Monthly Archives:: April 2007

HI! big huge waves at you!

I am back.  hmmm.. the bella is back… why am I still awake?  I nunno but I will be going to sleep shortly.. just wanted to stop by (lol) and say hello.  All I have been doing for the past 4 days is this:

[photopress image=”emilywishbigpapercraftscall.jpg”]

the picture of course is a little “skewed” and the ribbon (which is a symbolic lane–did the sistahs get that symbolism???) is crooked but that will all disappear soon.  I think I am gonna take the plunge and buy a picture ‘tent’ or ‘studio in a box’ recommended by Lynnraeabella!  If anyone has any other recommendations regarding this, I would love to hear them!  I use my 3 line dots background stamped repeatedly, and Tyler’s car and “wish big” (you do NOT want to know what I was wishing while driving with 2 children and a crabby husband for 6 hours).. and glittah!  I Hope you like it!  I use *ALL* of my 3 liners and single borders as backgrounds.. keeps cost down and is so much fun to use.. try it! you’ll like it!

We spent 4 days driving from one food infested house to another (is it monday yet??), ate, visited and went to our next destination… hugged kissed, said hello and BUH BYE, and off we went to our next destination.. The best part of the trip was seeing my grandmother “nanny” who to my children is “nanny nanny” (twice over nanny) and Ryan’s grandmother.. they are the highlight of our lives (sorry moms and dads).. to see their faces when they see our children is priceless.. so it was worth the 6 hour drive!

Ok, you must think I am neglecting my bellas.. I totally owe some blog candy for the organizational contest.. OMG.. I feel so bad so I will announce it tomorrow!

(2) I am going to pick up storage tomorrow (KEEP FINGERS CROSSED)

(3) Fellas are being manufactured as we speak.. will advise big reveal (just wanted to let all of my competitors know..LOL)

(4)  I have SUCH a bella I have to show you sistahs… I know you are spoiled but I just havta so stay tuned over the next few days.. can’t say when yet (I know I am mean but you LOOOOOVEEEEEEE me anyway)

(5)  Is anyone thinking of going to the “CREATIV festival” in Toronto?  I am thinking of picking a day to be there at the “Cherished Scrapbooks” booth.. but not sure which day.. I would LOVE to meet some sistahs!

(6) I will be working like a fiend over the next few days playing catchup so if anyone has any questions at all please email me and I will respond asap!

So what’s new with all of you?  Did I miss anything juicy?  I have been reading the bellaholics yahoo group and am in LOVE with everyone there.. they are having SO MUCH FUN!

