Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Flat Backs of DA week

I honestly CANNOT STAND how much I love these flatbacks.. !

Oops, didn’t even say HELLO.  Hiya sistahs!  When I was at CHA, I saw these ALL OVER da place! but mine are so much more speeecial cuz they are made with love by moi! (not to be mistaken with ‘mwah’)

here are FLATBACKS “baby girl” collection.. I just love the stick baby drawn by our very own JAN DOLBY (stella artiste extraordinaire).  I have a whole “stick” collection in the works!  LOVE YOU JAN!

Here are FLATBACKS “baby boy” collection.. Jan drew the baby boy too 🙂

and chantilly  green (LOOOOVE this damask!)

So what do ya thinky?  I am having SOOO Much fun with them and will be sure to show you more samples using them.. Have been VERY busy making scrapbooking layouts.. will photograph and post here too!

Oh, P.S… I think I am gonna have a mini release on Friday..!  I am sooo in the moooood..LOL.. do you want a mini release?  if you do, post a comment and I will contribute $20 towards your “potential” shopping spree!

I am also going to continue Bellarific Fridays here on this blog.. we will have challenges and other shtuff so friday will be a FUN day!

mwah to da sistahs who wanna have FUN


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  1. The flat backs are sweet. I assume the back is flat (nothing gets by me). How thick are they? I’m thinking of how they would mail. : )

    A mini? who could turn down anything Bella!?

  2. Ooooh a mini-release! That makes me look forward to Friday even more. Though I feel a mini-shopping spree coming my way here very soon anyway! But I definitely look forward to seeing what new goodies you have in store come Friday! 🙂

  3. Horay for Friday! I’m in the mood for a mini release too. Count me in. Can’t wait. Loving the flatbacks too!

  4. OMG, I just ordered but of course I want a mini release. I’ll just have to order again! LOVE the flatbacks by the way – I’m sure there well be a few in my new order with the mini release!!!

  5. Ummm ya! And I have a big fat list waiting to be ordered it would be so great to have that extra nudge! MWAH to the queen!

  6. YES! I need some new Bellas in my life ~~ c’mon Friday.

    AND —-> WOW to the new Stick images & flatbacks 🙂 Tooooo very VERY cute 🙂

  7. Is that one of those rhetorical questions, Em? We’re ALWAYS up for a release – mini or not so many. And those flat backs are sweeet!

  8. Hi Emily!

    Are you kidding me!!!! Ofcourse I am up for a mini release! You can wake me up for mini releases, …… and big releases and medium releases. :-)You can wake me up in the middle of the night if you put anything new in the shop! Whoohoo!

    Bella hugs,

  9. That’s a very odd question *hihi*:-P Ofcourse we want a mini release!!! Can’t wait to see with what your gonna come up with:-)))

    Inge xx

  10. I can’t wait to see what you have for us on Friday, Em! You sure know how to warm our hearts in this sub-zero weather!

  11. Ready, ready, ready for a mini-release! I happen to luv EVERY release! I sense an order coming up in my near future!!!

  12. Nah…don’t bother with the release. You know how disinterested we are. We never stalk the site. We never do our own little victory dances when you release stuff. We never scare our credit cards by leaving them next to our computers all day, promising them that Bella will go easy on them. HELLO!!! BRING IT ON!

  13. You still have to ask at this point if we would be ok with that? Do you now know how much we stalk you everyday just hoping that you will give us somthing new :). I am so excited to see what you have in store, I am really loving all the new scrapbook stuff!!

  14. Hi Emily and Nicky:
    I enjoyed my visit to your store yesterday. It was so nice to visit with you both in person – we even chatted about your remembering names posting. I am already using my new stamps and paper this morning. I enjoy reading your blog and visiting your website – so keep it a comin’. I love your stamps but you do need to release more and soon! Thanks again.

  15. Looking forward to the mini release. Can’t wait to see what other goodies you have up your sleeve. Is it Friday yet????

  16. Will that mini release include a big and wonderful new BELLA???!!!

    Those Chantilly Green Flatbacks are so pretty. Perfect for spring which is a mere 6 weeks away according to Punxsutawney Phil 😉

  17. I have my first Bella order ready to go. And the list is looong! Now I have to wait for the mini release, but I’m sure it will be worth it.

  18. Another release? Yeah… how lucky we are. I’m loving those flatbacks… I’ve been waiting for today, PAYDAY, to do an order… now I have to hold out till Friday to see what you have in store for us.
    (Tapping fingers) I’ll be waiting, patiently, or not so patiently, either way, I’ll be waiting!! LOL!!

  19. Do you even have to ask? We’re always up for more Bellas! I guess I’m bringing my laptop to FL with me just so I can see what you got! I’m so excited! There’s only 68 hours until I leave and now when I land there’ll be new Bellas!!!!!!!!

  20. I am so excited for a mini release…woo hoo! Lovin all the flatbacks….got my little owlies flatbacks & they are ca-ute!

  21. Ok Em stop laughing that I can’t spell my name; the coffee isn’t made yet THAT’s how important you are to me!!

  22. Oh! I love, love, love the damask flatbacks! They are sah-weet!!! I’m looking forward to Bellarific Friday. I’ve got my girls and I’m ready to stamp.

  23. Lovey the flatbacks. I can’t wait to get my first ones in the mail. So excited to see what you have in store for Friday!

  24. Oh, Em, those flatbacks are super cute. I love them all. Do you even have to ask us if we want a mini-release on Friday? Of course I do and I think the rest of the sistahs do too. I can’t wait to see the mini-release.

  25. My order should be here today. Another “new release”!! You are enabling my addiction! I may need an Intervention LOL!!!

  26. Yes Please!!!
    Would love a mini release!! Haven’t used them before but am thinking its time to due so! They are so super cute!

  27. Release! Release! Love doze words! Soooo glad Bellariffic Fri’s are gonna continue! Twas wondering whatdid happened over there. Thought maybe CSI needed called in or something. Yay for da’Emm resucitating the Fun Fridays! *happy dance-happy dance* =)

  28. yes!

    I want a mini-release on friday.

    A big release would be good too, but that would be a yes, YES YEEEESSSSS! (a la Meg Ryan…)

    *whimpers and crawls back to the stamping desk, hoping nobody heard.*

  29. Hey Emily – that’s great news……….a mini release AND Bellariffic Fridays………couldn’t get any better news on this “YES, it’s snowed again!!!” Tuesday.

  30. Oh how would I spend it, probably 10 times over. Would love to have the new bella’s in my collection. I will cross my fingers and pray.

  31. WOWZERS…..would I ever be doing the happy dance if I won some “extra” spending money to buy myself some cooler than ever stamping treasures…my one and only stamping store (brick & mortar) went outta business…so…..I’m all sad and lonely…UNTIL Friday…when there will be some fun things to look at and drool over….so, pick me, pick me!!!!!

  32. I love the flatbacks. I’m excited about the mini release too. You are too funny. I almost went to CHA and now I’m sad I didn’t…I would’ve love to have met you and Nicky! Next time right?

  33. ooooooohhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhh I am lovin’ the flatbacks but I really wanna see the new bellas…and a certain special ChiChi image (you know which one I mean)…PUUUURTY PLLLEEEEASE!

  34. Whey hey!!!! Can’t wait for more Bella’s!!!

    Am waiting for my latest goodies (hopefully the postie has been while I’m at work today). That won’t stop me from placing my next order though – recession?, what recession??? Bella’s are my therapy!!!


  35. I haven’t ordered in quite some time, so a $20 gift would give me the incentive to place an order. Your flatbacks look like they’re going to be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for your mini release on Friday!

  36. These are so cute!! Can’t wait for Friday. I keep wanting to place an order but I keep thinking I will wait to see the newest stuff. These new flatbacks may just push me to order NOW!

  37. I would love a mini release. I keep looking at the site and need to place my first order. I am trying to figure our what which set I want first!

  38. Oh my gosh, I am so not good at being patient…..I have a cart full and can’t wait to see what’s new so I can add some more!

  39. Woo hoo! More bellas, more flatbacks… MORE. And the chance at $20 to spend at your site. It can’t get any better than this. Thanks for the chance to win. Oh, and Em– thanks for being so beoootiful inside and out!

  40. I cannot wait for Friday! I am so glad I checked the post today instead of working! I almost placed my order a few days too early!!!! I will be here bright and early on Friday morning! Thanks a bunch!


  41. I just love your new flatbacks!!!! They are so colourful & “in-your-face”. I have decided to forget mucking around with teeny, tiny little things that have to be picked up with tweezers & get right down to business with bigger, bolder things that you can see from across the room. Please tell me you are going to be bringing out even more of these.

  42. I’m sooo excited Em! I can’t wait to see the new releases! I know they will be awesome! 2 new bellas, I can hardly wait! =)

  43. Hi Emily……can honestly say that I love to create cards with Bella images. They are just so appealing and easy to colour. The flatbacks are super and would make a wonderful embellishment for cards and scrapbook pages.

  44. I would love a mini (or maxi as it is now being called) release. Can’t wait to see all the goodies! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  45. Em – Sounds like youhad loads of fun at CHA and the hotel and the airport LOL. Mini…ahem I mean Maxi release on Friday sounds fun. I love making cards wth my bellas and can’t wait to get some more.

  46. Oooh la la….a maxi release. Love the idea the you’ve gone from a mini to a maxi (release that is). Can’t wait till Friday. How many more sleeps?? I really think I need to organize a self help group for this addiction that I and probably many other have. Is it Friday yet???

  47. Wahoo! A mini release!!! Just another reason to go shopping. Is it Friday yet? How much longer???? Please, just a peek?

  48. Can’t wait til the mini release. You have us all in suspense. I love all the bellas & cannot wait to see what comes out on Fri.

  49. wowwwwww 2 new bellas thank god my bf said hey you have to wait to buy all your bellas but my order has gone up to $400 ohhhhhh crap and the economy is going crazy and i’m going crazzzzzzy without my stamps too how can i add the bellas buttong blog to my blog ohhhhh anyone know??? helpppp

  50. Ok, so I’m glad to know that my growing addiction to this site is normal, and really, should be encouraged to continue!! I love the baby boy flatbacks- must have some!!!

  51. OMGosh…….is my heart still beating!! A mini release, gorgeous flat backs and did I hear you say something about doing a ‘stick’ thing!! I can barely contain myself!!!

  52. Desparately waiting for a mini release!!! Definitely saving up for some retail therapeeeeeee!!!!! I love the flatbacks- really cool!

  53. A Mini Release, WhoooooooHooooooo!!!!! Can not wait to see what you came up with. Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

  54. Yay, a mini release! That means a bit of shuffling of my cart! I can’t wait to see the new bellas – though I adore the tiddly inks too! Friday just won’t come soon enough!

  55. A maxi release??!! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us EM!!!! I am so lovin’ your valentine’s day stamps and the huggabugs – I am having so much fun creating. Only one more sleep!!!!

  56. Dontcha just love an upgrade!!!
    I was giddy waiting for the mini release – but now it’s a maxi, I may need a little lie down to steady myself!!!


  57. I can’t wait until the new release. I am glad that I seen your post on SCS about the release for friday because I was going to do some shopping today, but I guess that I can wait one more day. And I am starting to love the flatbacks, the more I see them the more I want some.

  58. Love the release, love the bellas, love the flatbacks, love it all. Keep it coming Em. I am addicted. So glad that I can get the Bellas locally as well.

  59. How FAB-U-LOUS are bellas….
    Your funky designs and thrilling concepts make this momma strive to be BELLA – LICIOUS daily…


  60. EM! Those vintage grape flatbacks in cream are beautiful. Love the new color on the “dragon” flatbacks too, although I’m setting my eyes on the chantilly ones.

  61. Can’t wait til Friday! Cleared my calendar…. Will be ready with coffee in hand to log onto Bella tomorrow! You rock the releases baby!

  62. Ohhhh! A gift certificate — can always use one of those — one more reason to head to the store (like I really need an excuse, eh?) Can’t wait to see the new releases.

  63. I’ve only discovered bella stamps and there is toooooooooo many to chose from and you are releasing more. You have my head in a spin.

  64. I loved the picture on today’s post. Reminded me of all the fun we had last October with everyone goofing off and enjoying themselves. I’ve been away from bellaland for a few weeks & come back to find a whole lot of new stuff coming. And a $20 certificate to help the cart-so appreciated! Please pick me!

  65. I have been fighthing GERMS all over the place and couldn’t get my bella fix on.. but now that I have had some time WOW soo much I’ve been misising.. WOW.. so much to drool about LOVEE IT can’t wait to see what is coming!! YIIPPEEE 🙂

  66. I just may have to order some of those flatbacks…….I think I might…….I think I might.
    I have been to your store and yup…… conduct yerself in a very responsible manner! cough…cough….choke….choke. You have me convinced………….LOL

  67. OMG . . . have you seen my shopping cart!!!! There is so much stuff I could totally use the $20.00. Not to save, but to buy more stuff! HEE HEE HEE!!!! I love the new flatbacks and can’t wait to get my hands on them. I so want to come to the store and see all the goods! Miss ya lots. . . .

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