Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Didja miss me? huh, huh HUH???

I know I have been MIA for the last few days but I have been swamped with work, responding to the sistahs and entertaining my mom who came in from Montreal for the weekend.. All in all was lotsa fun and the kids were in HEAVEN being spoiled from morning to night.

I have been reading all of the posts on SCS and having a BLAST reading them and I SO WANNA participate more but can’t as I don’t want to disturb the rules and regs and don’t want to irritate any other company that posts on SCS.. SEE I PLAY nicely in the sandbox.

You sistahs have been SOOOO patient with me and I know I keep you on your toes.. so I think I will think of a day in the month to post new images.. (and of course I will sneak some in between to keep you on your toes..can’t lose my effect totally ya know)… so whaddya think of the 1st of the month?  Do you likey that idea?  let me know!

Even though it is the 18th today I feel like sharing a Bella.  I really LOVE her and there are such JUICIES coming, you will freak right out, I swear.  Oh and the storage thing is already in production and I think will be good to go in about 3-4 weeks.. So here goes.  I just want you to see that you inspire me every day.. I LISTEN to the sistahs and wanna make them happy.. so I think you will be happy with…………….. CHEFABELLA.

[photopress image=”chefabella_001.jpg”]

 Is she DEEEELISH?? I mean, literally.  I designed her to have a turkey in one hand and a pie in the other so that we can really satisfy the cooks and the bakers out there.. I personally, am the EATER (hmph.. note to self, diet starts on Monday AGAIN).  My fave part of her, of course, is the curly apron.. I LOVE HER!! She can be used for holidays, for birthdays, for dinner party invitations (haven’t done one of those in YEARS-dinner party that is).

 So…… I hope you likey and you realize how much I love you and listen all the time..

Hope you love her as much as I do

Emmabella.. chief dietabella (not)

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  1. Oh Emily she’s so cute! Why do you do this to me? I just placed my order yesterday and today you choose to add another Bella!! She’s awesome! And I think the 1st of the month is a good time to debut a new Bella.

    LOVE IT!!

  2. I love her!!!! I have to ask you NOT to unveil new Bellas on the 1st… as that would be four long days until payday for me and I would be besides myself if I had to wait. So puhlllllllllllllllllllease unveil on the 5th and 20th! ha ha

  3. LOOOOOVVVEEE her! Oh, and of course we missed you silly girl! Can’t wait to see this storage thing you’ve got goin’…

  4. How about the 1st and the 15th! 🙂 We want lots and lots of new bellas! Love the new girl on the block! Very chic little chef! How delish is she?! We want more! We want more! Keep em’ comin’! We can’t wait to see more and more and more and more…OK you get the point!

    Sincerely, pushybella!

  5. Oh, Em, you’ve done it again (made me add something to my shopping cart that is) I love Chefabella, and I may even convince DH to like her ’cause pie is his fave!!

  6. Works for me!!! Thats the day I can start buying again. Tee hee! Although le bf has given me the go-ahead if I want to order I can and he pays. But… I will just have to wait for those new bellas.

  7. Wowwww Em, she’s great :D! But…I don’t think she’ll do much for my diet, getting hungry just looking at the turkey and pie…hmmm, think she might be going on my wish list anyway 😉

    My diet starts again today as well, why not, it being Monday and all…good luck to you and me both :D! Oh, and I think the 1st is a great day to launch a new Bella (hihihi, circusbella? :p)

  8. Ooh! She is fabulous! I’m looking forward to all the new and wonderful bella’s you keeping coming up with. They’re GORGEOUS!!!

  9. Love her—want her—got to have her!!!!! The first sounds great for new Bellas, its only a week and a half. YAY!!! Very cute card by the way, love the big flower and your coloring of ChefaBella is awesome!!!

  10. She’s really cool! Make her a vegetarian and you’ve got yourself another order! 😉

    And how about some fellas for the Bellas? I’m sure they’d be big sellas!

  11. She is soooo cute! I feel an another order coming on!!! I mean, I have to Emily…just can’t pass her up now..can I? (did i really ask that?) Great job with her she is exactly what the sistahs have been wanting.

  12. Great job Emily! She is sooooo cute – love the food, the apron, everything. I love the idea of once a month too – doesn’t really matter to me when, but knowing we have a day to look forward to is great! Love, love, love new bellas!!!

  13. I love her! However, I just placed another bella order a few days ago. You are really good and making me spend all my stamping money in one spot! And the great thing is I don’t even have to go out of the house to do it! I’m waiting on the tax refund check and then I’ll just send it to you- lol. Maybe there will be even more new bellas by then! Yippie!

  14. OK – I LOVE her!!! I’m a baker – not so much a cook…..baked treats are just so much yummier to eat!! Can’t wait to see new images…..any day of the month is just fine by me!!

  15. OH EM!!! She is Fab!
    I agree, so versatile, as only a true Bella can be! One more to add to the wish list!

    I received my first order last Friday, thanks. I have had time to make only one card. I’ll be posting her on SCS later today, have a peek.

    I do like the idea of having a “debut date” for a new Bella. But does that mean we only get one a month??? We need more 🙂

  16. omg she is amazing…. I am in love with her. I have to get her and fishabella now…. lol
    Wow, em you are fantastic….. can we have a hint as to our next bella?????? pretty please with cherries on top….

  17. OOHHH she is yummy!!! She must come to my home to play with my very small but growing larger House-of-Bella’s (well actually they are in a purdy box, just waiting for QueenBella-Em to get their new house done).

  18. AAAH–a new Bella! I just got my first ones in the mail TODAY (actually, it was 14 ‘firsts’–I just couldn’t decide) and now there is Chefabella?! No way! I was actually hoping for a cooking Bella, and now she’s here! Well, guess I may as well order another bunchabellas!!!!!

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