Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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feeling HOT HOT HOT!

Sistahs.. OMG OMG OMG.  I just came back from Nicky’s house.  Hannah was there too.  I went there with a PURPOSE.  WHAT you ask?  Well, let me tell you!  I have discovered the MOST incredible tool.  OK, maybe this isn’t new to you but OMG.. it is SO new to me.  I tested it on my kitchen counter with Hub standing by my side and I literally FREAKED out.  I then shoved it in a bag and flew out of the house… you know how when a witch leaves quickly in a cartoon, you see her hair pins flying all over the place?  Well that was me.. but with a scrunchie (sp?) and clips.  I went to Nicky’s to see if I was not completely off my rocker and if she agreed with this new phenomenon.  Oh she did sistahs, SHE DID.  Hannah freaked too… Please don’t bust my bubble right now.. if you have heard of it, please just nod your heads..k? LOL (I just envisioned my fabulous 8 readers all nodding their heads). 

First, I would like to say that I LOVE using my stamps without a cushion and I always use it with Tack N Peel… but I have kept ‘in touch’ and realized that a lot of you like to stamp with cushion and are just much more comfy cozy wozy that way and I totally understand.  One of the reasons I was SO PUT OFF by EZ mount was the ‘guck’ factor.  YOu know what I am talking about?  I am talking about the fact that once your scissors touch that sticky stuff, they will never be the same… NOT ANYMORE my sistahs.  I have discovered a ‘hot knife’.  Forget the function of the hot knife for a second.  I would like to tell you that I ordered 1 to test out and if it fails in my kitchen, it ain’t goin’ anywhere.  I took the package and saw that the handle was a beautiful sage green… should I say more?  OK.  The packaging stated that ‘it was specially designed for a woman’s hand’.. WELL IT GOT ME RIGHT THERE in case you didn’t know my by now *giggles*.  First is the function factor, of course.. (but I really didn’t get there at that point).. this knife passed the first 2 tests.. ‘look’ and ‘feel’, and how it would look in my tool bag (of which I have many and NEVER take them outta my house but ANYWAY….).  Ok, so this little gizmo passed those tests with flying colours.  I plugged this baby in and it heats up to 950 degrees?!  Is that possible?  YUP. This method works perfectly with da bella line cuz it works with closely cut stamps.. .  You lay your ezmount down, put your closely cut unmounted on top of it and then with this sage coloured-formed-for-women-looks-good-in-a-tool-box-thingamajig, I proceeded to cut around the stamp(which was on top of the ez mount) with the hot knife.  SISTAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, this thing melted through the foam like BUTTAH.  I am so bad with exacto knives but you didn’t have to do a thing with this.. just ‘trace’ around the stamp with the knife and in 3 seconds flat your stamp is mounted on easy foam.. no gook.. no shnook.. the knife does not have melted gook on it as it is hot and must burn it off.. OMG.. HEAVEN.  I mounted 4 stamps in about 1 minute and 3 seconds.. the sheet of EZ mount can take you a lonnnng way too…. I mean, not that I am a convert but I must say that it was SO MUCH FUN doing this! the knife has plenty of other functions as well!.. 

Totally has the Bella stamp of approval.. located in the Bella’s favorites section.. it is honestly fantab and if you do mount your stamps on EZ mount, this is the thing to get!  I am now selling it and EZ mount and extra blades..

Hope this helps you?  Hope this has piqued your interest?  OMG I am in love.. NOT WITH A WOMAN (bella) but with a knife.  HOW SICK AM I???



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  1. Hahaha, well it’s certainly piqued my interest Em, I’d never heard of it :D, but I have a special knife to use for EZ mount and only for EZ mount, and can mount my stamps quite quickly with that as well, so I’ll pass ;). But I’m glad you’ve found such a fantabulous Bella-knife for you :D!

  2. You are so funny Em !!! I haven’t heard of this knife either. It sounds fantastic though. I’m off to check it out.

  3. Em once again you have me rolling on the floor laughing!!! 😀 You are too funny sistah! I have heard of this knife but just could NOT figure out how you would actually use it ~ now thanks to your colorful story I understand completely! LOL
    But I think I am like you I like my plain Bella’s on clear blocks but who knows maybe one day I’ll have a use for this HOT knife. 😉

    Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  4. OK, so when you wrote nod your head, I did, and then I read the next line and totally cracked up!!! You kill me lady! I am off to check out this fab knife!

  5. EM!!

    You discovered my secret! I bought the ladies hot knife when my first Bella order and EZ mount came!! It’s the nuts for cutting through the foam. You need to sell a glass mat to go with it to make it a complete set of goodies. Don’t you love the sage green color? My husband gets nervous when I zip upstairs and plug in my Hot Knife and start attacking my Bellas and their foam.

  6. Interesting….. (A) you have more than 8 readers silly! (b) green is good and matchy! (c) does it cut rubbah? like a sheet of stamps one had to trim? not that we buy from anywhere else! (d) where does one find one of these?!

  7. I picture THE BELLA running out of the house with her hair flying behind her HOLDING A NEW PRODUCT……her name DISCOVERY BELLA….NEW PRODUCT BELLA…..OFF TO TELL MY FRIENDS BELLA….had to order it bella.

  8. Interesting….that gunk that collects on scissors is naaasty. You certainly have my attention with this new tool. I’m hoping you didn’t burn yourself with it when you FLEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW out. Careful now girl, take it slow, flying doesn’t come easy.
    _mary lou

  9. I have heard of this knife, too. I have to admit I’m a bit interested – but an alcohol pad will clean the gunk off the scissors. I’m curious, too, to know if the knife works on rubber that has to be trimmed or would this be a not so good idea for stamps… just a good foam knife. Hmmm…. I’m going to go check it out! TFS

  10. Oh, one more thing, which is completely off the subject of your hot, hot, hot discovery… but I promised my 8 year old son, Levi, that I would pass on his suggestion to you.

    Everytime I stamp with my Bellas, which is ALL THE TIME, he loves looking at them and telling me their names. Anyway, he asked if you could make a Grandmabella.

  11. How do you store your stamps that don’t have EZ Foam? I use glue, but I’m getting kinda tire of that…I thought the Tack n Peel might be good for me. (I’m not fond of the foam, but for me it is that with foam it takes up more storage space and the price for foam is a bit much – when you have as many stamps as I do, lol.)

  12. OMG that sound divine!! Of course I just place a large order. When will yoou have this knife in your hot little hands!!!!I am still storing the bellas with EZ foam back in the little baggies, but have to get the bella binder next….Good thing you look out for us bellaholics!! Thanks Em for your humor…and ta da…there are WAY more than 8 little readers. I was on a mini vacation last week. Hugs! chris

  13. I’m also wondering if this tool can trim rubber and ez mount at the same time. And you mentioned other uses? Care to share more?

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