Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Emily’s Birthday Surprise Release & Sale!

Today would have been Emily’s birthday. The firsts are always hard. For us, the first blog post, the first release after losing Emily, and now the first birthday she isn’t here to celebrate. Her family and friends have had to go through all of those firsts and so much more without her, and our thoughts and love are always with them, as I am sure yours are too. If you would like to leave a comment in support, I know it will be seen and very much appreciated.

Over the past months we have been working on something extra special to honour Emily on her birthday. This extra special mini release took a lot of love and strength to create, and we hope you will be as thrilled with it as we are.

All of the stamps shown today are available right now in our WHAT’S NEW section on the store.

Most years on her birthday, Emily would share the celebrations and have a sale. We didn’t see why this year should be different. So, help us to celebrate Emily and stock up on stamps!

*The Uptown Girl Emily Da Bella stamp is excluded from the sale as she is a charity fundraiser. Sale does not apply to existing special offers.*

Our amazing Design Team and special guests have all been working hard creating gorgeous samples with the new stamps. We have SO much inspiration to share with you today, you will definitely want to grab a drink and some snacks as you check them all out below. By the end I have no doubt that you will be absolutely itching to go and get inky.

Sneak peeks and release posts were always Emily’s favourites – she loved to share all the inspiration with you and shout about how wonderful the stamps and our Babes are. I’m with her there. Creating the stamps is one thing, sharing them is where the magic truly is.


If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you will probably have seen Emily refer to herself as DA BELLA. Just like that, in all caps. Oh boy do I miss the ALL CAPS messages. This Uptown Girl is totally DA BELLA, I cried when I saw the sketches for her. Our wonderful artist captured Emily so beautifully in our Uptown Girl style.

Our beautiful, creative Emily, surrounded by some of her favourite things. The card she’s holding is a nod to her two very favourite things in the whole world – her children Tyler and Jayden.

This stamp is extra special. All of the profits from sales of Uptown Girl Emily Da Bella will be donated to the EMILY BLOCK MEMORIAL FUND. In honour of Emily’s passion for art and her creative spirit, the fund supports children’s art therapy programs. 

Our samples for this release include some true to life versions, and some not so true to life. Emily would have loved this. She was all about people expressing themselves and colouring however they like. So when you get your Emily stamp, go wild, use bold colours, and share that stamping magic. Let’s fill the world with colourful Uptown Girl Emilys!

Uptown Girl Emily Da Bella Copic Video

Watch Elaine colour this stamp in the video below. If you enjoy watching please do like the video and subscribe over on her YouTube channel.


I bawled my eyes out creating this set. Emails and messages from Emily were sprinkled liberally with these phrases, and I miss seeing them from her so much it physically hurts.

You absolutely knew if a message started with “LET ME TELL YOU” or “OMG, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE!” it was time to settle in for the ride. What perfect sentiments for fun cards to send to a friend or loved one.

Stamping is Magical – Emily would always say this, and tag her social media posts with it. She wasn’t wrong. Stamping is what brought Emily into my life, and into so many people’s. Stamping has given me some of my favourite people, and a truly wonderful community to be a part of. A #SISTAHOOD.

Every time I stamp a sentiment from this set, I’ll be thinking of Emily. I hope you will too. She created something truly beautiful in Stamping Bella, and we’re all so grateful to still be sharing that.

Card Samples:

First up we have a special appearance from an original Bella Babe, our amazing Paulabella. I know how much Emily had missed having Paula on the team in recent years, although she very much remained our Paulabella. I’m so happy that Paula could dust off her pencils for this one. It means a lot.

The rest of the team and our guest designers are no less special. Emily truly loved her Babes, and was so proud of this team and the way everyone always works to bring the stamps to life and inspire. I am immensely proud of how they have all come together to create such a special collection of cards for today. Absolutely OUTSTANDING. The love in this post is just…well… I can’t even.

Emily’s favourite flower was lily of the valley, so our next two stamps are in honour of that.


We already have a Tiny Townie Garden Girl Lily of the Valley stamp, but we absolutely needed a Bundle Girl! Isn’t she ADORABLE?

Card Samples:



Emily wanted to add more standalone floral images to our collection, so here’s what will hopefully be the first addition of many to come.

Use this one on it’s own, use part of the image, use the whole image, use it as part of a scene. Colour it, don’t colour it. Pencils, markers, watercolour, inks… Whatever you do, it’s going to be beautiful.

Card Samples:


That’s it! Probably our smallest release ever, but it’s pretty perfectly formed. We hope you agree. Thank you SO MUCH for sticking with us, and helping us to continue with Emily’s dream. We appreciate it beyond words. YOU are absolutely OUTSTANDING.



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  1. Oh my gosh, I still feel you hurt, Elaine ????????
    I absolutely LOVE the Da Bella stamp of Emily and the sentiments. I’ll definitely need those.
    Happy birthday, Emily ??
    Hugs to the whole team

  2. I agree that the first year of memories is the hardest. The DA BELLA stamp of Emily and the Sentiments are fabulous. Wishing Emily a Happy Birthday. In time, may these times of sadness and tears will be replaced with cherished memories of love and happiness. Sending her team, family, and friends hugs. Y’all are in my thoughts and Prayers.

  3. Elaine!! This is absolute perfection! I’m both bawling and smiling at your beautiful words and the incredible stamps. Thank you for putting this together for our Emily. She would be so proud of her OUTSTANDING team! ????????????????????????

  4. Thank you to everyone on the DT team, these cards are beautiful. I know Emily is looking down and seeing these cards and she is probably crying, this beautiful tribute to her is magical. My family cannot express the love we see in each and every one of the cards.
    Thank you to everyone who has had a hand in making this release and continuing to bring amazing stamps and design to the stamping community.


  5. I love Emily’s stamp… it is as inspirational as she was! Thank you so much for this special release. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. This stamp is as beautiful as Emily was on the outside & inside. I love this tribute to her. Emily was kind,,caring, so sweet and a great person who was the first person I met that owned a craft company and yet had time to email and give personal touches to her communications. Thank you for honoring our dear angel Emilybella.

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