Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Good Morning my Sistahs!

I just wanted to let you know that processing time for your orders will be approximately 3-5 business days.. I am trying my hardest to keep it at a minimum and am working my tushy off to get your orders out to you ASAP!  So, no worries if your order is still in ‘pending’ status.. if it does go beyond that time frame, please email me and it will be dealt with immediately!  Thank you for understanding and if you have any questions, requests, issues to contend with, or just wanna chat, never never never hesitate to email me as I am always here!

Love to all



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  1. LEt us all know when the first MILLION is made LOL. We will throw you a you deserve it party….and be very happy for YOU. Cakeabella wil have to bake the cake (or maybe chefabella) Good Luck and keep up the great work. We love you and your Bellas.

  2. I’m sure every Bella is worth the wait! Since your in another country, some Bella’s may get stopped in customs…. I can’t wait to welcome them into my home!

  3. I just have to say that your website inspired me to do something special for my bestfriends baby shower. can you believe that i am using YOUR stamp to creat a baby shower invie that will be cherished for a life time in a baby book?? i am telling you that you ROCK!!

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