Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ok now FOR REALS… SHE is my favorite :) LOL.. AND A CHANCE TO WIN!



Winnah of Tiny Townie DOROTHY the DREAMER goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

201	- NANCEE PURDUM you win!  please email me.  In the subject line, please say "WINNER OF DOROTHY THE DREAMER" with your mailing address

Timestamp: 2015-06-01 03:27:46 UTC





Hiya sistahs !  I LOVE reading all the comments you write.. makes me so happy.. some make me giggle.. some make me think and appreciate the little things.. It’s amazing how all of us are so far apart but can be so “close” together.. does that make sense?

I love seeing new sistahs who just “found” us and immediately felt comfy cozy and commented :).. Im a VERY happy bella 🙂

So WELCOME to all da NEWBIES.. and Welcome to all da NOT-NEWBIES 🙂 (i figured that was better than OLDIES..LOL)

just a little note.. If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter (link on blog), you should!  I send out newsletters during release times and during “CRAZY TUESDAY” sales or sales in general 🙂 I never “bombard”.  I just “gently remind” LOL.

Ok without further ADOOOOO.. Meet TINY TOWNIE DOROTHY the DREAMER and her sentiment.  Have you ever gotten so ENGULFED in a book that some of the characters come to life?  Well that ‘ s what happened to Dorothy.. and happens to me all the time.  Dorothy is an avid reader.. she loves to imagine.. she gets lost sometimes in her thoughts.. (sound familiar?).. and.. well… you can see what happens to her :)… she gets a little visitor.. a cuddly one 🙂



All of our images, are , of course coloured by our “in house colouring counsel” LOL ((IHCC).. I LOVE IT!)  Elaineabella aka @markergeek if you want to follow her on Instagram.

And here are some samples made by our PHENOMALICIOUS AMAZING DESIGN TEAM!  Have I told you I loved them lately?

here is SHELABELLA’s card


Here is Lesliebella’s card


And here is Stephabella’s card



Isn’t Dorothy AMAZING!!?!?!?


Wanna win her?  ok.. just leave a comment and tell me how much you love me.. LOL.. Just kiddinK. Leave a comment and you’re automatically in the draw to win her!

Mwah to da sistahs who “get” my humor and LAUGH  WITHHHH me  not ATTTTTT me.. hmph


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  1. Ok stop now! I have no room or money left!!! Love them all but I agree this is possibly my fav although I don’t know… They’re all ace!!! Need them all!

  2. Oh my, each one is just cuter & cuter. I want them all and am excited to get coloring them.

  3. My goodness…Where do you want to bring us, Emily? One Townie is showing and I think: she is the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen…but NO, just the next day you come around the corner with the next cutiest Townie…*lostmybreathe*
    I love all the new Townies and I really really love your sentiments…so true and holeheartedly amusing…
    Thanks again for sharing your inner childs and monsters and what ever you have to show…and for the chance to win, of course…;)
    Hugs from Germany,

  4. Dorothy is so cuye and should be named Kara after my neice who loves to read and wear tutus. I will have to have this one for her next card from Auntie!!

  5. Dorothy is so cute!! This last school year, I listened to 3rd graders read @ school & wanted to make each one of them a bookmark, but couldn’t find just the right thing. Dorothy would be perfect even if she is bigger than your average bookmark!

  6. I’ve always been an avid reader, so of course this stamp speaks to me. There were a lot of times I wished the characters would come to life and visit me for a little while.

  7. Money, money – I need more money so that I can bye ALLLLLLL the new stamping Bella stamps!!! You simply keep to amaze me with all this cute stamps. More needs for new stamp apears infront of me <3 <3 😀

  8. Oh man… are making this very hard. lol I thought I had seen the cutest, and now this one comes up !! Maybe I’ll win one so I only have to buy all the others !!

  9. First, You ARE funny, so we definitely laugh WITH you NOT at you silly !!. I enjoy reading your blog posts. Dorothy is soooo ADORABLE, I love her. This release has been so Amazing !!! I can’t even pick a favorite, I love them all, so exciting.

  10. Dorothy is perfect! She is me…..I’ve dreamed and had more than one dream come true… lucky can one person be. To dream is what gives us hope and a reason to look forward to all the possibilities. Thank you for her and the lovely sentiments.

  11. Dorothy is ME!!! And my oldest daughter and my granddaughter! I can see why she is your favorite. (But we won’t tell the others, don’t want to hurt any tiny townie feelings. ????)

  12. super cute, in school I would disappear and they would find me in the library on the floor reading. pretty much still that way, I read and lose track of time, of course this also happens when I go to my little craft and card room. love all the new stamps, it’s going to be so hard to pick which ones come first.

  13. Love the townies! They are so cute and adorable! I wish I had some money so that I could add them to my collection!

  14. She is adorable! I can’t wait to color her up and use her in my granddaughter’s scrapbook on a page with her Daddy reading to her. What a great birthday card it will make too! This is awesome!

  15. Love the new designs! Love the color waves chosen…And if people don’t get your sense of humor…keep trying! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I would love to win the Dreamer stamp, it reminds me of my niece. She has a birthday coming up, this could be timely! Thanks for the opportunity.

  17. Okay, Em, my sistah girl, are you going to have enough Tiny Townies? Cause I can tell from the comments that a lot of us are going to be crazed and want to buy every one. You are going to be so bombarded on June 1. Such a good way to be bombed 🙂

  18. he he he he!! oooh I love her!! that monster dude is so cute behind her!! now I must concentrate on getting the spam sum right…yesterday I managed to get it wrong?????? shocking!!! pmsl!!!

  19. Hi Em. I am one of those newbies you were talking about. I don’t know YOU, YET, but I am sure I’d love you! I know I love your sense of humour. Unfortunately, due to my newbie-ness, I don’t own any of your Bella’s so of course IWANNAWINHER!!!! Thank you for the chance!
    Your DT are ALL really talented and their cards are amazing!

  20. I need to say: I love all the new stamps. And I love you for bring them to us. Not only all this cute girls and character, the sentiments that come with all the images are just great.

  21. Love her. She reminds me of me, except I need the elephant. I always have a book in hand. Even when blow drying my hair. Love her.

  22. I love you so much and I love new release…Thanks for chance to win fabulous stamp—

  23. I think Dorothy the dreamer will
    Be a new addition to my collection. Reminds me
    If my daughter!

  24. To be lost in the world of our imagination is one of life’s pleasures. This stamp image sure conveys that!

  25. Ugh! I’m going to be in such big trouble when these go on sale. I haven’t seen a Tiny Townie yet who I haven’t instantly adored. And as much as I love the Uptown Girls, these Tiny Townies might be my new favorites. And I totally relate to Dorothy! I get absorbed in my books too. Love her cuddly monster friend, so cute! 🙂

  26. I love seeing the samples that are created by each person. It shows how one image can look so different depending on how it is coloured. Tiny townies are so cute.

  27. OK its official my June 1st paycheck is spent.. Yep got to have them all. C’mon June 1st.

  28. I already have quite a few of your stamps and with all these new ones out, it looks like I will be adding a few more to my collection !!!

  29. AAAhhhhh!!! She is absolutely adorable! I love every little detail about her right down to the precious striped stockings and the over sized glasses. And the “monster” melts my heart. I can honestly say I don’t have a favorite. I love them all!!

  30. Dorothy is reading #Outlander! She is just like me…just dives in and comes up hours/days later and thoroughly immerses herself in other worlds. And loves it!

  31. Ohhhh! I can´t manage so many gorgeous stamps! Please, please don´t torture us anymore…

  32. I was sitting, drooling, wishing this was my stamp and Supertramp’s “Goodbye Stranger” came up on my play list. The verse “may all your dreams come true” sealed the deal. I am meant to have it. Its Bella-Karma. Don’t you think?

  33. another wonderful lil townie. Your inhouse designer is brilliant. Your DT’s Aileen showing your new stamps off to perfection. Cant wait till they are all available.

  34. Sigh …. My stamping has been almost non existent over the last couple of months. Life has been a struggle. But … Oooh …. My fingers are getting so itchy just seeing these sneak peeks! I am feeling so excited about stamping again! Can’t wait to have some time to play!! Hugs xxx

  35. Just when I think that the stamps could not get any more delightful, I am again in love and laughing or smiling at the cuteness of the new stamps…There is something in each one that makes me smile or laugh. Something new each time I look at them. So much to look at… I love each and every one of them…

  36. Just adorable!! I believe I will be buying this stamp for my niece who just loves to read.

  37. Umm….. not luvin u so much ms. Bella…..because I am in love with these new creations of yours and I can’t afford them all. Boohoo.

  38. this one is my new favourite. I can totally relate to the image of Dorothy with her books and her very vivid imagination keeping her company.. and comfortable! since she’s sitting on the cuddly creatures’ lap !!

  39. Love this Tiny Townie!! All snuggled up with her books! How I miss the summers when I was girl and I would spend hours on the porch swing reading!

  40. Patiently waiting for June 1st ; ) This stamp brings me right to thoughts of my Mom, always a book, magazine or newspaper in her hands. Also our many many trips to the book store and unfortunately one code ADAM when I “lost” my niece. Scary at the time but we laugh about it now. Ya know I didnt tell my sister for Two yrs.

  41. Oh my goodness yes! So far she is my favorite. Dorothy is just so flipping adorable with her specs and imagination. I’m a reader and I usually find myself lost in my books myself and it would be fun to have an adorable monster to hug as well
    Jess Marin

  42. I absolutely DO love you…I thought I could never adore anything more than the Uptown Girls…they will forever be my favorite, I have to have every new one that you create. AND NOW, here are the tiny-ies and I love them even more, (ok at least equally.) Never make me choose! We are so lucky for your creative gifts, I can’t wait to stamp these girls and I love Dorothy with her glasses done in glossy effects. That’s clever! Holy AWESOMENESS – you have made my week!!!!

  43. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! <3 I absolutely love to read, stamps that deal with books/reading AND ones that are unique! This 1 touches my heart and is my favorite so far! 😀 Love loving all these new fabulous stamps!!!!!

  44. Tiny Townie Dorothy the Dreamer is by far the best one…lol I think they all are the best.

  45. Oh, Oh, I can use this one for all three of my daughter’s as they are all avid readers….ummmm…I think I have said I could use ALL of them for my girls…wellllllll…I guess they are just going to get bomb barded with cards! Love them all! Thanks for the chance to win these awesome, adorable stamps!!!

  46. I love your little girl stamp series. Their darling faces remind me of the characters in the Joan Walsh Anglund books some 50 years ago. I have to tell you, though, I have a problem using the “May all your dreams come true.” saying because I worry what if all their dreams are nightmares?

  47. This is such a cute stamp. It will go great in the cards I make for my daughter to give away to children and other teachers. I’m sure she will think the monster is adorable. Thanks for being so creative and the chance to win.

  48. U r so right! Not a newbie who loves to play with your stamps! This one will be added!

  49. I am having a hard time picking a favorite….I’m new to your stamps and want almost everyone I’ve seen!!! This one is a fav because I LOVE to read!

  50. Oh my! Dorothy is just precious! I love this one! She just might be my 2nd, behind Amanda of course! LOL! Just how many more are going to be added to my list??????? (all of them, of course!!) 🙂 Love, love, love this release!!!

  51. Oh, this image is the best! I love curling up with a good book and I am happy that I have passed that part of me to my girls. It is my favorite thing to do (other than coloring, of course!) and I definitely need this cutie to make my daughter’s bday card this year.

  52. So in love with this one!! My sister loves to read. I see a bookmark in her future! Love. Love!

  53. One of my favorite books is The Wizard of Oz. i wonder if that’s what Dorothy is reading???

  54. Adorbs! You’re killing me…ER my wallet. No if I could only color them as beautifully as your artists.

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