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SNEAK PEEK day 8! and a chance to win!


Winnah of NACHODEER is:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

Lori says:

OMG! I love him!


Timestamp: 2015-08-17 00:37:02 UTC



Sistahs.. what’s a Holiday release without a HILARIOUSLY INSANE image in it’s mix?  It’s like PEANUT BUTTAH without JELLY… it’s LIKE MACARONI without CHEESE!  IT’s like POTATO without POTAHHHTO… ok that’s a bit far fetched but you get where I am going here… I could go on ya know.. but I will spare you lol

So everyone was in love with NACHO last release.. we had to introduce a HOLIDAY nacho.. of course 🙂  Meet NACHODEER.  I mean he is so insane looking that you can’t resist him.. LOL. I giggle every time I look at those crossed eyes staring at his Rudolph nose.  He’s a goof.  And I LOVE that goof.  I hope he gives you a giggle too.   And the sentiment?  I bet you’re singing it out loud and counting the fa la la’s to make sure I got it right. Do you know how many times I had to go over it?  CANNOT DISCUSS  LOL

Nachodeer was colored of course by our very own Elaineabella 🙂



Want a chance to win Nachodeer?  Leave a comment below and I will draw the winners on August 16th just before release day!

Mwah to da sistah’s who want a pair of antlers like Nacho 🙂



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  1. Oh, I totally want those antlers, hahaha!! And yes, you got the right number of “la’s”!! Only had to count once you mentioned it! Poor Nacho looks very confused about the red nose. He wears it well, though!! Great coloring…he looks nice and fuzzy!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I looooovvvveeee him! I run all breed dog rescue in Illinois so as you can imagine, adore all things dog that indulge my passion for paper crafting (also happens to be how I relax after running around after 16 dogs that are like having 16 2-year olds in your house!). I adore Nacho! Thank you Em for sharing your talent and art with us all! Keep the brilliance coming!

  3. Oh deer! Or should I say Chihuahua!
    This is sooo cute! My next Christmas
    Card as we have a “Nacho” too:)

  4. I’m pretty sure my credit card is going to melt as soon as all these stamps are available. This one is definitely on the list.

  5. I love that Nacho is wagging his tail even as the look on his face is rather tentative. Like “I really don’t know if I like wearing these antlers but if it makes you happy, it makes me happy!” Come live with me, Nacho!

  6. Please, stop making so cute images….*beggingonmyknees*
    Where should all the bucks come from to afford this wish list which is getting longer and longer?
    He’s such a fun pup…love the look…*gigglewithpeeinmyeyes*
    Thanks for the chance to win him!

  7. Look at NACHODEER and his cute crossed eyes and his bright red nose. giggle 😉 You ever hear a song come on the radio or tv and the rest of the day you find yourself singing it..This is so me!! I’m gonna end up humming Fa la la la I just know it….lol Elaineabella awesome job coloring Nachodeer he sure is a cutie. Another fabulous stamp! Hugs, Trina

  8. Nachodeer is just dog gone cute!!! I must have him….I can hardly wait for Sandy Allnock to use him. I can just see him now. now let me see out of all the stamps you have shown I must get…ALL OF THEM…SO FAR…

  9. I bought Nacho when he came out and this will be my first choice of the new releases. I have two dogs and know how amusing they can be at times, I love cats also but they are my barn cats, need them when you live on a farm.

  10. This is would make a very zany Christmas card. It definitely would be “Nacho” Hallmark card!!!!!!!! (Get the pun??) This made me giggle so much – it made my day already!! 🙂 Love it!!

  11. Oh my gosh! I cannot stop laughing at Nachodeer. He is hilariously funny. Would make a great Christmas card because he brings so much joy!

  12. Hahaha! I love his eyes checking out the nose too!! -Does he know he has an ornament hanging from his antler yet!!? I admit, I had to count the “la’s” a few times, singing them along! Thanks for the fun release previews!

  13. Those eyes, that nose so red and the ornament hanging off his antler! They all remind me of my Uncle Harry after too much eggnog! Love him!

  14. What a cutie! But now I’ve got Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa in my head – might as well break out those Christmas CDs now….giggle

  15. Brought a huge smile to my face when I opened the email with this cutie patootie 🙂 I would love to win this adorable guy 🙂

  16. What a cute reindeer! I just love these type of images for those holiday cards that are silly for those silly people in my life!

  17. oh my gosh, he is too cute and would defiitely put a smile on anyone’s face. Great coloring on him, too. Thanks so much for sharing.

    ceashark at aol dot com

  18. Oh!!! my gosh he look like my Chihuahua (Sofia) he look so cute and so stinking adorable!!! O I realy love Nacho!!!! Perfect for Christmas! Very creative. Oh sweet Nacho (:-)

  19. You know what my initial reaction to deer-ified Nacho was? “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I swear, I had tears roll from my eyes.

    I don’t know if you could have captured his surprise as being dressed up as a deer any better than with his crossed eyes! I can literally see his red nose blinking merrily and him being totally confused as to what this strange thing is. Oh, and wait until he realizes he has been dressed up with ANTLERS! Muahahahahahaha!

    Ok, I might be enjoying this extra hard because of my cat … who may or may not have ended up with a bow on her head after the unwrapping last christmas. And her expression of “surprise” was, well, priceless!

    Great job on that stamp!

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