Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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are ya ready for two new bellas?


I can’t hear you…………………………

what did you say?

 Did you say I should wait a little?

mwah to da sistahs!!


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  1. OOOH god ya ,bring them on ,pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze

  2. Emily, you are such a tease!! 🙂 Of course we want more Bellas!! More, more, more! Please, please, please present some new Bellalellas. Time to Christmas shop for me (Oh, did I type that?). I mean shop for family and friends. Have a great day as we wait patiently.


    oh please PLEASEEEEEEEE give us new bellas!!!! NO WAITING!

  4. I only saw one, too! I can’t wait to see what other goodies you have in store for us! And we have always been here….we didn’t go too far. Just still stuffed with turkey! 🙂

  5. P L E A S E . . . I need to see the new BELLA’s. Two weeks ago I had surgery (total kne replacement–ouch!!!!!), I check daily to see what’s new, come on, stop teasing and show us lot’s of new Bella’s!!!!!!!

  6. Oooh-la-la!!! Can you make that a stamp please! I love this saying!!! Now to find the NEW BELLAS!!
    Thanks Em!

  7. Adorable – wonderful – wintery – love them! Thinking of leaving Florida just cuz I now want to live like them! Great work as always.

  8. oooOOOoooOoooo!!! I love Glideabella too! So cute!!! Got to get to my LSS and get her to order some new goodies!!!!

  9. Oh my gosh…… I am in love with the two new bellas I just gotta have them way too cute…anymore bellas coming for our party????

  10. After dealing with a major snowfall last week I was NOT a happy sistah! These little beauties have made me love winter again.
    They are adorable!!!!!!
    MWAH to you dear Em!

  11. I love these new little cutiebellas and they will be in my cart waiting for my hubby to order for me! Em……you’re a gemabella!

  12. oh em they r just 2 cute, i love them 🙂 y couldn’t have i jst waited a little bit longer b4 i put in my last ordah?!? does shipping and handling still costs the same even if u send them by regular mail?? or else i’ll have 2 w8 4 MORE NEW ONES to come out.

  13. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The question is not if we are ready but are our walletts ready?????

  14. Em,

    The new bellas are fabulous! Of course, I made myself a promise that I would use each and every one of the 27 bellas 7 fellas I currently have before ordering any more, but these cuties are making that promise a tough one to keep! I better go ink up the rubbah. . . .

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