Emily, I follow you blog, and love bellas, I don’t post to often, I am sure you get so many. But, I felt the need today, to give you a cyber hug.. It’s going to be fine….Breath girl breath!!!! Dawn Reply
I sooooooo don’t like the “suicidal Em” part~but I know exactly how you feel! No worries. We can live without the post if need be. Go enjoy your weekend with your sweetheart~and hyperventilate over him instead of over this! Reply
I follow you blog, and love bellas, I don’t post to often, I am sure you get so many. But, I felt the need today, to give you a cyber hug..
It’s going to be fine….Breath girl breath!!!!
Oh you poor thing, I think most of us has been there. Don’t worry about us we can hang.
I sooooooo don’t like the “suicidal Em” part~but I know exactly how you feel! No worries. We can live without the post if need be. Go enjoy your weekend with your sweetheart~and hyperventilate over him instead of over this!
Monday is another day! Enjoy your weekend!
Oh NO Emily, that’s the worst, I know that post always takes ages to pull together. HUGS!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Hang in there!