Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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doodly dooooo winner numbah twooooo

Ok, there will be 2 winners in this contest.. the rest were all phenom but just couldn’t choose but trust me, this will happen again REAL soon!!

Stephanie Mayne, will you please step up to the podium and claim your prize?   $50 gift certificate to stamping bella and some images to be made into stamps!! start pickin a name baby!

If you would like to see Stephanie’s blog.. she has WONDERFUL creations and great moooosic.  So enjoy!

Mwah to da talented sistahs who make my head spin…..


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  1. Aww thanks gals!! I have some fab Bellas winging there way to me (literally!!) lol! Can’t wait to see some of the designs in rubbah!! Looking forward to seeing Sharons and mystery winner no. 3’s designs too!!! BIG Thanks to Em for the great opportunity!! xxx

  2. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS…..I kind of feel left out….don’t cruise…don’t doodle!!! Just shop!! Anything new????

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