fixing all the leaks and plumbing.. and he is also doing a lot of measuring for some new furniture etc.. he may even paint! He is such a doll and if you colour him up and put a little charm here and there.. how ADORABLE will he be? I am LOVING his boots and his pencil behind the ear….. hmmmm
Hope you likey!
today is Ryan’s birthday.. actually was… numbah 35… I still remember when we were 20 and I was fixed up on a blind date with the CUTEST boy you ever did see…. I remember remember the party, the games, especially the dares for truth or dare we’d played and which were so eventful. 15 years later, he is that same boy who picked me up for our first date (and was a little late–why can’t I forget that?).. my girlfriend fixed us up and came on our first date with us.. I knew right then and there that he was “THE ONE”… Ok I am gonna tell you about our first date (even though I may bore you to death)..He picked me up (not as late) and we went to the most amazing coffee/sandwich place (didn’t expect so much then-boy have things changed!) so we sit down and we are talking up a storm and all of a sudden I see his jaw drop.. I am wondering what is going on and sure enough what do I see/feel? His jaw dropped cuz as we were talking I was crossing my legs under the table cloth.. as I was crossing my legs, I caught onto the tablecloth and started pulling it off the table. Along with the ginormous sandwich AND.. yes AND.. a huge scalding cappucino.. all over my lap… I WAS SO EMBARASSED at being such a klutz.. Ryan IMMEDIATELY jumped up and told me he had a spare pair of pants in his trunk (didn’t think to ask why..LOL) and he said he would go get them for me to change since I was BURNT and had alfalfa sprouts all over my pants… Ok so NOW.. the panic set in… Sistahs.. do you know why???? I WAS PETRIFIED that his pants WOULDN’T FIT!!!! What if they didn’t? that’s it if they didn’t, he would TOTALLY never ask me out again.. I was suffering sistahs.. really suffering.. So he brings me the pants. Black DRESS pants.. he put them in my hands and told me to go change.. OMG.. I wanted to spill more COFFEE and WINE all over the pants so I wouldn’t have to change.. but I couldn’t cuz he was watching my every move…. So I go to the bathroom.. hold my breath and HOPE for the best…. whaddya think happened?!?!?!?!? THEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and were even a little loose (loose? what’s that? those were the days.. hmph). So of course I strut right out of the bathroom dramatically repeating to him over and over again that the pants are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO big on me (while I hold in my tummy and pull the pants forward so he can see just HOW big they were on me.. LOLOL!)… Well, it was love ever since. Hope I didn’t bore you.
Of course I am a little guilty too as I didnt make or buy a card for him.. so this is my tribute to my love… Happy birthday to my fella!
So lets have a little contest… Let’s forget about stamping for a second (ok not for that long) and tell the sistahs about your first dates with your significant others or any other funny stories you would like to share! I love to listen to this stuff! It will be a great prize of course.. to be discussed… I also owe for the last contest so I will send that out too!
I am SO EXCITED to hear the stories? DId you “MWAH” or not? LOLOL
Mwah to da sistahs
love you muchly
throughout the day I will be posting charms and crystals.. I just want you to know that the charms are priced as singles! (didn’t want anyone to be confused).. The more I look at them, the more I am going MENTAL.. they are just too cute for words! Ok.. going to take pics and post..
oh they will be located under Bellas favorites!
love to DA SISTAHS
Check winobella out… I LOVE HER.. she is NOT the one I spoke of yesterday so there is more to come but she is one of my faves… the tilt of the second glass makes me so happy.. I dunno why? DOOOO YOUUUUUU LOVEYYYYYYY?????????????
So I made a decision… I take pride in making my cards.. I know I am a bit of a spendthrift and enjoy top quality and therefore always end up spending a little more.. BUT, when that card comes out with the swarovski crystal (can’t use anything else anymore) and the perfect charm and the most beautiful ribbon.. I mean, how can you resist? I wouldn’t use these treasures on bulk cards but on very special single cards.. OMG.. So this is what I thought I would try out. Lemme know what you think… I have brought in some charms (Oh have I mentioned that along with every container out on the planet, I LOVE little things? Like mini things.. miniatures, doll house furniture.. etc.. sick I tell ya!).. So Ya, as I was saying, I brought in some charms that I handpicked myself (with Nicky’s help *winks*) That I thought would go AMAZINGLY with the bellas and fellas.. you know, to hang on the ribbon, to stick on with a glue dot etc.. I dunno, I just feel it completes my card.. you may not agree with me (but you better..LOL).. I have bought MANY charms from dollar stores.. and I LOVE them and would still continue to buy them.. but they are not quite as detailed as these and not quite as detailed as these.. and frankly don’t look ANYTHING like these..LOL!.. I have put one up that is so mini and cute (looks ginormous but is really maybe 1″ high *0.5″ wide).. and it is AMAZINGLY cute.. I will include a jumpring with them so you can apply easily….. I LOVEY bella’s bottle opener.. do you lovey?? the picture doesn’t do it justice… Ok lot’s more charms to come.. I don’t have many because I wanted to try it out to see if the sistah’s liked this type of thing? I will also post the most amazing swarovskis in my favorite colours.. will package them in 10’s.. I LOVE them so much.
Ok, ’nuff said (someone said that on an SCS post and I LOOOOOVED IT)
mwah! mwah! mwah!
I just had a thought.. I know that it is scary but it is late and I am working and participating in some chats on bellaholics yahoogroup… I got SUCH a visual. Is it not AMAZING that we are all connected? I mean I am at my desk in Toronto working, typing etc.. and another sistah is in another part of the world typing on her computer while snacking and watching tv and the next sistah is feeding her pet while checking her emails and chatting.. I mean it is totally AMAZING?!
just thought I would enlighten you by letting you into the ‘bellas’ thoughts.. did I just sound like the biggest loser?
loser MWAH’S
actually the continuation of an addiction. HELLLLLOOOOO Sistahs! mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah! (thaSS me making up for lost time).. I am so sorry I haven’t written in a while.. I figured I couldn’t beat the “stuffed pickle” story so I just wanted to lay low…LOL. Actually have been crazy busy.. furniture has arrived in my new place minus a BELLA. I am waiting for a computer to be set up there (this week) and then I am gonna move! I have so many things to talk about but have NO IDEA where to start.. lemme think.. (can you tell I don’t plan these blogs? I am the only person that can type out my thoughts.. step by painful step)…
I have been chained to my desk and trying my hardest to get your goodies out.. I am still at about a 7 business day turn around time but things should change by next week.. I promise! Once I am set up and have my peeps with me helping oh boy sistahs.. watch out… Emabella will have ‘time’ on her hands… I have so many ideas that I will be able to work on and have come to fruition (hopefully) that you will FREAK out and be so happy (me thinks and me hopes). Lots of GOODEEZ (love that sp)
Storage–it’s READY.. can you believe? now this is the problem (don’t mean to tease).. I am waiting to add a module on my system for shipping.. different levels people can choose from with options (trackable too!).. just trying to keep everyone happy and give lots of options.. So once it is done, I PROMISE it will be up!
So my obsession. OMG my obsession (are there 4 s’s or just 3???).. I know I have mentioned my coloring obsession and thought I had it all… NOW, I can confidently say I have it all…the theme of this round of colouring obsession is watercolour.. I will not dare list what I own but I can tell you that I have now purchased, liquid watercolors (in bottles), cakes of watercolors, and PEERLESS watercolors.. I lie.. I had the Peerless for the past few years since a stamping convention I attended in Novi Michigan.. YUM! I do believe that GINA K’s website sells them.. they are AMAZING.. a dry, deeply pigmented watercolor booklet! There are 15 blendable colours.. one colour per page and you just pick up the colours with a wet brush and colour away! OMG OMG.. AMAZING… I definitely need practice (of course spent a kabillion on amazing brushes too.. AMAZING kolinsky watercolor brushes).. I have so many of the best tools.. if only I knew how to use them properly.. ho hum.. but I AM SOOOOOO BLOODY HAPPY.. you have no idea!!
Here’s a card I made using the peerless watercolours.. I think the colouring needs more work.. BUT I love the card anyway :).. I also used a new cuttlebug die.. the mesh.. I LOOOOOVE IT.. ! Anyone else as sick as I have been this week? And of course I mean “SICK” in the best of terms *winks*
[photopress image=”fella__s_shirt_003.jpg”]
you can find the “fella shirt” over here… it is so versatile.. you can put little teeny tiny buttons to embellish, you can stamp once on patterned paper and cut out the tie etc… LOVE IT.. but what don’t i love?
this is becoming a problem ladies….
hellllpppppp mmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MWAH MWAH MWAH! (continuation from earlier)