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This week’s challenge!!

Hiya sistahs! Hope you had a great weekend and for all of my American sistahs.. hope you are enjoying your long weekend!

Here is your challenge this week!  I hope you enjoy it!

It’s due by Thursday May 28th 5:00pmEST.. please email your submissions to and have lotsa fun!!!  This is Nicky’s sketch translated by Shannanabella

Now for da winnahs.. The entries are soooo AMAZING!!!  I can’t choose so I cut up little pieces of PAYPAH in a cap , shook it a little and Ryan picked one out… CAROLYN ORGAR!! Way to go SISTAH!! Your $20 will be in your account in Bellaland!!

Now for the PEANUT GALLERY WINNAH!  Nicky picked the numbah 4!  Guess who that is? ANOTHAH local sistah!  KAREN WILSON!!  How funny is DAT? Your $20 bellabucks will be in your account here too!  SOOO FUNNY!

Ok so let’s see what our BABES have been up to!

Nickabella has been BIzZy at work and made the following 2 cards which are just SCRUMMALISH!

Nicky used cherryblossom BITTYBLOOM along with our new Doodlebug Cherries Jubilee paper collection!  GORGEOUS no?

Another card was made  by Nickabella using the largest of the 3 separate daisy background featuring Doodlebug’s new CHUNKY GLITTER in the center of each flower.. LUSCIOUS!!  The “backdrop” paper used is Basic Grey VIOLET from the Wisteria Collection

Jenabella made a gorgeous card using our KNOWLEDGE SPEAKS stamp.. I JUST LOVE IT!!! the coloring and the IDA ZIPERRELI paper from American Crafts.. is it not STUNNING??? She also made a GORGEOUS card using SHOWER BUGG!  LOVE IT!!

Joannabella made a deelish card using our Turtle Tots TEDDY BEAR stamp.. Isn’t it CUTE????

Lindabella made a STUNNERIFIC (new word) card using our HAPPY FLOWERS.. OMG.. to FAINT for!!

Sarahbella has the cutest “DANDIEST” layout using our SOLID Funky Dandelion stamp.  ISn’t it AMAZING??? she also used the KETTO badge (which I will post later) and thickers.. YUMMO!

How’s DAT for some of da EYE candeeeee??!

Mwah to da sistahs who cant wait for our Wednesday surprise!!


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  1. Congratulations to my home girls..Carolyn and Karen!!!
    Emily I was there on sunday and loved all the NEW stuff…bought the Doodlebug Line paper and the strawberries and cherries braddies!!
    Love it!!

  2. Oh wow!!!! Isn’t that hilarious!!!!!!! Congrats Carolyn!! I’m so excited and can’t wait to come down now! Funny thing is, Nancy won the gift certificate!! We’re all scrapbooking buddies! LOL!

    Thank you, thank you, Emily!!

    We’re planning a trip down on Sunday. See you then!!! YAY!

  3. Congrats you guys!

    I see a roadtrip in your future…with your scrapping pals from Keswick of course!

  4. I was so excited that I won that I forgot to comment on the eye candy here! Gorgeous cards girls! So much talent here. Thanks for all your inspiration!!

    Ok, I’m off to plan a road!!

    Thanks Monica!

  5. Congrats to the winners!! Very excited to see another sketch as this week’s challenge…they are my favs!!

  6. Congrats to the winner! LOVE this sketch. Just sent my entry in… dreaming of summer time and roadtrips! Can’t wait for Friday to see all the entries!

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