Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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a little piece of EBRUBELLA’s work!  she came in and snuck a video whilST i was not here..LOL

Aside from the pee pad and a little bit of dust… here’s an action flick on our little FRANKIE

stay tuned tomorrow for a BIG announcement

mwah to da sistahs who don’t mind a little dust 🙂


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  1. SHUT UP!!!! This is the CUTEST omg I need to fly Ebrubella to Tennessee (you can come too, Em) to make a video of Morkabella aka Kekipu Sparklepuff! CUTEST DOGS EVAHHHHHHH!

    Wherever did you hear about him? 😀 hahahaha

  2. OK, my kids must of watched this video 10 times now and nowhere did they notice the dust or the pee pad :o) all they could say was ahhhh, ohhhhhh he is so cute. Can we have him :o)

  3. I have to thank you *sooooooo* much for sharing this! It really brought a smile to my face and made my day! How old is Frankie?

  4. This pup is going to be the most spoiled little furbaby on the planet! 🙂 HE IS TOO PRECIOUS! This video made my day! Since I am on the other end of the continent from you, he may be full grown before I get to come to Bellaland, so keep the updates coming!

  5. OMG – I could just squeeze the little furball to bits. He is so cute. Since I have to visit Cayne’s to pick up a new hand mixer in case I cook or bake sometime, I will drop by & give him a cuddle.
    Barb W.

  6. Saw him yesterday and LOVED him!! never really got the chance to hold him as that was my DD’s job (she never wanted to share).
    He is ADORABLE !!

  7. I actually got to meet little Frankie (SOOOOO cute) and Emily and Dena this week!!!!!!! It was very exciting to actually be in Bellaland and do a little shopping in person. Thanks for the warm welcome!!

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