Whether you are a momma or not, I just think today is such a wonderful day to celebrate WOMANHOOD. And da SISTAHOOD.
So mwah to all da sistahs who are celebratin’ 🙂
Tomorrow I will upload a picture of my gifties 🙂
Hiya sistahs!! Hope you are well… We are currently BURIED…LOL undah RUBBBBAH!! I have been cutting stamps all day for the past 8 days.. trying to catch up! my BOSSES are sooo hard on me 🙁 HMPH.
DA good news is that it IS friday, IT IS Bellarific… and it is the WEEKEND!!! WOOOHOOOO!!
I also wanted to apologize for my late challenge this week.. I promise it will NEVAH happen again!
So heeere goes! The challenge this week was “BIRTHDAY” chosen By Danabela. excellent choice Dana and hope you had a great golfing trip!!
Here’s Nickabella’s gorgeous card! she used BFFabuggs. Her layout, the colouring.. FANTASTIQUE! did ya notice da BONBONS and da RIBBON??? also if you check out Nicky’s blog you will see a stunning card using Rollanda Ketto.. the layout is OUTSTANDING!
Danabella made a stunning card using golfafella. If you take a looky at Dana’s blog, you will also see an adorable card using our brand new MONSTAH BASH.. how cute are da monstahs?? and da CARD???
Jenabella made a stunning card using Patricia Birthday cake.. isn’t it terrific? the colors, the layout, the image!! LOOOVE IT! if you check out Jen’s blog, you will also see some gorgeous cards using Agnes Ketto and Savvyshoppabella! go check it out? they are gorgeous!!
Joannabella (who is away in disney!!!) made a PHENOMALISH card using Cuppacakeabella . She also had an adorable card here with hippiechickabella. SOOO CUTE!!!
Karenabella – who I GOT TO SEE TWICE IN 2 WEEKS!!!!! made a stunning card using PATRICIA BIRTHDAYCAKE AS WELL! check out those DOTS!! I believe they are the pumpkin ones.. LOVE THEM! If you want to see some other great samples, go to Karen’s blog and see a gorgeous LATTEBELLA and another gorgeous card using 3 little trees! BEEYOOTIFUL!
Lindabella made a stunning card using BEEDAY HUGGABUGG.. is it not DEEEEVINE??? OMG! If you check out her blog, you will also see a gorgeous mixed copic and pencils card using underthehoodybella.. ADORABLE OR WHAT?
Paulabella made a FANTABULOUS card using retailafellabella. Need I say more? LOL.. also take a look here at peony bittybloom… those colors together are my fave!!
shannanabella made an amazing card using birthday cake with a stella in it.. is it not adorable??? If you look at Shannan’s card here on her blog, you will also see a great card using Daisy with a stella on top.. just LOOOVELY!!
And now for our sistahood contributions!! they are PHENOM as usual! thank you so much for taking the time! it makes me soooo veryyyy happy!
Excellent cards and NEW FACES TOO! I love it! Don’t forget to leave a comment and you can win $20 in bella bucks! One lucky Contributor will also be winning a $20 GIft cert!
Have a great weekend sistahs and I will probably be back before sunday to present the next challenge! I have LOTS to talk about so I will be more active on my blog next week
I thought I posted the challenge yesterday!!!!
Danabella chose the theme this week! It’s BIRFDAY week.. so any card you would like to submit with a birthday theme… g’head!
Challenge must be emailed to emily@stampingbella.com by 5:00 pm thursday EST and the subject line should be BELLARIFIC FRIDAY MAY 8th!
THANK YOU THANK YOU Michelle for reminding me 🙂
Just wanted to wish my deliciously yummalish phenomalish husband a happy birthday… we had a great day today!! Had sushi for lunch, had cake with candles (I didn’t cuz I started weight watchers today.. hmph).. but we all celebrated in Bellaland.. Nicky, dena, ryan and me!
First i would like to tell everyone how IMPRESSED I was with this week’s contributions! Absolutely SENNNNNNNSATIONAL SISTAHS!!! It makes me sooo happy 🙂
Now for DA WINNAHS from Friday!
The winner of da sistahood contribution is
KIMBERLY LOWREY! What a beeyootiful card using Tatiana Ketto.. so BOLD and gorgeous! Great job! We will send you a $20 gift voucher shortly!
Now DA WINNAH from da PEANUT gallery (commentators) is #37 (For Ryan’s birFday)
CINDY VERNON! : you will receive a $20 voucher as well! Happy shopping!
Thank you all for participating.. we SO appreciate you using and enjoying our stamps!
Now let’s take a looky at what DA BABES have been up to 🙂
Danabella has been SOOOOOOOOO busy making STUNNING cards!! If you scroll through her blog, you will see our reindeer circle, alteeTUDE, ampleeTUDE, and flowahbella! yummy eye candy!!
Joannabella has also been a very biZzy bee making stunnaLICIOUS (nice word ay?) cards! Take a look at her bloggypoo and you will see cards using teeoffabella, and polar bear circle and bluebell bittybloom
Karenabella: made a stunning card using Queen Anne Bittybloom..omg! and she also made a gorgeous card using shower BUGG sooo cute!
Lindabella made a STUNNING card using SUCKITUP STELLA.. soo funny!
Hope you LOVEY and congrats to da winnahs!!
Mwah to da sistahs who will support da weight watcha!
Honestly, it’s crazy… where does the time go? I remember being perched on my couch last week Thursday night thinking the same thing… WHERE oh WHERE does the time go? I have no ideaR.
Well sistahs, this week was a PHENOM week… we are celebrating Ryan’s birthday on Monday with our FREE SHIPPING OVER $50! The code to use upon checkout is happyweek. So you must take advantage! We had a wonderful new release this week and I have tried to put a lot of product online and in our “special” section.. SUCH GOODIES omg!
Here was this week’s sketch provided by the wonderful and talented Jen Del Muro -babe-o-rama
so let’s start looking at how our Bellarific Babes interpreted this sketch
Nickabella made a beautiful card using our Curly Flourish.. I just love the simplicity of a flourish and the color combo?! LOOOVE IT!
Danabella made a gorgeous card using our brand spanking new ALTEE ‘tude.. Is the card not ADORABLE??
Jenabella made a stunning card using our hanging hearts block.. see how versatile this stamp is?? LOVE IT!
Joanne-abella made a gorGEOUS card using our polar bear circle.. isn’t it DEEVINE?
Karenabella made a stunning card using the brand spanking new queen anne bittybloom. Isnt’ it gorgeous?
LindaBella made a stunning card usingy Ivy Ketto.. umm she told me she colored this in the car on the way home from MEMPHIS?! LOLOL.. you should see my coloring in the car
Paulabella made a stunnalicious card using SPRINGTINI. whaddya thinky?
Shannanabella made a gorgeous card using Wendy Papillon. Isn’t it gorgeous??
And NOOOW onto our SISTAHOOD contributions 🙂 absolutely DEEvine sistahs!
So how is THAT for Bellarific Friday?!?!?!? AMAZING no?
One of the contestants will be receiving a $20 gift voucher on Monday and one lucky PEANUT GALLERY participant (aka. someone who places a comment ) can also receive a $20 gift certificate so PLEASE place a comment and tell me you were here to visit 🙂 even if it’s just a little ‘hi’
Mwah to da sistahs who love DA FRIDAYS
for FREE SHIPPING for orders over $50 to ANYBODY ANYWHERE (Bead Bonanza is not included in this promotion)! Our sale is on until May 4th. We decided to celebrate Ryan’s birthday early! (his birthday is May 4th) and give the sistahs a treat! May 2nd is also considered a HOLY day in our store (waving to Diane) for National Scrapbooking day so we decided to wrap everything all togethah and make it a CELEBRATION with our new release! soooo?? Whaddya Thinky??????
IT is now 12:15AM Tuesday morning and I am soooo verrrrryyyy tirrrreddddd
but I think I should release a little som’n som’n .. This will be the post where I add da GOODIES so keep your EYES HERE sistahs!
Let’s release hmmmmmmm
Showerbuggs… This is a PHENOM stamp to be used as a cheer up card, wedding showers, baby showers too!
meet a new member of the WATT family. It is so difficult to make boys’ cards… masculine in general.. and I love ROBOTS.. but cute ones… ya know? so please meet
GIGWATT you’ll notice that my theme this month is fill in the blanks.. make your own sentiment.. dunnow why, I just love when a stamp is versatile! and he comes with 3 sentiments that fit in the sign! I just love his goofy face 🙂 hope you do too!
meet Christy’s new line of ‘TUDES
Altee-tude– get it? she is on a cloud? on cloud nine? get it? I LOVEY those ‘tudes
Violet BITTYBLOOM idn’t she cute??
JUST MY TYPE (with sentiments)- I am in LOVE with this image and it’s versatility! It can be a masculine card too.. I LOOOOOOOOVE this image!!! and it is sooo wonky and so retro.. my kids don’t even know what a typewriter is..LOL!
PUFF (and mini puff)– HOW CUTE is this dragon? can be a girl dragon or a boy.. LOVE her/him..LOL!
meet PEEKABOObella– isn’t she cute? and she comes with the sentiment! There are so many uses for her.. showers, bachelorettes, birthday… LOVE HER
how about BFFabugg? SOOO CUTE..! If i say that one more timeeeee…
do you love LADY OWLIE on her sign? I AM IN LOOOOVE with her!
turtle tots-bathtime
AMPLEE ‘TUDE-get it? ice cream? ample? lol.. i’m so CRAZY
turtle tots- TEDDY BEAR
molly WATT– a girl robot? OMG!
MONSTAH bash– yummo!
Daisy Hightops– perfect for a girl’s card
Peace Hightops– perfect for a BOYZZZZ card
Kilo WATT– how cute is he?
Little Emmy– this is how CHRISTY sees me…LOL
Daffodil BITTYBLOOM– LOVE her hat 🙂
queen ANNE BITTYBLOOM– love her pose!
CELEBRATE 3 line– SUCH a versatile stamp and more in that theme to come!
Here’s a nickabella sample of the celebrate 3 line using our shadow circle set! how stunning is this?
***MEEET ADDY…. ADDY ‘TUDE.. she is one of my faves.. I just LOVEY her!!
*****we have sent out a bulk newsletter yesterday and people have been having problems with our link. If you don’t mind just going into a new browser page and start fresh, everything should be a-ok!
nighty night sistahs
sweet dreams
see you in da MORNING!
mwahhhhhhh (that’s a sleeping mwah)