hammer. Or an “om” bella doing a yoga pose?

  10. Keep up with my housework (Motivated Moms has saved me lol) and be a little more patient with my spirited 3 y/o DD.

    Of course, play a little more in my craft room is on the list, too. LOL.

    Off to make dinner for the in-laws, who will be over soon. Happy new year!

  11. Happy New Year Em! My resolution is get my arthritis and Fibromyalgia controlled, lose weight and enjoy the little things. I can’t wait to meet you, Gina & Nichole this year on the cruise, only 293 days to go!! LOL

  12. Happy New Year sistahs! My resolution this year is to have a healthy baby!!! I’m bummed to be missing the cruise… but I can’t take a 2 month old with me can I? (any enablers out there?), but would love to make the second one! (keeping my fingers crossed!) : ) Wishing you all a prosperous and happy new year!

  13. Happy New Year to all you sistahs out there!

    Well, I plan on getting my family finances in order. Get time management in order so that I can do everything that I am needing to do. Finish my personal training exam I have four more questions left to do. Get a first place trophy this year in my bodybuilding competition.

    Spend more quality time with my four children and my dh.

    Have a wonderful new year.

  14. Happy New Year Em!!!

    New Year’s means we are starting our eating healthy 🙂 LOL we will see how long that last. I am hoping to spend some more time with the fam, exercise a bit, and work more on the scrapbooks.

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with this year!!!

  15. Happy New Year Em!
    Yep , I’m afraid it’s another ‘lose weight’ resolution here at the moment! How long it will last is another matter….
    How about a chocoholicbella?! Mmmm not too good for the diet, but hey you can drool! lol! x

  16. Happy New Year Em!!

    I’m sure it’s going to be a great one. Do you think the ribbon will come out this year? I’ve been patiently waiting. I’m so sure it will be beautiful. I’m also looking forward to more Bella’s and Fella’s. My goal for this year is to try to give a handmade card for every occasion that calls for one. I also hope to expand my sideline business of making cards to sell. I have one customer, but I’ll probably lose her when she gets her own craft room set back up!

  17. Happy 2008 to everyone!

    My 2008 outlook as I call it is several but simple things.
    1. Enjoy life everyday.
    2. Reconnect with friends.
    3. Be kind to myself.

    This past year has been a real hard one for me with my mom’s illness (still not doing well at all) and my dad’s diagnosis with cancer, and other health issues that my sister and I have had to deal with.

    The past six months I have had to just drop off all existence with everyone because of this. I am not complaining at all. The time with my parents is so very precious I would not trade it for the world. My sister and I have now (for the new year) hired help and we are starting the new year out being able to visit our parents without having to go over and work. Those that know me know I have know problem with work at all but for six months it has been taking care of them, their house, as well as my house, family…etc. This has taken a toll for sure. This has also given me such an appreciation for life and family. I plan on celebrating everyday this year. This will be shown in my creations (cards, scrapbook…that kinda stuff) and just in my attitude in general.

    I will be kind to myself with looking at me in all of my good health and opting to change some of those not-so-good health habits. I will allow some more me time which will in turn help me out greatly.

    I plan on reconnecting with friends that I have had to put aside for survival purposes. Friends like Mellissa C aka Mel, Tessa aka shastess..who has patiently awaited my IRW order), Em (yes, I have resulted in lurking on your blog when I could), SCS, and even my bellas (I know, eeegads-gasp!) That is pretty much it sistahs! I am loving life, being kinder to me, keeping in contact with people, and letting it show this year!

    Em, You are a gem…I hope you know that! I have been a supporter, encourager, and defender of yours for quite a while now. You never cease to amaze me with you talent and keen eye for picking out the greatest designs and tools/products. I absolutely love everything you produce and can’t wait to see what you have coming out for this year. Looking forward to 2008! You keep up the good work you are truly a gem for all of us!

    Take care everyone, Happy 2008, and God Bless!

  18. Sorry, eyes were crossing, bugging out and tearing up as I typed my outlook above. I used know when it should have been no, (Those that know me know I have no problem…..”) I do KNOW (LOL) the difference just my fingers could not keep up with my mind…what else is knew…whoops…I mean new???!!! Ha Ha!

  19. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!! I think we need one fella that isn’t doing anything… Kind of like a Cosmo Fella or something.. I went to make a masculine Thank you note and didn’t have anything good to use!! Wanted to make one of those Magic color cards! Maybe just a guy in Jeans and T-shirt that is just like I don’t know… just leaning against a wall or something looking all suave! ha ha ha ha

    Anyway, I don’t like the resolution thing, cause I break them too!
    but I do commit to making MORE time for me… being a stay at home mom who watches my nephew and my 4 year old… I have NO time for me! So… I am committed to ASKING FOR ME TIME MORE OFTEN AND THEN ALLOWING MYSELF TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT…WHETHER IT BE FOR STAMPING OR BATHS OR WHATEVER!!!!

    Em, I am so glad that I am part of your sistahood, cause I love everything that you bring to the “table” of life!!!

  20. Happy New Year Em!! My New Years Resolution is to start writing again and putting more focus on taking better care of myself. I know you know with 2 small kids and a husband to take care of it is hard to take care of yourself so this year I am vowing to take care of me before I take care of my family so I can be a better wife and mother to them.

  21. Happy New Year Em and all the Bella Sistahs!!!

    We also spent New Years at home ~ much safer that way! Hubby and I made Stuffed Shells, watched some DVD’s until it was time to watch the crystal ball drop in Times Square! Then we toasted with New Years cupcakes 🙂 (we are not big drinkers) lit some sparklers outside and kissed at midnight of course. 😉

    Resolutions…pay off some bills, buy more Bellas 😉 and create more!

    Oh my son just spent the last of his gift cards on the Guitar Hero for his Xbox360 this morning. He is totally “Rockin” out right now and I am cracking up watching him (He is 15)!!! I think you need to design a Rockafella soon!

  22. HAPPY 2008! What a wonderful world. Since New Year is all about time, I’m rediscovering the beauty of time. Just 15 minutes can make such a difference. So I’m taking things day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, so on and so forth. For example, I’m jumping on the elliptical machine instead of jumping down on other people. Ha. I’m drinking my water, glass by glass. I’m observing and watching how I spend my time. I’m paying attention to my children.
    Behind all this is the reality that time does end. We lost two people in December. One from ALS, he was about 30 years old and the other was from a stroke (he was in his 70s). This really puts things into a new perspective. A sort of reminder of how nothing is forever so we must make the most of our time. I’m taking steps to ensure more New Years.

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