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Doodles For Daniel


So I went on an adventure.. an adventure to meet new people, new artists, ya know, to shake things up a bit (of course, WHY should things be STABLE and STATUS QUO in my life???).. In any event, on this journey I met a lot of sistahs… wonderful women who decided to take a risk and participate in my contest.. I appreciate all your effort. Sharon Gregory from has won my contest as I mentioned in a previous entry and her images have come to life in RUBBAH! Upon getting to know Sharon, I learned about a tragic event that occurred in her life.. a very sad time and I asked her if I could share with all of you. She wanted to have her story “outted” for lack of a better word and here it is written by Sharon

“I dedicate these designs to my son Daniel.

Daniel was diagnosed with a rare cancer(ewings sarcoma) in July 2006 when he was just 14 years old.During treatment the cancer managed to spread around Daniels body,and eventually to his brain. Sadly on 16th February 2007 Daniel lost his brave battle and peacefully slipped away,aged just 15 years xxx

Daniel loved to draw,loved to doodle….so its quite fitting that these designs be dedicated to his memory.

I hope you all enjoy using the ‘Doodle For Daniel’ Collection.”

Shaz x

So that is shazzy’s story (I AM ALLOWED TO CALL HER DAT N’K?? — SHE “LETTED” me)

Isn’t it amazing how everyone has a story, how there IS such a thing as FATE and REASON for meeting? I totally feel a connection and am THRILLED to have “met” Sharon.

A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the cancer foundation of Sharon’s choice

Mwah to da sistahs ACROSS DA POND and everywhere else!

MWAH to Daniel, the inspiration behind these designs.

I have just posted a couple.. should be all up in the next half hour or so

you can find them here –>

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  1. I am struggling for words here….. (that is rare for me!!!)

    Sharon, my heart aches for you at the loss of your son Daniel. The loss of a child….no pain can match it. What a wonderful legacy you are creating with the Doodles for Daniel. May you always feel his spirit with you as you create these wonderful works of art to share with all us Sistah’s. MANY, MANY, MANY HUGS TO YOU!!

    Em, thanks for being “wonderful YOU” and sharing with us this forum to which we can all express ourselves. MANY, MANY, MANY HUGS TO YOU AS WELL!!

  2. Wow. What a story. Truly inspirational. Love the doodles for daniel.. they are fab. And how lucky that Stamping Bella has found Sharon! Sounds like a perfect match.

    Can’t wait to see the rest of the doodles.

  3. O M G ,they are gorgeous ,
    good things do come from very sad things ,
    this proves it ,
    so glad you and sharon got togeather ,
    Truly Brilliant xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hmm I am about to go check the new doodles.. & isn’t it true what you said.. HMMM everyone comes around that certain person and they my touch our lives and they my not know it.. I for one am glad I’ve “meet” you.. ((HUGS)) cause Bellas are my smiling power! 🙂


    I am very very sorry for your loss.

    My mom has had cancer not once but twice already. and survived thank goodness. Right now she just got off the treatments.

    She was first pronosticated when she was 26, I was very young with a yonger little brother and sister.
    She had already plans to give us away to my grandma or something. She was so bad there was no hope. But she went pretty strong with the treatments.
    And the second time she got it just at the beginning of this year. But she just got of her treatments of k

  6. Things happen for a reason, season, or lifetime! Sad story…my heart goes out to you with arms wrapped around you!! Love the art!!
    Thanks for sharing an inspirational story!!

  7. Thanx to everyone for your lovely comments regarding Dan x (((Big hugs to all da sistahs )))) x
    I sooooooooo hope you all love them!!! 🙂
    Hope you all spend many a happy hour in stamping heaven using them x
    BIG BIG thanx to EM for making all this happen x
    Shaz xxx

  8. Great designs Sharon! I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like to lose a son. I think it’s lovely that you have dedicated the collection to his memory. I’m sure he’s smiling down on you. *Big hugs*
    Steph x

  9. I’m proud to be on Sharon’s Funky Fairy Creative Team. She is awesome in so many ways and I love these new stamps. Hope I get to have a big playtime real soon.


  11. That story made my whole day. It is amazing how things come together. I am glad you were able to bless such a talented woman with this chance to pay tribute to her son. The stamps are great too!

  12. I have always grown up believing that everything that happens to us and even those around us, happens for a reason. Although we may not know what that reason is at the time, or maybe not for another five or ten years … but I honestly believe the true Reason will be unveiled and then it will all make sense.
    I hope Sharon you will be able to find peace in your life and in your heart after grieving the loss of your precious son, Daniel. My thoughts are with you xxoo

  13. Oh my goodness, how sad & touching. Our son’s are the same ages, Zack turned 15 in July. I cannot begin to imagine your loss & pain. My prayers are with you all especially at this time of year. Bigs Hugs to you, Tina

  14. Sharon–my heart aches for you. NOTHING is worse than loosing a child. I admire how you have been able to briefly look past the darkness & allow yourself to feel pleasure through designing. You can tell you have put your heart AND soul into your work. Keep your **smiling** outlook…for YOU, for Chloe…and for Daniel!! Sending you a HUGE email air hug!!!

    Thank you Shaz for sharing Sharon’s story & for showcasing some wonderfully fun doodles that will benefit so many causes. I LOVE what you said about fate & a reason for meetings—that is so true & so important for all us to slow down & remember daily…you NEVER know what is store for you that day or that you may be just the person someone else needs to get through the day. You are right…”we all have story” & no matter how tragic or trivial it may be—it IS important! Thank you again!!!

    Smiles ~ Kelli (

  15. Many hugs for Sharon + her family; so sorry to hear about your loss… I think you’re an inspiration to all of us who have lost a loved one (my older brother passed away 10 yrs ago, in a car accident); it’s still hard for me to talk about him sometimes.. My mom says that when you lose a parent, you’re an orphan, when you lose your spouse your a widower, but there’s no “name” for a mother that loses a child… Thank you for your doodles, they’re truly amazing; and thank you for bringing your story to all tha sistahs

  16. Sharon, my heart goes out to you. I couldn’t imagine losing one my kids. But I am so proud of you that you’ve come to design and dedicate such a great collection of doodles in his memory. Thanks for sharing a part of him with the rest of us.

  17. What a beautiful story Sharon! And your doodles for daniel are both adorable and inspriational. I’m so sorry for your loss. It seems to me, however, that Daniel is not the only one with a brave soul! Your artwork has already touched so many. May God be with you!

  18. Sharon…Em…what a touching story. And thank you both for sharing it. The doodles are wonderful and I hope will be a cherished memorial to Daniel. You guys make me proud to be a sistah!
    Double MWAH!

  19. Wow… the doodles are beautiful. You made such a great choice Em.

    Sharon, my heart aches for you and your family. I lost my neice just over a year ago and I can empathize in your pain. She was not my child, but her loss was just as shattering to my world.

    How amazing, to find the strength to honor your son. To create for him a legacy that he did not get the chance to make for himself. Mothers never stop being mothers- even when and if their babies leave this world.

    You did a good thing with these doodles, may you be blessed.

  20. I just read both of your blogs about Sharon and Daniel. I am in tears right now… I don’t even know what to say. I am so glad that Bella chose you, Sharon, to design stamps for her and that she is making the donation. (Great thing, Emily.) What a wonderful thing you two are doing. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and hugs.
    Gina K.
    Gina K. Designs

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