Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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BELLAGALLACLASS FULL! we are now booking for April 12th

if anyone is interested just email me!  thank you so much for your support.

We are buried here at DA BELLAS place in orders and snow.. a LETHAL combo.. LOL.  Please understand that we are trying our best to get your goodies out as soon as possible!  We also have a big surprise.. wanna know what it is?  we have been working very diligently with UPS for the last little while and finally signed a contract where we will pass our great discount on to you!  We know how frustrating it is (I am a SHOPPER REMEMBER?? LOL) to order and have the parcel take it’s time in getting there (Canada Post).. so we will be implementing UPS as of next week where you will have COMPLETE trackability, guaranteed services, and short transit times.. HOW GREAT IS DAT??? I am so excited about it.  Can you believe that this excites me? LOL… it’s been a looooooong day sistahs. a looooooong day!

love to all

big MWAH’s


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  1. This is great news!!!! Living in the armpit of the country ( I usually use a different body part…. but want to keep it clean 😉 ) Nothing I love more than tracking Mr. Brown and awaiting his arrival on my doorstep!!! Guess I’ll have to order more to try it out! LOL

    I still think we need a travelling class with you two….. start in Regina…. you can stay at my place!

    Have a great weekend! Happy order packing~

  2. Yiipppeee, that’s a very wonderful news!! Absolutely wonderful!! Thanks so much Em for totally doing this!! You’re DA BOMB!! It’s nice to see MR BROWN once in a while…hee-hee :0) I just ordered some goodies last week does that mean I’ll get them sometime next week, maybe?? >

  3. I had no complaints -seemed like my orders were arriving within a day of you sending?? but whatever works 😉 UPS is around the corner from me 🙂

  4. HI EM!

    I am so….excited that you will now be using UPS. That means my packages will get to much faster. Now, I will have to look behind the pillar verses standing at my mailbox. LOL Will the shipping rates still be about the same?

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Uh-oh — if I can get stuff faster, that means I’m gonna have to order more stuff… You’re making trouble for me, lady!!! That is life-changing stuff, you know…

    By the way, when you get your head above water with all the shipping, and if you still have that card with my LSS’s # on it, give her a shout. She still wants to carry da Bellas! Shoot me an email if you need more info.


  6. Soooo I’m gonna have to move closer to you to take a class??? lol.. My anniversary was this past Saturday and guess what I asked for hehehehehehe… and UPS shipping GET OUT OF TOWN.. wow Em could you ROCK anymore!! ((((HUGS)))

  7. I dunno, I’ve always found for small packages (the size of a couple of pieces of rubbah) Mr Brown is ridiculously expensive. Guess we’ll see if he’s changed his ways…

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