Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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shipping rates.. blablabla

Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo sistahs! Had a great weekend with hub.  He decided to take me to Niagara Falls to shop and gamble and just have a plain ole good time.  Ok fine.. sounds so great that he surprised me but is it still considered a surprise when I myself made the reservations? LOL

Now I am back and I gotta discuss some shipping issues.  I have been emailed a few times regarding my rates.  This is the scoop.  I have had a Canada Post module uploaded onto my site reflecting actual prices.  This may seem high to some but there is no cushion there.. they are the actual rates!  If I do see that it may be high compared to what my system says when I am actually inputting the order, then of course, I will refund the difference.  As a matter of fact, some of the prices are low and I am subsidizing the difference!  I have come to terms with the fact that I will never win this battle…LOL. I don’t want anyone at all to be put off by these rates but you must understand that if you opt for ground service or would like a ground service and it is not an option when checking out, I am more than happy to accomodate BUT you must understand that it may take up to 4 weeks to receive your order and it is out of my control. So if that’s cool with you, then that is cool with me! No matter what, I have tried to exude an approachable ‘aura’ and for whatever reason you should feel you have a question or a need to discuss any matter, please please please, do not hesitate to email me at any time at all and we can ‘talk’. 

Ok, enough about bidniss.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS COMING.  I think I am gonna reveal something tomorrow.. I am SO in the mood! LOL..

Are you in the mood?



just replenished and ADDED

more EMBELLASHMENT charms.. you likey?  Got a walkabella’s fire hydrant (my WARPED sense of humor), a spade and a rake for veggibella and refilled all the sold out ones! 




this one is for you CUZZIES

Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo sistahs!

Sorry I have been MIA but with the reveals last week, I thought you would survive. Guess What? There’s LOTS more coming!! Let’s try to recap my half week here.. First I need to mention my GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.. stamping GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that is.  They came to visit last Thursday.. Donna, Hannah, Irene, Nicky and moi.. lunch was brought and lotsa blabbing.. SO MUCH FUN!  I am thinking that my neighbour in the building thinks I am running a stamping brothel (LOLOL) as women are coming in and out and in and out.. always the same ones, mind you… OMG.. I bet he thinks I am the MADAM and my GIRLZZZ well, are, my GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ you know what I’m sayin?  I had Donna picking orders, Hannah was organizing, Nicky and Irene were reading off orders and checking off if there was anything missing.. Ahem.. so anyone that has a mistake on their order??? IT WAS NICKY AND IRENE”S FAULT n’k?  LOL.  Things are moving at a bit of  a quicker pace but I am still at the 5-7 business day turnaround but now with different shipping levels, things should be bettAH.

Funny anecdote of the week… LOL.. I laugh even before I begin.  So I am at my desk TOTALLY concentrating on the task at hand (phone call/order/email.. you name it) and I hear someone coming down the hallway.. actually BOUNDING down the hallway.  I hear a gentleman go to my neighbor and asks him if he is EMILY.. can you believe?  Not dealing with a full deck and I am PETRIFIED at what is about to enter my office… sure enough the most neurotic, clumsy, SWEATY delivery man comes with the most amazing bouquet of flowers.  He asks me if I am Emily.  I say yes.  I asked him if he bought these for me.. after wiping his brow he says NO (what a sense of humor).  I signed for my flowers and he tripped across my office and left.  So here I am a little shaken with the delivery guy experience and I am thinking that my HUB is a SUPERSTAR.. I mean honestly.. flowers??? for MOI??? what did I do to deserve them?  Then I am thinking (better thought here) that I have a secret admirer!  Could it be?  COuld it be that someone is admiring me from afar and wrote me a love letter professing his love for DA BELLA?  nope.  It was even BETTAH than that.  You remember the beautiful cousins Maralyn, Esther and Karen I spoke about in a previous post? (check out STUFFED PICKLE).. they sent me the  most BEAUTIFUL bouquet.. OMG OMG.. just for being me… OMG OMG.  ARE THEY THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD?

 OK, does anyone else want my address? LOLOL



Storage and WHY it is the best thing since sliced bread.

[photopress image=”binder_front.jpg”]First, I need to tell you how much I hate my brand new 8 million dollar camera.  I am thinking that it isn’t the camera but the user in a rush with no props.. what do you think?  Anyway, I wanted to get the stuff up so you could see… let me ‘splain how I decided to come up with the buildabindah k?

 Once upon a time a loooong loooong time ago (about 1 year) I decided to go into the rubber stamp biDniss. UNMOUNTED rubber stamps.. I was scared at first cuz I was SO USED to the wood mounted and LOVED the fresh wood you would get with a pristine stamps… mmmmm…. yummy!  Anyway, I wanted to make sure that the quality of my stamps were good enough to stamp without wood and sure enough, the Bellas were born! ok enough about that history.

I didn’t know how to store them and I thought of a solution.  I bought this CLUNKORAMA binder with a zipper around it (of course pink) and I bought about 17 million sport card pockets to fit into the binder to store my stamps.  It worked great!  Thank goodness for the zipper though cuz stamps were sliding out of the pockets!  Don’t forget, I am a little rough and klutzy… for those daintybellas out there, it probably never happened to you.. OK so having said that.. you all know I love storage and I love portability of storage (although I go NOWHERE but I just need to know that storage is portable! LOL)

  So first I knew in my head that I wanted a binder I wanted to build a binder to my specifications hence… the BELLA BUILDA BINDA  — is that cute or WHAT?

Ok, so why it took so long is cuz I am a perfectionist.  So first I had to design the front, spine and back

[photopress image=”binder_front_1.jpg”]

[photopress image=”binderspine.jpg”]

[photopress image=”binderback.jpg”]

 I am not sure if you can see but on the front in the four corners and on top of the “i” in “stamping” are glitter stickers that were hand applied by Ruby my wonderful right hand.. then I designed the spine which I think is adorable as Stamping goes vertically and Bella goes horizontally… cute cute cute and not typical which is what I like.. and the back is just a shower of daisies!

Ok now for the design of the inserts!  I wanted to make an insert where sloppy people like me can ‘shake’ the binder and stamps won’t fall out soooo… there is a flap built in covering the pockets so that nothing can fall out!  How’s that for engineering.. huh huh huh?  I have one pocket that is just a deep cavity with a flap. I put colored pencils in there, blocks in there, stamp pads, card fronts that I am working on.. you can also put a piece of cardboard in cut to measure, stamp your images on it, slip it inside the pocket and if you ezmounted (new verb) your stamps, you can just stick on top of the image in the pocket!  Ok, I also made a pocket to fit your standard 4.25*5.5 cards.. they are side loading so risk of them falling out are slim to none.  I dunno if it makes sense or not but the cards look so beautiful in them and imagine having a binder devoted to all of your bella cards in a BINDAH?  cute!  Ok, made another refill to fit bellas (2.5*3.5).. it has 4 pockets and it is amazing.. then I designed one that has 2 pockets 4*4 for bigger stamps.  Next I have one with 2 channels and 2 smaller pockets.  THe channels fit my borders and 3 line borders perfectly and 2 bonus ones that fit smaller stamps…I also designed one that has 16 pockets to fit words.. all facing inwards with a flap so they won’t fall out!  Ok.. So I think that is it.  Then Nicky came up with some “paypah” that I designed for the bindah… if you are going out with it you can pack everything in there!  And the paper is for sketching, phone numbers, doodling etc.. and the bellas on it are placed SO CUTELY that it is just cute to look at! LOL.

 I do hope that this is descriptive enough and please if you have ANY questions at all, email me and let me know!

I LOVE this system so much and the binder in person is top quality and just so pretty and you do know they were made with LOVE to the sistahs and lots of MWAHS.

Love to all




she starts with a “V”

and she is TO DIE FOR… I mean, I don’t garden but I so want to now! LOL


There are sentiments to go.. AND a charm which I will try to post later


I hope you do..

MWAH to da sistahs!


Nicky came to visit today

or so she thought… (bwahhahahahahah). 

I was so excited today.. got lots done and of course came home with homework.. but that’s besides the point.. Another reason to be excited?  My 2 year old is getting into this toilet training thing!! “MUMMMMMY PEEEEPEEEEE”, I know too much information but it is SO CUTE!  She is on the toilet and a few drops fall and I scream or Ruby screams “ONE peeeepeeee”!  she laughs hysterically and sucks it back in.. then she lets a few more drops and we shout “TWOOOOO PEEPEEEEES” and at this point, she is hysterical, the two of us are hoarse and exhausted from screaming and dancing etc.. you get the picture but HOW CUTE IS DAT?

 See how I jump from one subject to the other?  hmph.. this is how my brain works..LOL.  Ok, back to the Nicky thang.  She told me she would bring me lunch today and just hang out so she called me that she was downstairs and to meet her.  I met her at her car and she looks at me and says “WHAT?? NO SSSSMARTTTT CARTTTT?”… I respond back to her “for lunch??” “How much lunch didja bring???”.. she then starts ‘unloading’ her car.. We brought all these bags upstairs to my office (aka ‘digs’ ‘crib’) and she begins to unpack… How sweet is THIS?  She bought me a tea kettle (she drinks tea, I don’t LOLOL), a COFFEE MAKER, a tin of coffee and some tea, 3 stackable containers (NEED I SAY MORE?) for sweet n low, stir sticks, tea bags etc.. pink forks and green knives (my colours) and matching funky napkins AND a little kleenex pack that matches the napkins, cuz she said THE BELLA needs cute kleenex.. and a pink ceramic mug that plugs into the car lighter to keep your coffee warm (CUTEST IDEA).. I almost cried.. that was THE NICEST package I have ever gotten.. oh and some paper towels (do ya think she thinks I need to clean a little?) but no windex? hmph.  Was so happy.  So she sat down and I put her to work.. she did a wonderful job and the company was PHENOM..

I had a great day.. still trying to catch up but I see the light!

Today was a great day.. got lots of goodies and felt so loved.. I be so happy

oh, did I mention there will be a reveal on Friday?  huh?  did I?


love to DA SISTAHS


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