Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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She’s here… a little wobbly, but here.

Check winobella out… I LOVE HER.. she is NOT the one I spoke of yesterday so there is more to come but she is one of my faves… the tilt of the second glass makes me so happy.. I dunno why?  DOOOO YOUUUUUU LOVEYYYYYYY?????????????

So I made a decision… I take pride in making my cards.. I know I am a bit of a spendthrift and enjoy top quality and therefore always end up spending a little more.. BUT, when that card comes out with the swarovski crystal (can’t use anything else anymore) and the perfect charm and the most beautiful ribbon.. I mean, how can you resist?  I wouldn’t use these treasures on bulk cards but on very special single cards.. OMG.. So this is what I thought I would try out.  Lemme know what you think…  I have brought in some charms (Oh have I mentioned that along with every container out on the planet, I LOVE little things?  Like mini things.. miniatures, doll house furniture.. etc.. sick I tell ya!).. So Ya, as I was saying, I brought in some charms that I handpicked myself (with Nicky’s help *winks*) That I thought would go AMAZINGLY with the bellas and fellas.. you know, to hang on the ribbon, to stick on with a glue dot etc.. I dunno, I just feel it completes my card.. you may not agree with me (but you better..LOL).. I have bought MANY charms from dollar stores.. and I LOVE them and would still continue to buy them.. but they are not quite as detailed as these and not quite as detailed as these.. and frankly don’t look ANYTHING like these..LOL!.. I have put one up that is so mini and cute (looks ginormous but is really maybe 1″ high *0.5″ wide).. and it is AMAZINGLY cute.. I will include a jumpring with them so you can apply easily….. I LOVEY bella’s bottle opener.. do you lovey?? the picture doesn’t do it justice… Ok lot’s more charms to come.. I don’t have many because I wanted to try it out to see if the sistah’s liked this type of thing?  I will also post the most amazing swarovskis in my favorite colours.. will package them in 10’s.. I LOVE them so much.

 Ok, ’nuff said (someone said that on an SCS post and I LOOOOOVED IT)

mwah! mwah! mwah!


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  1. oh my gosh, I love her and the charm it is so freaking adorable. oh my gosh yeah I am lovin it.
    thanks em

  2. YES I LOVEY her!!!!!! I started a new cart already. Good thing I got the job working summer school. I am sooooooooo going to need the extra cash. Keep ’em coming girl.

    I hate to but I gotta run. DH is home and its birthday party time. Oh and yes I did FINALLY make him two (yes I made two) birthday cards last night. LOL 😀

  3. Winabella is winderful! If I buy her, will she bring me luck? No matter, I’ll buy her anyway. The two glasses are so sweet, she wants to share. I’m bloody keeping mine, baby! Where’s the charms? Gotta look at them.

  4. I also most forgot…LOVE LOVE LOVE the charm. I would love to see more and I would buy them by the truck load. 😀 I love to use charms too. 😀 So you can post more of those as well and the swarovskis sound amazing…I’ll buy them too. 😉

  5. She is so great!!! Love the charm too! And the swarovskis, OMG!!!! I get them from my LSS, but if you carry them, I will buy them from you instead!!! Those are the only crystals I use too!!! You NEEEEEED more charms, lots more!!!!!

  6. Can I just say that she is FAB! Love her! She is going to be great for invites. Thanks again Em!

  7. OMG!!!! Another Bella order in the works! I was waiting for a new one to accompany Beerafella home! LOL!!

  8. I am almost bought a different rubber stamp with a female and a wine glass…but now I don’t have to…I am definitely getting the is so me…well kinda…actually not so much…other than I am all about the bottle of wine…now I will have to work on that figure…is that possible with soccer legs…giggle:) Body Type…like a wine bottle…hee;)

    thanks for your creativity…you truly amaze me!

  9. Pass the bottle and popped the cork!!!!!! I LOVE her! She reminds me of well, ME. HAHA. Thanks Em. Oh and that charm-also a great addition!

  10. Toooooooo cute! Had to get it for my PMS group!!! Visit us at and check it out. You need to start up a group. We need a Cellabella-Bella chatting on a cellular phone!

  11. Oh my gosh – she is perfect – I LOVE her curly hair – gives her so much character!!! I saw her name before my computer refrehed – but when she came up – I just thought WOW – have to get her!

  12. Hi Emily. Love the new Bella. I looked for the charms that youwrote about but could not find them. I use swarovski crystals on my cards when ever I can. I love the look! 🙂


  13. Oh I LOVE Winobella – but why oh why did you launch her AFTER my birthday order went it!? 🙁 (I assume my friends have “done the business” over my birthday order? Have they? Please tell!!!!)

  14. I found and ordered the winobella last night, but cannot for the life of me find the card you mention — did you put the card somewhere on your gallery or where specifically on the site is the card? Thanks.

  15. I LOVE winobella! Her dress is perfect, her hair is perfect — she’s perfect! I can’t see the charms — I’ll check back 🙂 ~Jennifer

  16. So I leave town for a week and come back to this! You read my mind 😉

    I love Cosmobella, but I drink far more wine than cosmo’s so this Bella needs to come live with me. She’s in the cart and the only thing stopping me from hitting send is the knowledge that as soon as I do, there will be another Bella I “need” posted…

    Maybe I will wait til Monday!

  17. i love her! and would like to order her now (with all the fella’s) but do you have anymore surprises on the way? i would like to order them all together (so they are not lonely) Thanks for all the great stamps and the laughs!


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