it’s DT THursday with KATHY RACABELLA!

Hiya sistahs!  Today we have a fun video by our KATHY RAC A BELLA  using our THINKINGOFYOUABELLA rubber stamp and “CUT IT OUT” DIE (you can purchase the bundle and save 15%)

Here’s the card she made (PRETTY BRILL I must say using the sentiment on her top.. it’s like THINKINGOFYOUABELLA went and got it screenprinted :).. remember those places where you would pick the design and they would press it for you in front of you?  YA WELL that’s where she went 😉 )  and she colored with distress inks!

Here’s the card

Stamping bella Rubber stamp used : THINKINGOFYOUABELLA + "CUT IT OUT" DIE.  Card made by KATHY RACOOSIN

and a closeup

Stamping bella Rubber stamp used : THINKINGOFYOUABELLA + "CUT IT OUT" DIE.  Card made by KATHY RACOOSIN

And check out her process in this video!  LOVE!

Mwah to da sistahs who are gonna crack open some paints, markers, and stamp a little today:)

Don’t forget Kathy’s DAILY MARKER CHALLENGE!  It’s going on this month on instagram.. take 1 min.. 2 min.. 5 min out of your day and colour something .. it’s therapeutic I promise.. then post it on IG so we can find you using the hashtag #thedailymarker30day


and mwah again 🙂
