Hiya sistahs! I hope you are all welllll!
Sorry for the delay in my post :(.. I am gonna announce da winnahs from last week’s bellarific Friday
da CONTRIBUTING WINNAH for bellarific friday and who wins $20 in Bella bucks is:
Here are your random numbers:
36- LORIE HAINES!!! you winnnnnnnnnn!!!!!
Timestamp: 2010-03-18 20:41:42 UTC
now for the COMMENTATOR winnah of $10 in bella buckeroonis!
Here are your random numbers:
6-Rosanne you win!! please email me your info and I will send you $10 bella bucks!
Timestamp: 2010-03-18 20:44:53 UTC
Mwah to da sistahs who tolerate my BOOOORING postssssss
oh my oh my oh my 🙂
still on vacation
(but missing you Emily and everyone in Bellaland)
you must sign me up for those
amazing new classes in the newsletter
can’t breathe
see you soon… can’t wait
(need the new ribbon and flowers too!)
Mwah Shelley
hey em
yippy, i won. that will come in handy for the next release. i may have to share with leslie!!