Monthly Archives:: July 2008


’tis FUH-riday!  I miss da sistahs.. I have been SOOOO buried under piles of paypah but I have emerged for a second to say Hello!  soooo.. HELLO!  what’s everybody up to?  I think it is a loooong weekend there?  I hope you are up to lots of good times, barbecues, food, fireworks, rest relaxation 🙂 .. if that is happening in your neck of the woods, can I come ? 🙂

My kidlets started camp this week.. Tyler (6) is a veteran.. it is his 2nd year in a row hopping on a bus and going to a beautiful day camp… I grudgingly make his lunch (I don’t LOVE making lunches.. have I mentioned that evah?  I am running out of ideaRs)… Little daughter Jayden (3) started camp as well (in the mornings) and is loving it but when I see her little body walking with her GINORMOUS backpack I get these little aches and pains and pangs… I am not into making her lunch

Sooo my long weekend question to you issssssssss: what can I possibly give my kidlets for camp lunches.. fast, easy, and you guarantee me that they eat it.  I mean REALLY GUARANTEE anddddd that I will like to prepare it at 7:00am.. LOL

Big challenge and BLOG CANDY involved sistahs

Mwah to da sistahs who will give FOOD advice
