Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Sneaky PEEKY sunday sistahs! and a chance to win!

contest is NOW CLOSED

winnah of TINY TOWNIE TINY DANCERS goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

21-	Barbara Ridley, you win!  please email me the subject line, please write "I WON TINY DANCERS" along with your snail mail address!

Timestamp: 2015-06-01 03:30:51 UTC





Ok ok ok Ok .. THIS one is my favorite.  Ya for sure this one is my favorite.. mmhmm.. I’ll NEVAH say ANOTHAH stamp is my favorite AGAIN.  EVAH.  ok maybe I will.  Maybe tomorrow’s is my favorite too.. ARGHHHHH

At this moment in time.. THIS ONE FOR SURE is my favorite.. Totally.  But yesterday’s was my favorite too.. mmmmmhhmmm and the day before’s was too.

ok I’m done.

Meet Tiny Townie TINY dancers.  Can we please discuss the different tights?  no wait..  let’s discuss the pudgy little girl tummy in da MIDDLE.  .. the hairdo’s? the ribbons?  their JOIE DE VIVRE?   Their FREE SPIRITEDNESS?   That’s why I paired it with CELEBRATE EVERYTHING.. for KIDS.. for adults.. for 3 friends.. I LOOOOVE THEM.  Seriously.. you think this release is driving YOU nuts? LOL.. it’s driving ME nuts!!!


Here are 2 cards featuring Tiny Townie Dancers (I actually named them but never told anybody.. Lia, Pia and Mia)…

Here are some cards made using them.. TO DIE FOR!!

This card was made by ALICEWERTZABELLA


And THIS card was made by KERRIBELLA


I think I just fainted.


Wanna chance to win these delicious girls?  leave a comment below 🙂

Mwah again


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  1. This is another area of the amazing World of Stamping Bella stamps and I Can’t wait to find out more 🙂 🙂 so cute and I’ve GOT to own Them all 😉

  2. Stinkin’ CUUUUUTE! Lia, Mia and Pia… heehee. Your secret’s safe with me [big wink]. ROFLOL (at the names you dubbed them and just plain smiling looking at those cuties).

  3. OMGravy, is it June 1st yet…. I have been avoiding the email notifications for Memorial Day sales so I can get me 1 or 3 or all of the new releases on release day. Please hurry and get here.

  4. Ok, not trying to pick a favorite anymore, every time I do the next sneaky peek happens and I fall in love with that one! I’m in love with the Tiny Townies. These tiny dancers are especially adorable! Can it be the 1st now?

  5. I love the sentiment and the dancers. They pair well together. I think this might be my favourite. I think I might like the Tiny Townies more than the Uptownies. They are absolutely adorable.

  6. Stop this insane cuteness! I can’t take it ! I hope you have some serious stock of rubbah back there, Em! Can’t wait!!

  7. The first thing I noticed was there cute, round little tummies! Makes me think of how open kids are to express their joy in just about anything without inhibition. So cute.

  8. Lol! Could these stamps BE any cuter?!?!?
    This one is my fave so far! That motto is the one we’ve been using since last summer. An MRI showed my 14 year old daughter had a brain tumor. They scheduled surgery and thank God it was successful! Here we are almost a year later and you’d never know she had it. Amazing! So we celebrate everything because life is a gift and it could change at any moment! 🙂

  9. The ballerinas are just perfect for a card for my 12-year-old granddaughter who is totally into dancing and being a ballerina!

  10. Of my, each sneaky peek tiny townie is as cute as the one before and I’m trying to figure a way to get them all. Oh well one or two at a time will eventually get them all for me. Looking forward to the next one…….

  11. I agree…a favorite for sure! This stamp image is just delightful…can’t wait to see more.

  12. These are lovely little dancers. I have a bunch of real little dancers that would love a card made with these. Definitely need to add this stamp to my collection. 🙂

  13. Oh my gosh, another must have… How can I pick a favorite? I can’t even begin to pick a second place, all are fist place winners. They are just the most precious little things. Each and every one of the stamps have something to grin or giggle about…I love each and every one of them… Hugs

  14. Tiny Dancers : ) Sneak peek WOWZERS! and as always I enjoy your creative upbeat blog posts. Also to all you Stampingbella peeps enjoying your comments too. All made me smile and some even had me laughing. Until next time…..

  15. Oh wow, another set of characters that are waiting for me then!!! I love them all. Th DT cards are so gorgeous that they stand out from the page. I wish I had their talent, well done ladies
    {{{happy crafting hugs}}}
    Marg ;0 xxx

  16. Ah, I love little Lia, Pia & Mia! They are just adorable. The design team has done a beautiful job on their cards, those 3 little girls are SO CUTE!

    Oh heavens, you would have to mention fainting! I fainted today in the car (my husband was driving). Long story short, I am fine but woke up on the side of the road waiting for EMT’s and a few bystanders staring at me! Hello! Can you say EMBARRASSING???? LOL

  17. Oh my gosh!!!! The Sneaky Peeky’s just get better and better! Can’t wait to get mine on the release date! So exciting!

  18. SERIOUSLY!!! You named one LIA??? I have to have them now…. you r killing me with all this cuteness… with love, LIA S.

  19. Again I haven fallen in love but this time it is with three of the cutest little girls dressed up to dance into my heart. Yep you are officially killing us with these sneaky previews… it time to buy everything?

  20. OMG I can’t wait any longer. They are just too stinkin cute. I know, how about you surprise us and release them early… please… pretty please… c’mon, you know you want to 😉

  21. I just came here from Alice’s blog because I absolutely love these dancers! I didn’t realize you have a release coming up, I’m going to have to pay attention! lol

  22. Uau!!!!! Really fantastic and adorable stamps! Only stampingbella can create so beauty designs…

  23. My favorite stamp too .. so lovely.. I have two sisters (and me makes three) so I would love to win this stamp to create a beautiful card for each of them.. Loving your previews…Good Luck to Ann Marie

  24. OMG, You are right, I want to squeeze the chubby tummy in the middle, so adorable I just can’t stand it. These 3 little girls are so cute I can use them on so many cards, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Also, the Bella girls did such AMAZING cards with the stamp, I love them, I can’t even imagine being as talented as your design team girls are, they are really amazing and produce such Beautiful work. Kudos to them !!!.

  25. I wonder if I can get this in my hands before recital. My daughter and hr friends are avid dancers. So totally gonna be mine

  26. I love this one! I have two BFFs who I stamp with and I love making cards for them. This stamp is going to be a great addition to my collection of 3 girl stamps. I can’t wait to use it.

  27. Lia, Pia, and Mia oh my!! Love them!!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on these little gals!!!! I must say though, Amanda is still my favorite! LOL! But I love them all so far, and they are ALL on my list!!!! 🙂

  28. Is it wrong that I have been viewing these posts and hoping to get some birthday cash (my birthday is in 2 days) to purchase a few of these? Perhaps a quick email to my husband with the blog link…

  29. What a great image! I love crafting with my two sisters and this would be the perfect image to create a thank you card!

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