and da WINNAH will be announced TOMORROW! Stay tuned for our next splitcoast challenge and I want to thank ALL DA SISTAHS who participated this last month!
ok ready to see more eye candy? let’s go!
oh and if you see your card here, please say hi in the comments.. would love to hear from you!
Yummalish or what?
Now for some of our Bella Babe inspiration!
Carlabella used our HAPPY SILHOUETTES here.. 2 out of 3 of them.. I just love these 🙂 and the MABEL IS REACHING FOR THE STARS sentiment
and here’s the inside using another happy silhouette
Cathabella used REINDEER CIRCLE and our LARGE MERRY CHRISTMAS sentiment
Amandabella used LULU LOVES POPPIES (have I mentioned that this is one of my most FAVORITEST stamps?)
Angelabella used TEDDYBELLA
Elaineabella used several uptownies for this card :): Victoria and Juliette, Madison and Pattie and Dottie
Kimabella used UPTOWN GIRL AVA
Marybella used UPTOWN GIRL POSH
Paulineabella used UPTOWN GIRL BUBBLES
Regabella used our HAPPY SILHOUETTES
Vickabella used ARTSY HOUSE
Phew! I need a break..LOL. Is this post not worth the 2-3 hour effort? LOL. I think so! PHENOM work from da BABEROONIS and da SISTAHOOD!
Don’t forget…
Tomorrow is ART JOURNAL WENNNNSDAY… COLLAGE is the theme.. so get crackin.. take some time for yourself to play!
Also, don’t forget to post a comment on the above post for a chance to win double bucks for commentaytin ($20!)..
Mwah to da sistahs who need to wipe da DROOL
And how has everyone been??? hmmmm????
Well I have been hiding in my “cave” working working working and sneaking in the studio for some “ME TIME”.. remember my “bunny painting” I showed you a while ago? Well it is now complete.. wanna see???? Here’s the evolution of DA BUNNIES.
Ok now on to our regularly scheduled program..LOL
Let’s discuss some winnahs for last week! DOUBLE BUCKEROONIS!
Winnah for contributin’ ($40 in bella bucks WOOHOO!) goes to..
Here are your random numbers:
4-VIOLET YOU WIN!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-12-07 20:46:13 UTC
and now for our COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella bucks.. WOOHOO!)
Here are your random numbers:
12- Diana L you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-12-07 20:48:10 UTC
So now for this week’s challenge! and we have new BABEROONIS to celebrate!
USE A TAG on your card or MAKE A TAG using one of your stamps 🙂
let’s see what da BABEROONIS came up with shall we?
Paulineabella and Regabella are both off for December.. Carla is back next friday but check out her blog for some new cards next week!
Ok Now for da SISTAHOOD
Are ya DROOLIN’ yet?
Next week’s theme is OUR LAST ONE OF THE YEAR!! *sniff* .. so MAKE IT GOOD will ya? LOL… and PARTICIPATE… will ya?
Ok here’s da SKETCH
Don’t forget to leave a comment here for the chance to win DOUBLE BELLA BUCKS! ($20) or CONTRIBUTE to next week’s sketch for a chance to win $40 in bella bucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who are making a card as we speak
and it was all about what was inspiring you this week….
So this week what inspired ME the most and continues to inspire me is CHEAP kraft paper… I just love the texture.. I love to stamp on it and I LOVE to colour with colored pencils on it.. they just POP. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen this image of my “homely” girl… but it just shows what you can do on Kraft. This paper I used was actually from a big “scratch pad” of paper I bought at the art supplies store.. 18*24 I believe and I cut it to the size i needed for my new “moley” (moleskine sketchbook). It was $3.10 LOL
In fact, I am SO inspired by this paper that I made my OWN journal with it… One night I was DETERMINED to make a journal with a long stitch (i was up until 2AM). I have taken all of MARY ANN MOSS’S classes and just adore her. The “recipe” for this book is from her FULL TILT BOOGIE class. She is HILARIOUS and makes it so easy… she embraces imperfection.. that’s just my style. Have I mentioned that I am obssessed with online classes? 🙂 I think I have taken every single one available to sistahkind….
here is the book I made using the long stitch.. my first attempt and I am happy with it :). the front and back covers are 8*10 canvas boards that I am gonna paint.. it’s chunky , it’s juicy.. it’s kinda like me..LOL
and here’s the inside with my new inspiring paper
hehehehe.. ok now for my entry this week. My little homely girl who has no self confidence :(… she is giving herself up for FREE (see the bingo card collage piece)..
let’s see the other sistahood entries shall we?
ok so for AJ WEDNESDAY next week, let’s think of a theme… hmmm… Ok how about COLLAGE? I want you to cut and paste and cut and cut and paste and paste and feel the joy I feel everytime I make a collage 🙂
Mwah to da sistahs who will be dangerous with a pair of scissors.. LOL
hiya sistahs!
how was your weekend? I am still coughing up a lung and a half.. it ain’t pretty sitting next to me 🙁
I have “doubled up the bucks” for contributing to bellarific friday this week AND for commenting on the bellarific friday post…. SO come ONNNNN whatcha waitin’ for?
So I am moving AJ toosday to tomorrow.. so if ya wanna play along.. i’ll wait for ya k?
Today I am going to feature some entries for our SPLITCOAST challenge going on! Now forgive me as I don’t have real names.. I am just posting everyone’s ALIAS… how mysterious.. so if you see your card posted here.. why not say HELLO and let us know who you really are. The funny thing is that I believe our DT is mixed in here and I don’t even know their aliases.. I am so sharp that way..LOL. So SAY HELLO so I don’t feel like a FOO’ (I like that better than FOOL..LOL)
Ok here we go.. ready?
How amazing are these cards??? I LOVE the turnout and hope that YOU TOO will participate!
you can read what you need to do HERE
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVEY to be inspired
*cough* *choke* *gurgle*
not so pretty bella
and I am sick and miserable..LOL. Have a cold.. headachy.. achy in general. So not a chipper bella this week. Next week should be MUCH chattier :).. I feel it in my bones! And if you don’t get enough of ME.. you should visit our splitcoast forum and our facebook group.. they are VERYYY happy and chatty and I try to participate as much as I can!
Ok so today is BELLASHMIFFIC SHMIDAY. Let’s pick some winnahs from last week shall we?
Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ ($20 in bella bucks ) goes to….
Here are your random numbers:
1-LESLIE YOU WIN!! please email me and I will send you da vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:31:28 UTC
Now for a COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
1-karen you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:32:44 UTC
Ok ya ready for our show?
This week’s theme was a SKETCH
let’s see how our AMAZING BABEROONIS interpreted it shall we?
Amandabella used MARTHA LULU
Angelabella used BEE MINE HUGGABUGG
Carlabella used UPTOWN GIRL EVE under the MISTLETOE
and of course the inside 🙂
Danabella used SNOWMAN CIRCLE
Marybella used GOSSIPABELLA
Paulineabella used POLAR BEAR CIRCLE
Regabella got MESSSY and Painty this week using our SCRIBBLE and SPILL GRAFFITI set and our THINKING BIRDS
Vickibella used FROSTY
I just love our baberoonis… I love how different and beautiful all their work is.. SO INSPIRING!!!
Now for our inspiring DROOLY ( LOL.. bella word for people who make us DROOL) sistahood!
Ok so sistahs you ready for this? Starting next week, I am in a holiday mood and and will DOUBLE our Bellarific Friday prizes! So if you comment on this post , you can win $20 in bella bucks. If you CONTRIBUTE to next week’s theme, you can win $40 in bella bucks! how’s that for holiday spirit? I ain’t no GRINCHABELLA! LOL
Also as I mentioned above , we have monthly challenges going on on splitcoast which you can find HERE. I will be featuring the entries on my blog next week so STAY TOONED TO DROOL some more! Why not participate? you have a chance to win MO’ money!
Ok next week’s theme is to use a TAG… either make your card in the shape of a tag , or make a gift tag using our stampies or stick a tag on a card with an image on it 🙂
Hope to see lots of entries for the chance to win $40 in bella bucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who feel bad for Tyler’s coach this weekend 🙂 LOL
Hope you had a GREAT weekend 🙂
We had 2 hockey tournaments as well as an angry hockeymom who was “thrown out” of her son’s dressing room.. can you believe it? LOL.. I got myself into TRUBBLE… but I was miffed. hmph. No one messes with a mama bear.. am I right sistahs???
Quick Bidniss update: Elaineabella has been VERY busy chatting up a storm on FACEBOOK and on SPLITCOAST and has set up a challenge there… take a look!
Yesterday we had a bit of snow and of course my little Jayden was fully dressed and ready to play
the snow was shortlived but her smile lasted 🙂
So this week’s AJ TOOSDAY theme was ANYTHING GOES… so let’s see what everyone came up with
and I decided that I wanted to try a journal in a binder format.. never tried that before and I think I like it! LOL
I bought the Michael’s recollection version of SMASH.. I liked the binder size and the page design. I decided I would keep some elements of each page that I liked.
Here’s the binder I chose
Here’s a sample spread in the binder. How GORGE are those poppies? and to stick and collage and paint in there? keeping the poppies and the birdies? Oh my imagination is running WILD sistahs!!!
And here is a page I altered using molding paste, acrylics, pastels, pen, gesso, stencils, collage and of course some of our new RUBBAH! I used our WALL WITH WORDS stamp set and our HAPPY SILHOUETTES stamp set. This was so much fun I tell ya. I wish I could show you this in person.
Next week’s theme??? hmmmmm….. STENCILS. Try to make your own out of cardboard, paper, acetate.. or use ready made ones.. but using your own will make you feel like an ARTISTE! Use them ANY WAY YOU WANNA!
Don’t forget Bellarific Friday this week SKETCH! and comment on the BF post for a chance to win $10 in buckeroonis!
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE to AJ.