Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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all is well over here.. plugging away, working etc.. the USUAL.. I wanna say Ujjjj (soft “J”) you know when you wanna say “usual in short form??”.. how long can I talk about the word usual..LOL?

So I wanted to THANK you so much for the amazing entries I received.. each and every one has been appreciated and reviewed and they were all so special.

 I will have 3 winners which I will announce over the next couple of days.  The first prize winner of $100 in Rubbah stamping bella money… drum roll please…… is the lovely and talented and wonderful  SHARON GREGORY.  She has designed some phenomenal goodies or rather PHENOM goodies for da sistahs!  We will be working very closely togethAH to ensure wonderful and original doodly doo images.  I will be releasing one shortly as it is just TOO CUTE TO RESIST!!!  YOU WILL LOOOOOVVVEYYYYY THEM.  (at least I hope you will.. ahem.. YOU BETTAH)

Thank you to da creative sistahs!  2nd prize and 3d prize winners will be contacted via email and announced on the blog that has 8 readers (ya MINE, n’k?)

MWAH MWAH MWAH! to my sistahs


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  1. Ooooo…$100 in Bella Dollahs….what a fantabulous prize…..Have FUN spending it, Sharon. Can’t wait to see the doodles :).

    Em…glad to hear that “all is well”….soon you will be saying “all is SUPAH!!”

  2. Yeeeahhhhhhh!!!!! I cant tell you all how happy iam bout this!:))))) I’ve already been Bella shopping n put my order into ‘santabella’ and right as we speak my goodies are flying over to my door on bellas sleigh:)))) I soooo cant wait to get my hands on all those Bellas :))
    N then to be designing stamps too 🙂 My own l’il own doodle turned into rubbah!!! How amazing is that! I so hope you all like them:)
    B I G THANKS to EM for choosing me !!!!
    Well done to everyone else who entered 🙂

  3. Congratulations Sharon and the other two winners!!! I’m excited to see your new rubbah!! What an amaising opportunity!! You go girl!!
    Gay Ferland

  4. Congrats to Sharon!!! And congrats to the two mystery winners 😉

    And Em ~ I KNOW there are more than 8 sistah’s reading your blog…some of us are lurking too often and posting too little!!!

  5. OMG I’m soooo jealous!!! I can’t wait to see the amazing doodles!!! I was JUST gonna say, with Thanksgiving and all, wouldn’t it be GREAT to have a release to be thankfull for?? don’t get me wrong, I’m thankfull for ALL tha sistahs, and ALL the bellas, but a new one wouldn’t hurt, would it?? 😉
    MWAH to all the talented sistahs!

  6. Con-grat-u-bella Sharon, our grand doodler, and to doodlers 2 & 3 – well done Sistahs! Can’t wait to see what goodies you have submitted to our Queen Bella Em.

    Hugs to all my Sistah’s

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