Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ya know when..

You are looking for that perfect offwhite/eggshell/NOT YELLOWY paper?  Well Nickabella and I have ALWAYS been on that quest.. we walk into a stationery store and just always find IVORY to be YELLOW.. ever get that type of thought? LOL.. I am so DEEP.  ANNNYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY  I have found DA perfect eggshell/ivory/not yellow at all/ PAYPAH!!  It is 80# in weight (wish i was.hmph) and takes spirits and prisma and copic BEAUTIFULLLLY!!  in my “what’s new” section (LOL.. HOW DID YOU ALL LET ME LIVE SO LONG WITHOUT IT???????).. Also have a new little member of my bella family.  His name is YERTLE.  He is my FAVE and his sentiment is cutesy too, NO?  I did post a card so you will be able to see what i mean, bean.

Have a few more goodies/tools to add to DA WEBSITE in the next day or so… STAY TUNED!

Mwah! to da sistahs who have no idea what I am talking about when I contemplate eggshell/ivory paper versus yellow


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  1. Yertle is perfect!! We have two pet turtles, Molly & Elliot, now I can make cards for them 🙂 DH has to agree, no? Thanks for all the new stamps, they are like little gifts of inspiration!

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