Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Just had to share.. this is HILARIOUS. Rhonda Coleman a sistah on the Bellaholics group (you should totally join if you haven’t.. the link is on my homepage). I asked Rhonda for permission and she agreed :). She posted this after my last bella release.. OMG I hope you enjoy it as much as I did..LOL

“…I guess that’s why I’m in an “aholicsanonymous” group!!!

I read the words “LatteBella” in an email and I just HAD to visit . And then I SAW her, and she started calling to me, then, the LatteBella coffee cup on my desk started calling to HER, and THEN, she just JUMPED right into my shopping cart. And as if THAT wasn’t bad enough, I saw the card charms to go with her and before I knew it THEY had joined LatteBella in my cart.

Well, then I read about a crafty bella, so, like a silly fool, I followed that link. OMG!! How perfect is she?!?!?! Well, you KNOW how those Bellas stick together – silly girls! Next thing I know, LatteBella is serving CraftyBella a cup of White Chocolate Mocha Latte in the shopping cart!

And THEN, they started whining that they were lonely and needed some “pretties” to keep them company. LatteBella kept whining and whining that she wanted some baubles to play with. Well, you guessed it, next thing I knew, a set of Tutti Fruitti baubles was sitting on her little cafe table in MY shopping cart!! Of course, I KNEW once that happened that CraftyBella – the little copycat – was going to have to have something too, but SHE wanted RIBBON! She screamed and cried, and threatened to hold her breath until she DIED. By this time I just really had a headache and HAD to give in or lose my sanity, so a spool of Bella’s Favorite Reversible ribbon joined the rest of the stuff in my cart.

Recognizing a DANGER POINT was quickly approaching, I said, “THAT’S IT!” I had to get out of that place or totally lose control. So I VERY QUICKLY hit the “check out”button before the ribbon and the baubles and the charms and the Bellas set up such a racket that THE BELLA herself would have to come and see what was going on!!! Hopefully in a week to 10 days those silly little Bellas and their “pretties” will be showing up in my mailbox. THEN, I’ll show THEM a thing or two when I put Stazon ink all over their pretty little bodies and STAMP, STAMP. STAMP with them.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Rhonda – poorer, but alas, not much wiser!”

Mwah to da sistahs who have argumentative bellas and embellishments in their cart


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  1. Oh my goodness….that was hilarious! And I thought I was the only one who had problems like that!

  2. That is too funny!
    I just had to break up a bellariot myself…….. when your wild – your wild. what can you say 😉

  3. OH MY….and here I thought that I was just buying stamps…who knew that I was growing my family!!!!

    Waiting on a shipment RIGHT NOW… My “working” girlfriends are very excited for our next stamping party!

  4. LOL OMG that’s so funny!!! We really need to do something about those argumentative + spoiled bellas.. I’ve heard that the more you spoil them, the less things they’ll want!! 😉
    YKW? I think that once they get home, they’ll all gang up on every sistah and make us buy even more stuff!!! oh well… what can one do, right??

  5. OMG! That is flat-out hilariouss!! It’s absolutely cracking me up right now! AHHAAAAHAHAH!!!! Those Bellas, I tell ya, they can be pretty spoiled and bratty!! But mind you, they’re so cute and’s hard to resist them!! I tried so hard but it didn’t work. They all jumped in to my cart and par-tayy!!! Yippeeee!!!

  6. Well at least Rhonda did not put Ipodabella in her cart because when Ipodabella throws a party, she does not discriminate. She invited a bunch of babies from Tiddly Inks and the chichiboulie fairies to my cart!

  7. I am in the Bellaholics group and when I read that post I was laughing so hard! My Bellas did the same thing to me in my VERY FIRST order! I wanted Blingabella and then next thing you know I had giftabella, hitchedafellabella, and then the bridalpartybellas hoped in the cart, and who forget baby bella pea! Which I just got them today…and I can’t wait to play!

    And now I have MORE Bellas jumping in my cart and waiting to get checked out and shipped to play with my new bellas I just got!

  8. OMG – that is hilarious! I have the same problem. No one wants to sit alone in the shopping cart!

  9. but didn’t you know that it is actually impossible for a Bella to sit in a shopping cart alone? It is like when a woman needs to go to the restroom when you are out to eat – she never goes by herself (HORRORS!!!) – she always takes a girlfriend or 2 or 10 along with her!!! 😀

    this is priceless and way tooooooo true, by the way!

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